
Any good opensource SharePoint components that can abstract you from the inner SharePoint plumbings?

I am looking for a good reusable set of components that can be used to communicate with SharePoint via web services, preferably open source. I want some abstraction from CAML and WebDav and SharePoint Web Services that could help me speed up my development time. Ideally I want to select, insert, update and delete from lists, manage a...

IComponentActivator Instance

How can I use an IComponentActivator instance for a component, not just specifying a type. That is, instead of Component.For<XYZ>.Activator<MyComponentActivator>(); I want to be able say Component.For<XYZ>.Activator(new MyComponentActivator(someImportantRuntimeInfo)); Also, is there a way I can choose an activator dynamically fo...

TFrame component : Resource not found

Tool: Delphi 6 Pro I created a new component in my main components package that is a descendant of TFrame using the Component -> New Component option. When I try to draw the component on a form during design time I get a "Resource {component class name} not found" error. I tried adding the line {$R *.dfm} to the component unit just af...

.net Components ... a Custom Form

Hi, I've been working in the creation of some custom components adding functionalites to the basic components such as a Datagridview. Now I want to create a custom Form ... I mean, when I choose add new item in the VS menu, there is a Windows form and some varians of it like an about box, or Dialog, that are simple Forms with a custom ...

Is there a way find out which second event will happen in MFC

Hello, I stumbled upon a curious problem with MFC. I have a Dialog where I check every Edit field on ON_EN_KILLFOCUS if it's valid. If validation doesn't go through I set focus back and show error message. This would be fine, if only I would close the dialog. I mean if I leave wrongly entered field and press close button or X, then ON_E...

Flex 4 - CSS type selectors in MXML components

Does anybody know the reason why CSS type selectors cannot be used inside MXML components, and/or a trick to make it work? I see absolutely no reason for a such simple functionnality not to be supported, and I'd really like to understand. After all I read about CSS in Flex 4 being so much better than in Flex 3, I find myself quite disa...

Delphi Custom popup/dropdown, how?

I want to make a custom dropdow/popup menu with a shadow nicely beneath it. The problem is that it is not a standard menu and I need to put some components on the popup/dropdown. So basically I want a dropdown I can do whatever I want with, not being limited to simple menuitems. I want it to act like a normal popupmenu problem is where d...

Progress-bar (Video Preloader)

I have a spark component VideoDisplay which displays a video. I want to add a ProgressBar to it which will show load progress of the video and when the video is loaded ProgressBar to disappear. How to do that? Thanks, ...

Delphi: image with alpha blending capabilities

Is there some simple component that could display PNG 32-bit images and alpha-blend it to another image on mouse enter and on mouse leave? Or even just a simple image that can load 32-bit PNG and additionally would have Alpha parameter... I suppose I could use some skin library (alphacontrols?) or some graphics library, but for some sim...

Custom Swing component: questions on approach

Hi Folks, I'm trying to build a new java swing component, I realise that I might be able to find one that does what I need on the web, but this is partly an exercise for me to learn ow to do this. I want to build a swing component that represents a Gantt chart. it would be good (though not essential for people to be able to interact ...

How to create Adobe LiveCycle component as maven project?

I need to create component for Adobe LiveCycle ES. Standard result of packaging should be jar file with this structure: componentX.jar: \META-INF\ (auto generated) \com\test\TestComponent.class (compiled src) \component.xml (resources) \dependency-lib-1.jar (some of dependencies as specified in pom.xml) \dependency-lib-...

SWFLoader - "SWF all over the place"

I need to load in an swf component but I want it to be an exact width and height, problem is that when I set width and height it doesn't matter, content of that swf still goes out of predefined bounds. How can I tell it not to do so, so it will work exactly as in html document embed? ...

Getting ClassCastException with JSF 1.2 Custom Component and BEA 10.3

Im getting a ClassCastException if i use Attributes in my Custom Headline Tag. Without Attributes rendering works fine. Calling <t:headline value="test" /> gives a ClassCastException even before a Method in my HeadlineComponent or HeadlineTag-Class is called. <t:headline /> works fine. I'm using MyFaces-1.2, on BEA 10.3 default.jsp ...

A C++ text editing component that handles footnotes?

After a cursory glance round and some thinking, the only way I can think of to create a footnoting editing component is several rich edit controls, though with this method there's many caveats. Does anyone know of any existing component which handles anything like this? Thanks. ...

What components can you use to create AIR apps?

Dear community, I'm creating AIR apps in FlashDevelop using the free Flex SDK. Are there any AS3 components that I can use to speeden up the development process?? For example: List with renaming Tree with dragging items, renaming I searched Google lots, but in vain. ...

What is the corresponding WPF .NET component to a JTable in Java Swing?

I have a small Java Swing application that I want to rewrite in WPF .NET. The application uses a JTable with an AbstractTableModel and a custom TableCellRenderer. I use my custom cell renderer to display the objects in two rows. What is the corresponding WPF .NET component to JTable? ...

Hide Flex Component From SWFLoader

How can I hide a component and what AS3 code to use to hide a Flex Component from an external swf file? ...

What's the header file for BasicHttpRequest

What's the header file for BasicHttpRequest? I am using Apache HttpComponents. I'm trying to make a simple program, but I am getting this error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.( at org.ap...

Can i add a component in jframe in netbeans at runtime?

I am having a form built up in netbeans and want to add or remove a component with an actionperformed event of a button or a combobox is it possible? if yes, how? ...

What's the correct place to share application logic in CakePHP?

I guess simple answer to the question would be a component. Although I agree, I feel weird having to write a component for something so specific. For example, let's say I have a table of users. When a user is created, it should form a chain reaction of events, initiating different kinds of data related to the user all around the databa...