
Drag and Drop, Orderable List in ActionScript 3

I am trying to create a set of drag-and-drop, orderable lists with ActionScript. I know this is possible in Flex. The behavior I am going for can be seen here: Two-way drag-and drop support (you'll have to scroll down) Here is the source code Does something like this already exist in AS? Can I use the Flex component in Flash? ...

Sharing components in .NET platform

Hi! I have an e-commerce website that is already up and running for some time. It's built on .NET 3.5. So far, so good. The "problem" is that now I need to start sharing functionality (products list, order mechanics, customer information, etc) from this project with new projects and external vendors. Since I know the thing is gonna be ...

Freeware ZIP component for Delphi 2010?

Hello. Do you know any free component, compatible with Delphi 2010 to manage ZIP archives (actually, only reading archive contents and extracting files required)? Please no betas. I thought about ZipForge from ComponentAce, but it's free only for personal use. No software distribution allowed. ...

Where should I begin when building a component?

Hello, I am looking to build my own component and have no idea where to begin. I have some Delphi books but they are old and outdated, and am looking for some recommendations on tutorials/books to help me do this. The component will be pretty simple, basically 2 labels and an image. I need hundreds of these in an array, so I thought a...

Hibernate Component with Generics

Ok, this question is best explained in code. So will try to present the most succinct example I can. @Embeddable public class Timestamped<E> { private E value; private Date timestamp; ... } @Entity @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) @DiscriminatorColumn(name="TYPE") public class...

Fluent NHibernate PersistenceSpecification Component and Reference Tests

Hi! I have two problems. 1 . FNH does not test my component correcty and I dont know why. System.ApplicationException: Expected 'DomainModel.Model.Publisher' but got 'DomainModel.Model.Publisher' for Property 'Publisher'. [TestMethod] public void CanCorrectlyMapBook() { new PersistenceSpecification<Book>(_session) ...

How do i use TLBIMP.EXE ?

I've found it in my visual studio folder, but when i open it it simply loads and closes instantly. is that the right way to reach to it's functionalities ? ...

Centering Content in Flex 4

Hi, I'm building a custom component that extends SkinnableContainer. I can center the content either vertically or horizontally inside it, but not both-- and that is what I need. I'm setting the layout to HorizontalLayout for the component and setting verticalAlign to middle. Then I'm creating a canvas to surround another component th...

Custom table component in .net

How do I create a custom table in C#, where i'd be able to set up row titles? Is there a built-in component to do that? I'm currently migrating from Delphi, where there was a StringGrid component. So I wonder if there's such equivalent in .net. As for now, I've tried to play DataGridView, but as far as I understood, it lacks row heade...

Flex application layers

Hello! I'm new to Flex and I want to separate app tiers/components as much as possible. So I have three mxmls: X.mxml which has a datagrid with students Y.mxml which must be able to tell which student is selected in the X.mxml's datagrid (row id ?) XY.mxml which uses the previous 2 Which is the best practice here ? Thanks. ...

VOIP Softphone with API or strong command line interface

Does anyone know of a sip softphone that can be controller by an API. Xlite can launch a call through command line interface, but thats pretty much it, preferably looking for something cheap, the voip SDKs iv seen are pretty expensive and i wouldn't have any knowledge of sip protocol or development. ...

What is a good database data entry component for .net?

What is your favourite way of allowing a web user add/edit records of database table without having to do too much wiring? I'm looking for a clean fuss-free web-interface to a database. Edit For example, I'm looking other options such as this one from Compenentart not a programming language. ...

Setting TTabControl color after XPManifest in Delphi

I have tabcontrol component on my form. After I put XPManifest, its color became white, I want to change it, but couldn't find color property. And I don't want to remove XPManifest as well. Is there any way to solve this issue? ...

how to show all the sample principal component plots in R ?

I noticed something in R , say pc is the result of applying PCA to a data matrix and pc$x is my sample principal component matrix . when try plot(pc$x) , it will only plot the first principal component (pc1) against the second (pc2) , but I actually have more than 2 principal components. how do I show all of them ? ...

Any free shaped button components available?

I recently downloaded the source to an "open source" project that unfortunately has dependencies on a bunch of expensive proprietary libraries, including Infopower 1stClass, which it seems to use primarily for TfcShapeButton, a component that acts like a standard TBitBtn, except that you can give it an arbitrary polygonal shape by descri...

Inversion of Control or Dependency Injection -- anyone doing it in C?

See, for example, here to remind yourself what IoC and DI are. The question and answer here suggests that it does not require an OO l...

Any way to force jidetabbedpane to show always the first tab

Hello, i have the requirement that i have to display a tabbedpane, but the first tab has to be static. So i tried to use the jidetabbedpane, since it cares about the effect, that all the tabs are listed in a box, it is navigable, it can show the desired close operation and so on. But the only thing i am missing is the option: set first ...

Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) in C NOT C++ — anyone doing it?

Has anyone seen or written their own framework for doing Aspect Oriented Programming in C? Not C++ -- I've seen already that there's AspectC which is really C++. Involved in embedded software development which requires C only. I am not asking how to do it, only whether someone has done it already. EDIT: Need clarification on one o...

Clearcase UCM - Working with streams and components, how?

My co-workers and I are relatively need to the stream idea with Clearcase UCM. Currently management has created streams for each functional software package, each of which has defined interfaces and lives within a layered architecture. Developers create child streams depending on the package they are working in, and attempt to develop th...

How to use Nhibernate Validator + NHib component + ddl

I just configured my NHibValidator. My NHibernate creates the DB schema. When I set MaxLenght="20" to some property of a class then in the database the length appears in the database column. I am doing this in the NHibValidator xml file. But the problem is that I have components and cannot figure out how to achieve this behaviour. The co...