
.NET distribution package - Which type of project is the best?

I use Visual Studio .NET to develop a component named X_Component and I plan to develop several client applications that use X_Component. I need to deploy X_Component with each of these applications. I want to create a distribution package to be included with each application. Which type of project should I create (CAB/merge module/set...

What are the essential COM components required for burning DVD in Windows XP using .NET?

I'm trying to burn DVD/CD through frontend C# code... i have used IMAPI2 for buring CD/DVD in windows XP..but it is giving me unhandled exception... as:- System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast COM object of type 'IMAPI2.Interop.MsftFileSystemImageClass' to interface type 'IMAPI2.Interop.MsftFileSystemImage'. This operation failed...

Deploying .NET components (upgrade the component for only a single client application)

I use Visual Studio .NET to create a component that will be shared by two client applications. Eventually, I plan to deploy new version of this component. However, not all of the new versions will be compatible with both client applications. When I deploy component and the client applications, I must ensure that I can upgrade the compone...

Fluent-NHibernate - Component property attributes ignored by Convention

I have a component with a number of properties that have various attributes Normally when these attributes are added to a plain old domain object they are picked up by my custom AttributeConventions. For the Component properties they are not. Is there some extra wiring needed for these? e.g. public class Component { [Length(Max=...

folder and files selection in .net

I want the control component which can provide access to all file sistem like a folder browser dialog but with supprot of which i can select many folders and file. whether there is already such a component in VS 2008 or made by third parties or should I create it myself? ...

Install a file which should be removed only on real uninstall and never overwritten

When I install my application, along with the binaries, a conf file is installed that the user can change as he needs (it's actually the user data file). I would like this file to not be overwritten or deleted when a repair, upgrade, modify happens and it should be deleted only when a real uninstall happens. In other words: this conf fil...

JSF 2.0 custom composite controls & nesting

Greetings, I'm trying to implement my custom TAB control. I'd like it to be based on new composite components feature of JSF 2.0: <i:tabControl width="480" height="320" value="#{backingBean.someIterable}" var="tab" > <i:tabItem href="#{tab.href}" caption="#{tab.caption}"/> <i:tabControl/> The problem is I don't know how to impleme...

Reccomendations for code/components/software for online custom print

Can anyone recommend code or components (open source or commercial) that can be integrated with an existing e-commerce website to do the following: Allow customers to edit custom text on an image (such as a birthday card) See a preview of the image with the custom text added Generate a proof of the image with the customizations I ha...

Which containers / graphics components to use in a simple Java Swing game?

I'm creating a simple labyrinth game with Java + Swing. The game draws a randomized labyrinth on the screen, places a figure in the middle, and the player is then supposed to find the way out by moving the figure with arrow-keys. As for now, I'm using a plain background and drawing the walls of the labyrinth with Graphics.drawLine(). I h...

Component Level Documentation

I'm trying to make good on a promise I've made to provide a decent set of documentation for a C# component that I've written. I've done some googling and found templates for software design at high and low level. The problem is that all of the templates seem to be geared towards a complete system design as opposed to individual compone...

Syntax highlighting: rich text box control for .NET

I'm looking for a free control/component/library something like a rich text box for editing codes of python (or other languages.) I like to have some features: Highlight codes Auto Indent Line numbering Defining new styles or rules of highlighting (for OpenType keywords) Is there such a control? or I have to write my own? ...

JSF don't find component in view root with the form id

I have a t:inputFileUpload inside the form, in the html of the display page the id of this component is form:inputFile but when I tried to get the component from the view root using "form:inputFile" the return is null, but when the "form:" is removed the return is the component. The component don't set the value in my managed bean, someo...

Is there a Delphi dropdown notification component?

You know how in Firefox, if something happens that requires your attention but isn't immediately urgent enough to require a modal dialog, it will drop down a little strip at the top of the tab with a question on it? I'd like to be able to put functionality like that in a Delphi app, but I don't know if there's a component for that. Doe...

Populate Tree using data from ArrayCollection

Let's say I had an ArrayCollection like this: public var ac:ArrayCollection= new ArrayCollection([ {item:"dog", group:"Animals"}, {item:"orange", group:"Fruits"}, {item:"cat", group:"Animals"}, {item:"apple", group:"Fruits"} ]); How would I create a Tree component in...

Custom Facelets components and attributes defined in taglib

Defining custom components in Facelets is easy and quick but there's one thing I can't figure out. Is it possible with Facelets to define what attributes my custom component has? I.e: I've created a component which is used in such a way: <blue:modalWindow id="editFeesWizard" width="500" height="440" title="Wizard"> and is defined i...

Skin List Component AS3

How can I skin a listbox component in as3?? I want to change the default white background color of the cells and the default light blue on mouse over to match my application color scheme. I found nothing clear on the AS3 Documentation Help is appreciated. ...

.NETCF Component that allows entering a signature

I need a component that will allow me to enter a signature on a Windows Mobile 5 device. I need to integrate it into my .NETCF program. I would prefer it be free (getting budget approval takes so long). (I have seen the "for pay" one by Resco.) I would need to end up storing the signature in a SQL Server database (it has to be able t...

CakePHP 1.26: Bug in 'Security' component?

For those of you who may have read this earlier, I've done a little research and completely revamped my question. I've been having a problem where my form requests get blackholed by the Security component, although everything works fine when the Security component is disabled. I've traced it down to a single line in a form: <?php echo $...

what do you think about some flash Newsletter Form ?

this component is : simply use and you set your e mail address. Later add on your web-site (either flash or html) When a visitor adds name and mail the PHP form sends the info to your mail. That's all :) ...

Does anyone know of a better source of documentation for the Zend components?

I am trying to use the Zend_Service_Twitter API and I find the documentation is seriously lacking in depth and clarity. For example, they have something like this in the documentation: $twitter = new Zend_Service_Twitter('myusername', 'mysecretpassword'); // verify your credentials with Twitter $response = $twitter->account->ver...