
C# create an array of controls

Is it possible to create an array of controls? Is there a way to get the index of a control if more than one of the controls in the array share the same event handler? ...

Simple Calendar tool

I need to put a calendar control in an option. It must fit in a very small place. The control must show date number, and color by day if we have something schedule. Must be able to navigate and select: Days Month Years Should integrate with database, or manual. Simple, light, fast ...

Problem with ScatterView - Components behind disabled

Hi everybody. I'm working currently on a simple project which consist of a ScatterView with a lot of items and then a Navigation (Implemented as many buttons). The problem is that i will like to have the ScatterView on top of everything, so that users can interact on the whole window as they want. I tried different things: If I put ...

Flex - How can I define a function in one component from another?

I'm a complete Flex/Flash noob, running Adobe Flash Builder 4 Beta 2. I have a main component that needs to be able to call several popups, each mostly the same except for one function and a few labels. Obviously, I'd prefer to be able to define this function and change those labels when calling the popup instead of having tons of .mxm...

Android Custom Component Properties

I have made an component for Android, which uses two drawables. Using static values for the drawables in the code, the component works but now I want to declare the values in the properties (XML) does anyone know how to do this? *Edit; Is there a way to do this without using the attrs.xml? ...

How to show images uploaded by a specific user in Phocagallery - Joomla?

I am using phocagallery to show images/pictures on my site and i am looking for a way to show a link to the user which leads the visiting user to see the albums created by a specific user. Currently I have found way to show the current user's photos etc. but i need a way to see some specific user's pictures. is it possible? If yes then h...

How to create a Flex Display component in Flash?

I have used Flash to make skins, which I import and apply to Flex components. But how can I create a component in Flash, with properties and methods. And make it able to be added to the displayList in a Flex app? I installed the Flex component kit for flash. Created my component in flash (it extends MovieClip). Did Command->Convert to ...

Generify UI components

I was trying for days to figure out if is possible, I failed but maybe it is be possible(I think it should be possible). Let's say we have a few UI components similar with Swing hierarchies + we will use fluent interfaces Fluent Interfaces: public abstract class Component { ... public abstract Component setName(String name)...

Debugging .NET dll from script component (SSIS)

Is there a way to debug .Net dll from SSIS Script Component which is being referenced. Thanks ...

Can I buy a Digg-like comment system for

I'm looking into integrating a Digg-like comment system into a website with an existing user base. I know there are things out there like Disqus and Intense Debate, that are meant for people to add to their blog, but I want (need) something that I can tightly integrate into my site, with out requiring the user to sign on multiple times....

Assigning icons to a ComboBox's List using dynamically-loaded external images.

I'm trying to implement this for an instance of ComboBox specifically, which uses a List to display the dropdown menu full of items. Lists can have icons associated with them, as described in the documentation: var comboBox = addChild(new ComboBox()); comboBox.dataProvider = new DataProvider([{label:'item1',iconClass:IconClass1},{label:...

Problem using Flash Components in multiple SWC files

[Edit: Short version - how do you properly handle namespace collisions in SWC files if one SWC has fewer classes from that namespace than another?] I have a rather large Flash application which I'm building in Flash Builder (because coding/debugging in the Flash IDE is... not good) and I've got a ton of external SWC files which I'm link...

'Must have' .NET components: experienced developers?

Hi all, I thought I'd canvas the more experienced .NET (mostly CSharp/ASP.NET) Developers on the most useful general components. I've got about $5-$7k to spend as I want on components as part of a project which involves web based graphs/reports/data visualisation, but I want to get things that will be useful for general purpose the boa...

In the generic programming/TMP world what exactly is a model / a policy and a "concept" ?

I'd like to know the precise yet succinct definitions of these three concepts in one place. The quality of the answer should depend on the following two points. Show a simple code snippet to show how and what the concept/technique is used for. Be simple enough to understand so that a programmer without any exposure to this area can gra...

Nhibernate multiple component properties of the same type in a class

I have a class LINE which contains two properties of type POINT. I would like POINT to be a component property. If LINE were to contain only 1 POINT, this would be no problem, but since it contains 2 POINTs I would think I needed to distinguish them (so a prefix or suffix can be applied to column names). I tried using the PropertyName a...

Delphi 2009 - Detect if component installed

Hi there, I got some code that I share with another developer. I have a nice debugging module which I leave through out the unit tests but he doesn't have this, so it's a battle of adding and remove the code constantly. Would be nice if there was a way we could use a condition (much like Delphi version or Unicode) like {$IfDef MYCom...

What component marketplaces are available online?

Hey guys, I am looking to install a COTS for a business im looking to start up. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with any available marketplace website. I have only managed to stumble across but I was wondering if there was another source I could access for components to install on my Java EE platform...

Is it a best practices to wrap a h:form tag in the jsf template page

<p><h:commandLink value="Apply Now" action="register" /></p> when i writing code above, exception below throws: [2/12/10 11:24:29:535 CST] 0000005f renderkit W Component j_id26 must be enclosed inside a form. Is it a best practices to wrap a h:form tag in the jsf template page, and then every page using the template can jus...

How should components should add JavaScript and CSS in Symfony

Hello, My layout.php calls include_javascripts() before my componet could call sfResponse::addJavascript(). Is there a "helper" or a "best practice" to handle this? Do I have to Seperate the call sfResponse::addJavascript()? I were happy to avoid it. Here ist my actual workaround: <head> <?php $nav = get_component('nav', 'nav') /* P...

.NET WPF UI Component Library

Which library to use for WPF? Infragistics ComponentOne SyncFusions ActiProSoftware Telerik Thanks, Marco Parenzan ...