
Grid like tables components for Flex/Air

I'm looking for some king of components which will be more powerful then current Datagrid and AdvDataGrid in Flex SDK. I need Paging, Filtering, Dynamic Loading, On Cell Validation, Lookup Field from another resulset and some other features which related to working with database tables and views. We can develop all that ourselves, but we...

Delphi Focus Problem seen by Caret

I have written an advanced text editor component (fixed-width, syntax highlighting, etc.) in Delphi, using Windows API combined with the TCanvas element, and it works great, except for one thing: If I set focus to another control inside the same application that displays a caret as well, such as a TEdit, stealing focus from my editor com...

Custom components - how to manage?

I've made a couple of programs which I release as freeware on my webpage. One of these programs uses TSpinEdit for some number input. It works quite well, so I haven't really had any reason to use anything else. However, yesterday, a user told me he didn't like how small the buttons were. I can't really disagree, because, well, they are...

Do scheduled tasks load Application.cfc in the same way as web pages?

Do scheduled tasks load the Application.cfc in the same way as web pages? We have a task which runs nightly and needs to use a services cfc loaded into the application. Will the application scope exist in the same way as it does when calling a standard web page? Are there any differences or gotchas to watch out for? ...

How to store data into multiple tables in Joomla?

Hi Stackoverflow, I am writing a component and I have a scenerio of storing data into multiple tables with One-To-Many relationship. Master table is Student and Child table is Student_Subjects. One student can select multiple subjects. I want to store the data in Student_subject table with student. Data is submitted from one form whe...

Access violation when accessing public variable from one form to another within a component

Hi, I'll try to be as cleared as possible. I've written a custom component herited from TEdit. This component create a form (Form1) when I double-click on the TEdit. This form, when clicking on a button, creates another form (Form2) modally. This is working well. But, when I want to access a variable (Form1.variable1) inside Form2, I g...

Delphi DB Aware visual attractive tag component available?

I need to implement a tag system for video program and before I build something myself, is there an attractive drag-n-drop tag component that will filter a table for me? ...

Possible to change component on state change - Flex

I've got a whole bunch of data being displayed in different Labels, now I'm adding an edit state. I'd like all the labels to "transform" into TextInputs. I was just wondering if it possible to uses states to change into something like this ...

JSF component for Gantt chart

I need a jsf component for representing Gantt chart. Does any components library (like RichFaces) contains this component? ...

How's View gonna know what component to create?

I'm developing this application where you can put text and drawings in a page. My application is in MVC pattern, and I need all the model parts, text and shapes to be of the same notion. They all extend an abstract ReportElement clas, for example. But the problem is I crate a JPanel for every shape in the page, but to handle text I need...

In CakePHP 1.3 is there any advantage of using $this->Controller->Session over $this->Session in a component?

I'm using a modified version of Felix Geisendörfer's SimpleAuth/SimpleAcl components that I've combined into a single Component, Simple_Authable. I changed his startup() function to initialize() to not clutter the beforeFilter function in my app_controller. One of the things that this component does is check who the active user is and ...

How to get the project path at Design Time

Hi, I use a component (System.ComponentModel.Component) and I want to get the application path of my project in order to create a file within it. Thx Florian ...

Coldfusion CFC creation taking a variable amout of time to execute.

I've been doing some logging of object creation times in our open account process in production. Periodically, initializing an object would take way longer than expected. By initializing I mean calling it's init() and passing a couple of arguments that may be simple variables or objects. e.g. <cfset validateObj = createObject("component...

How can a component at designtime determine the project directory

Hello, I write a component which should store some information relative to the project directory. Every time a property of my component is changed it should write a file. So how can a component determine the current project directory at design time. Thanks in advance EDIT: I want to generate a delphi source file every time a property...

Posting Documentation onto a Joomla Site

I would like to create some documentation and post it onto my Joomla website. This documentation would be something along the lines of the MSDN documentation: i.e. each page would follow a basic template. Intuitively I feel I have two ways of achieving this: 1) Creating each page of documentation as a separate article, and then link...

Multiple Graphics2D Objects

I have a Graphics object of JPanel and that is working fine: import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import javax.swing.JPanel; public class GraphicsTest extends JPanel { private Graphics2D g2d; private String state; private int x, y; @Override ...

Filtering directly and indirectly connected things from list

Hello, if you have a function "test a b" which returns true if a and b are connected directly and if you have a given unordered list of things, what would be an elegant and fast solution to filter all connected things from given list? Example: let test a b = let diff = a - b in diff == 0 ;; let lst = [4;1;7;3;8;9;2;0] ;; filter_conn...

( Flex ) How can we get an imagesnapshot of the entire component without scrollbars?

Hi there I can take snapshot of a component. But the problem is the component is lil bigger with scroll bars. The saved image has scrollbars (only the visible area is getting saved). What i need is I want the entire component to be saved as an image. This exact functionality is available while we print the component using FlexPrintJo...

How do I hide an inherited __published property in the derived class in a VCL component?

I have created a new VCL component based on an existing VCL component. What I want to do now is set the Password and Username properties from an ini file instead of the property inspector. Robert Dunn Link I read on the delphi forum above you cannot unpublish a property and that the only workaround is to redeclare the property as read-...

How do I backup my C++ Builder component installation?

Hi I finally have my C++ Builder 2010 installation the way I want it, with all my components upgraded and installed. (touch wood) I have been working with C++builder since version 1 and I know from countless previous traumatic experiences that this state of affairs could change in an instant. I would like to backup the installation and...