
Does any C++ Component Framework beyond Corba Components exist?

I'm looking for a C++ Component Framework like EJB3 (sure, it's Java only) or Corba Components. But I'm not looking for Corba Components. My requirements are portable (linux, unix, optional Windows) C++ interfaces (so, it's not a requirement for the framework itself to be written in C++) optinal well documented or good examples given ...

Flash Video Chat SDK/Component

Hello, I am looking to integrate video chat functionality in our existing web-app. Now I have the following three solutions: Develop my own in flash Any other services? Does anyone have any experience (good/bad) using the above services or would like to suggest any other service? I only want one-to-one chat (pre...

In enterprise Java/.Net projects, does every developer have all dependencies in their classpath?

On large-scale Java/.Net Enterprise projects, does every developer need to have all the components/libraries/dependencies in their classpath/local development environment, in order to make it build? Or are they divided up into smaller sections can be built in isolation (so that they don't need to reference all the dependencies)? In o...

Free Java Swing calendar component for date picking

I need to add ability to pick a date in my Swing application. Picking should be similar to JComboBox, but instead of drop down list I would like to obtain one month with dates and ability to scroll between months. There is no such component in JDK. A list with a lot of third party components is available at

What is the difference between User Control, Custom Control and Component?

These are three different things you can add to a project and I am not quite sure if I understand the difference. They all seem to for example show up in the component toolbox when working with a Form. What are some common usage scenarios for each of them? What is the difference? ...

How to introspect a Flex component before adding it to display

Suppose you have a MyView.mxml file, which is basically a Panel with several children (Form, FormItems, Buttons...). Is it possible to iterate over the MyView and get all the information about its children (types, id ...) before it is displayed. In my Main.mxml if I have this function public function iterateOverChildren(comp:Con...

Problem with component creation

I'm having difficulty with a Flex app I'm creating. I believe the problem is with my poor understanding of the component lifecycle and I would greatly appreciate some pointers! My app runs in Air. The application creates an array of DashItems. A DashItem is an ActionScript class that extends Canvas. Based on data passed on the creat...

Delphi 2009: Pass component name onclick event then set property

I have a custom component of type TSpeedButton that has two extra properties defined: CommentHeading: string; CommentText: string; I set CommentHeading at design time. When the speed button is pressed a memo is shown with a button beneath it for saving its contents. The procedure that handles this: procedure CustomSpeedButton1Click...

Custom iPhone User Interface Component.

Can anyone list custom iPhone UI Components? I know about the Three20 components which are UI and framework. Does anyone know of other similar libraries of UI components for the iPhone. To be even more specific I am looking for a horizontal slider that you can flick and it will continue sliding. Currently Apple has those big wheels (...

How to dynamically add buttons to TCategoryPanelGroup?

Has anybody experience with Delphi 2009's TCategoryPanelGroup component and specifically with dynamically adding buttons to category panels? I can't get it to work properly. Either the buttons do not appear or the alignment is screwed up. Basic outline of what I want to do: procedure AddButton (const Caption, Group : String); const ...

MFC extension libraries (GUI/Controls) recommendations

We're developing/supporting 2 large MFC applications, using VS 2005. Currently, we are looking at various MFC GUI/controls component libraries: : "BCGControlBar Pro" : "Toolkit Pro" : "Prof-UIS" others? The samples/demos provided for those look all great, and the feature sets seem to...

Delphi 2009 - Set default property values in custom delphi components

This should be very simple but I can't find the exact answer I want. I have a custom delphi control based on TSpeedButton. I want the Caption Property of the SpeedButton to always be 'Comments' but I don't want to set it at run-time I want to set it in the component itself so that when I place it on my form it's already populated with th...

Installers with shared subinstallers?

We build a bunch of products that all have a similar structure, and in fact share installed subdirectories, documentation and various system configuration variables (environment variables, start menu items, ...) We've been using InstallShield. It works, but it is incredibly painful to configure a product installer one mouse click at a ...

Java Swing Free Memory component needed

I need Java Swing Free Memory component (similar to that in Eclipse IDE). Preferably free (and open source). Thank you in advance. ...

Should I write a component or a module? (or both?)

I'm trying to write a slideshow for joomla. Specifically one that will be placed next to an article (no necessarily associated with the article though). Should i write a component, or a module? OR should I write a component that is placed in the page using a module (like the com_banner and mod_banner stuff in the joomla basic installatio...

C# Winform UI Componets Layer Order

C# | Winforms When we add any UI or container in winforms, the later added component comes over the earlier added components, we can say it is in a higher to change that layer order or component order after adding components ...

Is it legal to branch an open-source project that has gone commercial?

I have some open-source apps that use a component that was open-source but is no longer so, with its CodePlex repository and project page removed. Do I have legal right to create a branch from the last available source code snapshot available before the project was removed? ...

Is there any way of getting a XAML Editor, either build or download?

Hi, In my current project (presentation, slide software) i need to be able to make some simple XAML, text images, movies and stuff like that. If it were HTMl i would go with fckeditor or another free editor, but what to do in XAML? Anyone know if its possible to make one yourself (like executecommand to a IE)? or download one from anywhr...

C# Components programming ?

Hi! Can anyone explain me briefly what exactly is component programming in .NET and why would I use it ? I don't understand if it's an alternative to Object Oriented Programming or what. Thank you! ...

How can I interrogate the Delphi component palette?

I have lots of components installed - trouble is when I want to find one I rarely use it takes ages to find it. I can look at the ALL choice which lists all components but finding one with say 'grid' in the title is still very time consuming. Is there a database of titles or (preferably) a text file I could interrogate and search? ...