
what kind of components can fail in rmi?

Was wondering what kind of software and hardware component cant fail in a rmi program? so for example in a client server model when a client invokes an object in the server? thanks ...

Flash: prevent the user from draging one thumb of a HSlider

Hi, I'm using Flash HSlider component. I used a slider with several thumbs. I'd like to prevent the user from draging just the middle thumb, but can drag other thumbs. I don't know how to do it. Could any one can give me some tips? Thanks. Yuan ...

[C#] Own component with panel

Hi, I want to create my own component which consists two other panels. One of them has fixed contents (such as control buttons, etc.) and the other is standard panel, where I can add other components in designer (VS2008). I know that I have to create UserControl, where I can place my two panels. Then I want to insert my component into ...

ejabberd component port

may i know if i want to use component to connect to ejabberd, do i connect to port 5222 or do i need to create new port? any guide on how to create it? ...

JSF Composite Component

I'm trying to create a composite component for use in my Seam application, and I'm running into problems with the simplest "hello, world" component. I have placed a file named hello.xhtml in {jboss deploy}/application.ear/application.war/resources/greet : <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "

Flex/Flash professional Components - What's the equivalent of companies like Telerik?

In the .NET world order, companies like Telerik provide awesome sets of components for web/windows/silverlight. Who are the equivalents in the Flex/Flash universe? I see lots of sites filled with little 10/20 dollar menu components or uploaders, but I'm really looking to find something a step above that. Thank you! ...

How to add dynamically a component in JSF2 during an Ajax request.

Hello, I am currently trying to dynamically add a new component to the JSF component tree during an ajax request. In fact I add a child to the UIViewRoot component in my AjaxBehaviorListener which is fired on server side during the ajax request process. The issue is that the new component is not rendered. It seems that this component ...

How do I install both D2007 and D2010?

From what I have gathered, one can have both editions of Delphi installed. My concern is that default paths, etc, may get confused especially when installing 3rd party components. The reason why I want to do this is I have some 3rd party components which have not been updated. Although I have the source files, I'm not knowledgeable enou...

Software Engineering Component Repository Tool

Hello, I'm working as a software engineer for a company. We are going to apply some software engineering standards in our development process. We need a tool which provides a repository for our peripheral products (functions, classes, libraries, ...) which is created during software development process for later use. The tool should prov...

Extending Spark TextInput to auto-resize.

Hi have a Spark TextInput control but I haven't figured out a way to make is auto-resize...Does anyone have any code to get started? ...

Flash Catalyst - Export Component to FB

Hi, I'm working on an AIR project using Flash Builder. There's a couple of component that I could see would be easy to generate using Flash Catalyst. I can't see any way to export a Flex component/library (SWC) of some UI elements from Flash Catalyst. All I can see is that I can export an entire project from there and import it as a...

Update Progress Doesnt Work in Component Art Grid

Hello, It would be extreme pleasure , if you could please help me sort out the problem that I have been facing. Im using Component Art Grid control along with asp drop down list and both of these controls are in the UPDATE PANEL which allow me to update the Grid based on item selection from the drop down with having to postback the whole...

Game loop performance and component approach

I have an idea of organising a game loop. I have some doubts about performance. May be there are better ways of doing things. Consider you have an array of game components. They all are called to do some stuff at every game loop iteration. For example: GameData data; // shared app.registerComponent("AI", ComponentAI(data) ); app.regist...

Is there a WPF show/hide panel component?

Hi, I'm looking for a show/hide component, much like the toolbox from VS2010 and eclipse's panels when something is maximized. Could anybody please point me out? Thanks in advance ...

Suggestions on naming components in java and not only

What should be the convension while naming components and why? E.g myJobButton buttonMyJob EDIT: When typing i.e. on netbeans and using code completion with ctrl+space if you choose the second naming convension then typing "button" results on a sorted list of all your buttons. ...

How can I specify the Owner of component read from a Delphi TStream?

I'm reading a component from a stream, and want to be able to specify the Owner property. var TComponent : comp; stream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); comp := stream.ReadComponent(nil); Who owns comp, and how can I change it? I'd hoped the parameter to readComponent would be the owner, but it seems to do something totally different!...

WCF COM+ component

I have a C# WCF client that is wrapped for COM+ Enterprise Services. I install the component on the target machine and use regsvcs to put it into Component services. My question is, where will it look for it's configuration file, as it is running under the dllhost process rather than a regular exe? ...

Module vs. component design

What is the difference between module vs. component design? Thanks ...

Flex : where to find a free spider/radar chart component ?

Hello, i'm building my first RIA in flex, and did a little of research to find a radar chart component free, but all i found is not free (licence >500$). Where can i find it for free ? I'm student and i'm learning flex, so there is no point of buying component for now. Thanks ...

Java Container constraints question

I am using the following: java.awt.Container.add(Component comp, Object constraints) How do I specificy the constraints object? I need to be able to place a component within the container. Oh and my class extends JInternalFrame if this helps... I need to specify coordinates to place the component within the container ...