
programatically testing if there was assigned an image to a TImage on a form

There's a TImage component on a form in my program. In some situation, the program must test: If "there is an image assigned to the picture property of the TImage component" then ............. How can I do this? Thanks in advance. ...

Coldfusion Components:- The argument passed to the function is not of type numeric

Hi I have a simple form form.cfm:- <cfset Registr = createObject("component", "forms.Registr") /> <cfset setFoo = createObject('component','forms.Registr).putNUsr(username,password,rating) /> <form name="regFrm" action="#cgi.script_name#" method="post" onsubmit="submitform();" > <tr><td>Username:</td> <td><input t...

Quick way to create JSF custom component

I know of two ways of creating custom JSF components: 1. Native JSF way: creating JSF component class, tag, etc. 2. Facelets way: defining component in a xhtml file and then creating appropriate decrption in facelets taglib. Currently I work on a project in which introducing facelets is unfortunately out of the question. On the other ha...

Whats the best control to display Images and PDF tumbnail?

I'm looking for a control which shows Images and PDF in a tumbnail view and whenever user clicks on those, a popup opens and shows the complete imageor pdf So, Whats the best control to display Images and PDF tumbnail? ...

How to improve the use of Delphi Frames

I've used frames in Delphi for years, and they are one of the most powerful features of the VCL, but standard use of them seems to have some risk such as: It's easy to accidentally move or edit the frame sub-components on a frame's host form without realising that you are 'tweaking' with the frame - I know this does not affect the o...

Adding action in component in CakePHP

Hi, I'm trying to create a CakePHP component for JQuery datatables in server-side mode. I've got the datatable working but I want to componentize it so I can reuse it in multiple controllers. When I include my new component in a controller I want it to create a new action on that controller called tabledata to handle the XHR queries f...

Is there a Swing component for Google Maps?

I would like to have support for Google Maps in my Java Swing desktop application. Is there an Google Maps component for Swing that is freely available? It would be good if it was extendable and maybe had support for other maps i.e. like OpenStreetMaps. ...

Hibernate: Programmatically binding UserType's on Components

I have several different UserType's (org.hibernate.usertype.UserType) in the system. For this question I will focus on the fact that we use Joda time DateTime and its UserType, PersistentDateTime. I have successfully bound the UserType programmatically to PersistentClass's by: public void customize(Ejb3Configuration config) { Iterato...

Interaction between main flex application and component

Hello everybody. I made a login component for my flex 4 application, and i load this component from my main flex application with: <ns1:Login id="page_login" visible="true"></ns1:Login> Now i want to change the visibility from true to false, from the login component. Is there a way to do this kind of interaction? Thanx! ...

Reusable view components in HTML

Can you create reusable components in html? Let's say I want to encapsulate some css / html and js into a tidy reusable component. How do web developers do this? I'm coming from the Flex, C# side of the planet. ...

Wicket and SVG - any components exist?

SVG DOM can be controlled with JavaScript, so it can be AJAX-enabled... I wonder if there are some SVG components for Wicket yet. And if Wicket can have pure xml/svg as the output format. Quick googling shows only a question at Code Ranch. ...

.Net: Looking for an example to compare "Transaction Script" , "Table Module" and "Domain Model" in order to make business components in business layer?

Hi I'm studying "Transaction Script" , "Table Module" and "Domain Model" but it seems somehow complecated to me. Could you please give me an example which compares these three methods? Thank you ...

Component properties working at designtime but not runtime

I am creating a component that uses a collection and collection items of panels. I can't seem to get the colors to work at runtime, but yet they seem to work just fine at design time. You can download the component source code here: There is a Consoles (Tcollection) property, status colors propert...

Cakephp with OpenID and User Authentication

I have a table "users" and I want to enable my visitors to login with their openID Account. For this I use the OpenId Component for Cakephp and it works fine (When I login with the Google URL I receive the "successfully authenticated!" notification). But now I'm kind of stuck because I don't know how to go on from there. Do I have to...

Is saving an entity with a component collection supposed to do a SQL DELETE then INSERT using NHibernate?

I have an entity, TrackLog that has a component collection of TrackPoints. I create a new TrackLog and add some Trackpoints to it and save it to the DB. When I grab my TrackLog again and add a new TrackPoint, instead of doing one SQL INSERT like I expect, it's doing a DELETE on all the TrackPoints associated with the TrackLog and then r...

Problem with WiX major upgrade!

The Problem: I need both these files, PathwaysMDF and PathwaysLDF to replace (overwrite) the old copies on a major upgrade. Okay, this WiX is driving me crazy. The settings file works perfectly, however the database files are still not working! I have tried several approaches... Here is the code attempting this with the registry key...

hibernate empty collection in component

I have a component mapped using Hibernate. If all fields in the component in the database are null, the component itself is set to null by hibernate. This is the expected behavior and also what I need. The problem I have, is that when I add a bag to that component, the bag is initialized to an empty list. This means the component has a ...

Joomla Component

I just installed a new Joomla component but when I try to go to the component url, it tells me it cannot find it on the server. Please what could the problem be ...

Joomla "online-order" component for Joomla

Hello Word :) Somebody can help me in finding an "online - ordering" component for joomla . That can contain the following function : Possibility of creating Form with pages like RS!Form Uploading Files Supporting Payment Gateways like PayPal , MasterCard , WebMoney , YandexMoney ,Money Bookers , Google Checkout ... more ) Savin...

What components have you built that you are reusing over and over again for your desktop applications?

We are building our internal library of components up, and was wondering what everybody has in their library of reusable components for your organization, for desktop applications. Our list currently includes only a couple of components: Logon, Security and User Group functionality System Tray / Service Framework Component for Interne...