
Clear controls does not dispose them - what is the risk?

Hello There are multiple threads(a, b, c etc.) about the fact that Clear() ing items in the .NET component containers does not Dispose them(by calling Dispose(true). Most frequently, IMHO, the Clear-ed components are not used anymore in the application, so it needs explicitly be Disposed after Clearing them from the parent containers. ...

Windows System Tray icons - controlling position

I have a few old apps I've written (in Delphi) which for various reasons use a system tray icon. Most are using AppControls TacTrayIcon or some other similar component. Here's my question: How does one control the position of a tray icon? (i.e. where it is, say, relative to the system time -- 1st position/"slot", 2nd position/"slot", et...

Flash: Advanced Color Picker Component AS3

Hi guys, I'm looking for a free or cheap AS3 Color Picker Component which enables this feature: I don't need more features, just a "rainbow" field to choose more than just the standard hex-colors. I found a lot of those components, but almost all of them are AS2. ??? ...

Combo box slows down Flex

I did the following code. I know it's horribly written, but it's only a box with two combo boxes and a textinput bellow being added to a VBox, whose id is "garage". The problem, is that, however I do it, when I open the combo box the program slows down so much it's unbearable to use it any longer. I'd like to know if you have any idea on...

Is it possible to change a component name in a component designer in WinForms .Net

I've created a component whose name I'd like to be able to change while editing in the component tray. I've added a Designer action for a name property, but now I'm stuck. Looking at the property grid, I can see that the name property is parenthesised, indicating that it's not a regular property. Is this possible? ...

File preview component (C++/MFC)

Is anyone aware of a good, general purpose file preview component for MFC/C++ desktop applications? Specifically, I'm looking for a component that I could embed in my application that would allow a broad range of file types (text files, multimedia, etc.) to be previewed without the need for original applications (such as MS Word, etc.) ...

Free Barcode API for .NET

Is there a decent free API/component for printing barcodes in C#? ...

Android Component ClassNotFoundException

A component I have created works fine if I put it in the main project and reference it from any res/layout xml, but when I put it in a project on which the main project depends, I get a ClassNotFoundException in the xml. Whilst after compiling the interface works fine, it is a pain in the * to design an interface without seeing what I ...

Looking for non-rectangular panel VCL component

Title says it all. Sometimes I want L-shaped, T-shaped, triangular, polygonal ... Free reusable component please . . . ...

Responding to linked Delphi Component Events

I have a custom Component (cut down) TMyComponent = class(TComponent) public procedure ClientConnected; published property ClientSocket: TClientSocket Read ...etc Right now i have in the OnConnect Event of the ClientSocket Call ClientConnected e.g. procedure TForm1.ElvinClient1Connect(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinS...

In C#, can a class inherit from another class and an interface?

I want to know if a class can inherit from a class and and interface. The example code below doesn't work but I think it conveys what I want to do. Does anyone have any recommendations??? The reason that I want to do this is because at my company we make USB, serial, Ethernet, etc device. I am trying to develop a generic component/inte...

How to protect my joomla custom component with serial?

How to protect my joomla custom component with serial? I would like to be able to sell it, and use some sort of license key or similar. Can anyone tell me what sort of options I have? Thanks. ...

Java RAD components/architecture - advice for a .NET developer?

I am new to Java (but have a fair bit of .NET experience). I need to get a Java application up and running quickly, so what I am looking for here is advice on components that will simplify or reduce the pain of common tasks and whose payoff will either be immediate or at least come with minimal investment in time spent learning how to ...

Change AS3 Component Font

Hi, I want to change font name, font size and character embedding properties of a component (Combobox in my case) through Flash IDE (not in action script). Is there an option to do that? Thanks. ...

AS3 Import FLA file

Hi, I have two as3 projects. Project A has 2 files (fla with 1 frame and some components and as with some behavior and a default constructor). I want to use project A in my project B through as3 code. But when I do something like A a = new A(x, y, z); I receive lots of errors that in my I am using undefined properties (those define...

password strength meter component for delphi

Does anyone know of password strength meter component for delphi Win32? Important : must be for a Win32 Form, not for Web. something like that (but for Win32) ...

CakePHP: Query in Component?

Howdy, Got question, maybe even problem while creating CakePHP Component. Basically, I need to implement few quesries that can be accesses everywhere in my layout (sidebar statistics and so). When I try to query in Component, I got error about calling function on a non-object. Damn, can anybody explain me this one? Cheers! ...

Testing if Adobe components are installed on the system

Hi, Does anyone know how to test if a given Adobe component (Illustrator, or Photoshop, whatever) is installed on a system (Windows7). Probably this would be a variable stored in a registry, but what exact key would this be? regards, moniuch ...

Which attribute do I tag a property with to make the VS2008 designer not save it to the .designer.cs file?

If I have an informational property that provides an editor only, in the property inspector, is there an attribute I can tag the property with so that it won't be saved to the .Designer.cs file? ...

java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent()'s purpose and behavior

Most of the tutorials and documentation that I've been reading seem to indicate that most component communication takes place by subscription using listeners. The Java docs indicate that java.awt.Component#dispatchEvent(AWTEvent e): Dispatches an event to this component or one of its sub components. Calls processEvent before returni...