
Using repaint() method.

I'm still struggling to create this game : .I've got it almost working but there is a problem though. When I'm inserting a word and it's correct, the whole window should reload, and JButtons containing letters should be repainted with different st...

Swing layout - Using a grid while keeping component dimensions

I'd like to make a login bar for an application and I can't figure out how to organize a series of JLabels and JTextFields such that they are organized in a horizontal grid without these same components being resized to fit each cell. I also want to make sure that the group of components isn't resized below a certain width. How can this ...

NetBeans create and instantiate programatically custom swing widgets

Hey! I have a problem I know how I would solve easily developing under eclipse - but not so easily developing under net beans. I want to create a custom swing widget - which I can instantiate by code as many as I need and attach them to my main panel. I have developed the rest of the GUI using the GUIBuilder. The problem is - im ...

Add a listener inside or outside get method

I'm learning Swing and have composed an interface using a series of get methods to add components. Is it a good practise to add a Listener inside a get method as follows? I'd like to make things as decoupled as possible. private JButton getConnectButton() { if (connectButton == null) { connectButton = new JButton(); connectButt...

Dock Panel component for .NET that allows docking inside tab-pages?

I want to build a user-interface that, for historical reasons, has a lot of "columns" of information. Many of these aren't relevant for all users in all cases, so I thought I'd look at dock panels to allow the users to hide or rearrange the columns according to their job scenario. This is Winforms in .NET 3.5. As such, I'd like the fol...

Analog of COM programming in Linux/UNIX

The Component Object Model (COM) is (or was...) the way in Windows to provide language-neutral software components. Is there any programming model in Linux/UNIX with the same philosophy of code reuse through binary components? ...

Sum up Area for material in Components, Google Sketchup

I am making a plugin to sum up the area of all the material in a Sketch. I have succeeded in getting all the faces and such, but now the Components come into the picture. Im using the term single or multi leveled component as i dont know any better way to explain the occurence of having a component inside an component and so on. I have...

jsf 2.0 composite components - how to modify outer beans / attributes

Hello community, I am just learning JSF 2 and playing with simple custom components. Imagine an ajax enabled custom component with two inputText fields: ... <h:body> <composite:interface> <composite:attribute name="domId" required="true" /> <composite:attribute name="value" required="true" /> </composite:interface> <compo...

What is the best membership module for some open source CMS?

I need a free membership module for some open source CMS which use PHP and MySQL and it's easily customized. Needed features: Implementation of Plimus, 2checkout and other payment gateways (PayPal it's not enough) Limited forum and content access based on presence of user in membership program (2nd month he can see more forum categori...

Skip some row in jsf dataTable

How to skip some rows to be displayed using dataTable: <h:dataTable cellspacing="0" id="dogs" value="#{dogBean.dogs}" var="dog" rendered="#{dogBeans.dogs != null}"> <h:column id="nameColumn"> <h:outputText value="#{}"/> </h:column> <h:column id="breedColumn"> <h:outputText value="#{dog.breed}"/> </h:column> </h:da...

How to display panels with component in frame

Why my JFrame 'frame' is diplaying empty window, when it should give me 3 menu buttons and my own painted JComponent below ? What am I missing here ? import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Eyes extends JFrame { public static void main(String[] args) { final JFrame frame = new JFrame("Eyes");

Simplest way to create busy animation in WPF

I mentioned that there is no standard busy control in WPF. So what's the easiest way to display animated busy circle (not progress bar) such as your browser displays when loading a page ? Please if you suggest downloading control from internet make sure that this control is for free and with no licence restriction (such as I would be fo...

Ajax-enabled composite component

I am using composite components in my JSF 2.0 project, and I want to combine my composite components with like this: <ex:mycompositecomponent> <f:ajax event="change" render="anotherComponent" /> </ex:mycompositecomponent> Is there any way to do that? Yours sincerely Jonathan Frank ...

Painting component inside another component

I've got a task to display painted 'eyes' with menu buttons to change their colors, and background color. Next animate them. But currently I'm stuck at painting, sinc in my JFrame I've Created JPanel containing panels with drawn eyes and buttons. Buttons are rendered properly but my eyes canvas is not shown. I've tried changing paint to ...

How to trigger the event together on each two deferent class.

I have two object class on a single unit, is it posible to trigger the two events? let say the FIRSTCLASS event is fired, The SECONDCLASS also will fired? Assuming...... //{Class 1}------------------------------------------------------------- type TOnEventTrigger = procedure(Sender : Tobject; Value :integer); TMyFirstClass = Cla...

Facelets duplicate id

I'm creating a facelet component which I intened to include many times in a single page. I need to define one a4j:outputPanel tag inside my component and give it an id, so that it would be possible to reRender this outputPanel via ajax. But facelets seems not to handle that situation as "duplicateId Exception" is thrown. I partialy unde...

Javascript Rich Display WYSIWYG Component/Methodology

quick back story-- I am working on ASP.Net based template editor that lets authors create text templates using Javascript inserted placeholder tags that will be filled in with dynamic text when the templates are used to display the final results. For example the author might create a template like The word [%12#add] was generated dyna...

Joomla: editable list screen

Hi, I have a joomla site where users can log in. Once logged in, a user can display a list screen -- say, a contact list with a name column and a phone number column. I call it a list screen, but I guess it could be called a list view, grid view, etc. I'd like to make one of the columns (say, the phone number column) editable in place;...

WPF Graph Layout Component

Does anyone know of or even better.. can wholeheartedly recommend a WPF graph layout component (Microsoft Research had GLEE a while back but it hasn't been updated after 1.0 since 2007 and isn't WPF etc) as seen e.g. in the screenshot below? I've seen yFiles WPF and Lasalle's AddFlow for WPF, but are there any alternatives? (c) Scree...

Wicket : Can a Panel or Component react on a form submit without any boilerplate code?

I am currently evaluating Wicket and I am trying to figure out how things work. I have a question regarding form submit and panels (or other components). Imagine a custom wicket panel which contains a text field, doing as-you-type validation using ajax. This panel is added to a form. How can the Panel react a form submit (let's say bec...