
Prototype library component for the select box options

Hi folks, An UI question... There are two select boxes between which there are two buttons "<<" and ">>". When you hit the "<<" button the selected items from the select item on the right moves to the left and similarly from left to right ">>". I am not sure what this kind of set up is called in terms of or jargon or terminology ;) I ...

Javascript, UI: Looking for a good list explorer component

Think Windows Explorer's 'Details' view. I need to output my database to this view. Here's what I need: Columns should be horizontally resizeable. Columns should be able to be reordered via. dragging and dropping their headers. I need to be able to sort the data by a given column, like when its header is clicked on (with toggling for...

Write a custom HtmlResponseWriter JSF

Hello guys, For many internal problems that doesn't count now, We have a Servlet filter that changes all outcome that's application/xhtml+xml and rewrite to text/html;charset=UTF-8 so even using the facelets it'll work with no problem with IE 6.0. My question is on the HtmlResponseWriter, which is the component responsible for the rend...

How come a swf can not reference mxml components on an event?

this piece of code is being placed inside a swf which is then being placed inside a mxml swfloader. The ProductDesigner is the name of the application and the selectRed is a HSlider mxml component. The error that I receive is that "Access of undefined property ProductDesigner" in the Flash CS5 when testing the swf. Yes I am able to pick ...

CakePHP Component not working

Hey guys, I'm working on a cakephp app that manages a list of alpha users. It's a simple form that accepts a name and email and then generates an alpha code after submission, that alpha code is then stored in the record with the name and email under the column "code." I'm using a component calleed PasswordHelper which is located here ...

ActionScript Refactoring NumericStepper And Slider Code

i'm creating NumericStepper and Slider component objects. both have very similar properties, except for a few. i'd like to refactor the code for creating them, but i'm not sure about the best way of doing so. var numericStepper:NumericStepper = new NumericStepper(); numericStepper.width = 50; numericStepper.minimum = 1; numericStepper...

Why does some page components not getting fully loaded in Page_Init of ASP.NET ?

In page-init, view state and some other components don't get loaded. Which are they? Why do they loaded in Page-Load only? What does the need of Page-Init then ? ...

ASP.NET MVC Discussion board

Hi, has someone put together a decent discussion board/forums based on ASP.NET MVC or MVC2? A simple solution would be good enough. Preferable something which integrates into an existing site. Any hints? ...

Suggest Java Swing Component libraries

I’m currently looking for a Java Swing all-in-one professional component pack to create good-looking UIs, charts, reports and so on. Surprisingly, after a couple of hours of googling all I was able to find is JIDE. Even though it looks sexy, I need more alternatives to choose from. Are there any recommendations? Thanks. ...

Creating Flex 3.5 components with Flash CS5

Is there a way to create components compatible with Flex 3.5 by using Flash CS5? I'm stumped. Whenever I run the "Convert Symbol to Flex Component" command and then try to use the resulting .swc file in a Flex 3.5 app, I get multiple instances of the following error: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Matr...

How to implement custom Model Class for Oracles ADF Query Component

I am using Oracle ADF for one of my project and i am using Query component of ADF. For given tables the query component creates view objects and maps the relations. ADF uses its own custom model class for this component and it should understand the DB tables. But for my project i have no access to database. All i can do pass a string or ...

Ultra Office component

Does anyone have any experience with this component ? ( ) I am using it to integrate Excel in a desktop app. It's pretty good and straightfoward but it has one major issue and one minor issue. THe major issue is that it does not seem to close the "Excel" files correctly ( so when I...

How can we track down which component is suppose to display the home page?

I had a Joomla 1.0 site. I created a fresh new install of 1.5 and used the migrator to upgrade from 1.0. According to the installer all went fine. But now when I access the homepage, it tells me Component not found. I remember I had a custom component setup com_p that displayed the home page. How can I change in Joomla 1.5 which compon...

Best way to manage things like bullets in a game?

I've been starting to get into game development; I've done some tutorials and read lots of articles but one thing I'm not sure about is what is the best way to manage large numbers of temporary objects, e.g. bullets. Should each entity manage its own bullets, should I have a global bullet manager or should I create each bullet as a new ...

How to listen componentShown/componentHidden events better than ComponentListener?

I want to be informed if componentShown/componentHidden event occured. I use ComponentListener, but it doesn't work as good as I need. I have found this information in official Swing tutorial: The component-hidden and component-shown events occur only as the result of calls to a Component 's setVisible method. For example, a ...

Flex canvas resizing

Hello, I have a certain behavior that i want from my screen to implement in Flex. My screen is devided to 2 areas: Navigator pane and content pane.(from left to right) When I shrink the browser, i want the content-pane show scroll bars and the components stay the same size originally. When I expand the browser to right(like in wide scree...

What is the name of this search term popularity component?

If you look at SharpCrafters, the front page has a cool component that shows how popular certain search terms are, with larger text for more popular terms. I've seen this around the web in different places, especially blogs. What is this called in general, and what specific implementations exist? ...

Overload DateTimePicker draw button to create a themed component

We have bought the TMS Component pack dto do a "facelift" on our apps. I am trying to create a descendant of TAdvDateTimePicker to get its border and buttons draw according to what I want. The border no problem - I made it for an TAdvEdit descendant and for the TAdvDateTimePicker was no problem (with the border). But the buttons, what p...

[FLEX 4 / AS3] I load a new component in a as3 file and I want to pass to it some data, knowing only it's a IVisualElement.

[FLEX 4 / AS3] I load a new component in a as3 file and I want to pass to it some data, knowing only it's a UIComponent. ex: // class1 // ... _UIClass = getDefinitionByName(_basePath + _UIPath + '.' + _UIName) as Class; _UI = new _UIClass(); // UI is a IVisualElement // _UIClass is a Class, and in practice is a reference to the compone...

Customizing joomla components and modules. Phoca Gallery case.

Im developing a site using Joomla, and one of the requirements of the site is that it uses the Phoca Gallery Component and Module. The problems with these is tthat they have a lot of inline CSS styles, which makes them hard to customize. I've solved this removing the style attributes with jQuery, but it doesn't seem like a very good solu...