
Flex component communication

I use a popup loaded from different MXML file: private function showAddPopUp():void{ addPopUP = PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, add_popup, true); PopUpManager.centerPopUp(addPopUP); } That file is as follows (add_popus.mxml): <mx:VBox width="100%" height="100%" paddingLeft="5" paddingTop="5" paddingRight="...

Execute component code just before or after Form_Load event in .NET WinForms?

I have a component that is in conflict with another component that handles some internal translations. What happens is that business logic components gets executed, then the translation system executes, which picks up texts now present in the form, and attempts to translate them. The problem is that the text now contains things like nu...

component year in objective-c always returns me 0001 (SOLVED)

hi. i need to get the actual year, only the year but when i search for the result, i get always 0001. why is it? with the component i can get the day and the month. ...

Executing SQL from Script Component + SSIS

Am trying to execute sql from script component, but getting error when trying to establish SQL connection. My Code below in Script Component under PreExecute() base.PreExecute(); variables = null; VariableDispenser.LockForWrite("User::TableName"); VariableDispenser.LockForWrite("User::SqlConnectionString"); VariableDisp...

How to go about creating a SQL Server Agent clone / customization (NOT another SQL Server Express Agent question)

I'm managing a web app featuring countless ETL (Extract, Transform & Load) processes feeding a datawarehouse (using SSIS dtsx packages + *.sql files). At the moment, everything is governed by several SQL Agent processes monitoring "scheduling queue" tables. I'm trying to figure out a way to develop a scheduler or scheduling "framework"...

Customizing the UIScrollbar in Flash CS4

Are you able to customize the UIScrollbar component in Flash CS4? ...

C# UserControl Visible Property

Hello, How can I override a UserControl Visible property ? Or how could I determine within a control when it changes its Visible state ? Later edit: I need it to work in .NET CF 3.5. Thanks. ...

Components in Silverlight?

I want to set up data binding using a custom component. Basically, I'd like to do something like this in my XAML file: <ControllerDataBindingBridge> <Bind TargetControl="eFirstName" Property="FirstName"/> </ControllerDataBiondingBridge> How do I create ControllerDataBindingBridge, there doesn't appear to be a simple Component whi...

Flash CS3 Compoenent "import" method and stucture ?

hi I had seen one code of the yahoo map component for the flash cs3 like import; var map:YahooMap = new YahooMap(); // include app-id, width and height map.init("YD-vbXGXH4_JXs3ihv485hjXA--", 550, 400); addChild(map); What i want is to make the import structure is like above "

Best tools [practices] for printing annotated image (TPicture) based documents from Delphi

It seems that most Delphi applications fit into two classes: Database-centric Applications that use Reporting Systems for all their printing needs, and applications that don't need printing. For those in the excluded middle (non-database printing, non-reporting system), there are components to help out. For example, I have been a Develo...

Instantiated components from within a thread aren't repainting into a JFrame in Java

Hi, I have a single class like this one public class BlockSpawner implements Runnable{ public static long timeToSpawn; private GtrisJFrame frame; public BlockSpawner(GtrisJFrame frame) { this.frame = frame; timeToSpawn = 2000; } public void run() { while(true) { try { Thread.sleep(timeToSp...

Third party components for both WPF and Silverlight

I tried Xceed datagrid for WPF and liked it, but the problem is that this vendor doesn't have similar control for Silverlight. It seems for me that it's not very convenient to buy it from some another company and have components from different vendors for such close thechnologies as WPF and Silverlight. Could you share your thoughts and...

Delphi Getting 'Ctrl Tab' and 'Ctrl Shift Tab' in application

In my application I use tabs, my own component, like Google chrome sort of. Each tab reference an explorer component so it is basicly a tabbed browser/explorer. My problem is that I want to use Ctrl Tab and Ctrl Shift Tab to navigate tabs. Setting forms.KeyPreview will not help since the tab key is special key. How can I, in an easy way,...

How does the use of the FLVPlayback component in Flash CS4 Pro (AS2) differ from same component in Flash 8 Pro

I have a project developed using Flash 8 Professional which uses the FLVPlayback component to load video from our Amazon S3 bucket. Everything works great. I have tried to bring this project into Flash CS4 Professional and swap the Flash 8 FLVPLayback component in the library for the CS4 component. When I publish however the video does n...

Why use javabean bound properties instead of events?

What exactly is the point of bound properties? To me they seem to be a less type-safe version of events using EventObjects - it seems a bit weak to be using string equality checking for event.getPropertyName(). Why would you use one over the other? ...

In JSF the "saveState()" method is being called twice. Why?

I put two output statements, one at the beginning of "save()" and one at the end for a custom JSF component. The "saveState()" is in the UIComponent object. Why ar e my output statements being printed twice? Basically this is what I see "entering save" "ending save" "entering save" "ending save" Thanks. ...

Looking for an efficient Java Swing based console

Hi everyone, I'm looking for a highly efficient Swing Java component which I can just plug into my application UI. I already tried using the classes within Swing such as JTextArea with no avail; they simply aren't high-performance enough and have any crippling drawbacks. Additionally, it'd be nice if it had standard console features such...

COM Object Clean Up

What is the difference between the two lines of code below: CComPtr< IInterface > m_interface; IInterface* m_interface; I know that CComPtr help eliminate memory leaks, but I am getting inconsistent results. When declaring the pointer with CComPtr< IInterface > m_interface; and using the interface in my C# code there are no errors, h...

Unable to bind to property of custom component

Can't seem to bind to data from within a custom component. I've tried BindUtilis and {} but can't seem to fathom it out. Here's what I've got: I have a class DataModel which has been made bindable Within Mainn.mxml I have two components: DataGrid (used for testing) & CustomComponent (which extends Canvas) When the data within DataMod...

How can I visually design a component in C++ Builder?

I have been away from C++ for a couple of years now doing AS3/Flex work. I have gotten used to being able to create a component and place it in design mode with very little fuss and I am struggling to get my head around the C++ Builder way of doing the same thing. I have written many components for C++ Builder in the past, but none of t...