
IP3000 Installation problems

I am attempting to install the IP3000 components into my Delphi 6 environment. I figured I'd see if any of you have had experience getting it installed. From the files I have, there seems to be an installer missing (I have the UNWISE.exe). I've tried including just about every folder in the environment's library path and browsing path a...

Flex Barcode Component for Barcode EAN 128 with Application Identifiers

I am looking for a flex component to generate a barcode similar to the one below. See Image I have found a similar plugin, at But could not replicate the Application Identifiers by just using the "( )" Does anyone have any insig...

.NET control for spellchecking html files (.NET)?

I would like to spell check html files programmatically using C#? The text only without the tags. Any recommendations? Please mention ones that strip out the tags. ...

how to install a video component in joomla

Hi i want to install a video component in Joomla,,,, since I am new to joomla i am finding it difficult to deal with the components can anyone help me,,, any help is appreciable ...

Help box similar to Adobe Live Docs

Is there any visual component in flex as used in Adobe Live Docs ( Yellow box that can be expanded or collapsed) at the bottom. I have uploaded the screenshot of that box too: I am looking for the same type of visual element/component in horizontal. ...

Custom nested container control

I'm writing a custom control which consists of a FlowLayoutPanel nested in a normal Panel. The FlowLayoutPanel is internal to the class, and shouldn't be able to be viewed by the designer (unlike a Tab, which has its individual properties exposed.) Any control the designer adds to the Panel should instead be added to the FlowLayoutPanel....

Is there Scribd Api component available for Cakephp 1.2.

Hi, Is there scribd cakephp component for scribd API. I appreciate any help. Thanks. ...

Right to left support Components for .Net

Hello, i am searching in internet to find Right to left support component packages. as You know there are many packages there (like devexpress, Component one, Netadvantage, .... ) i dont know any of them, would you please tell me which one of them is rtl support ? because i want to use them in a Persian (Farsi Language) project. Than...

QR code reader for BlackBerry

Is there a BlackBerry library/component (open source or commercial) for integration in my own application that acts as QR code reader? I'd like to fully integrate it in my application. Or alternatively: is there a way to use the open source ZXing library in combination with the camera, ideally with live detection of the code? ...

UIPickerView Animation

Suppose to come up a jackpot slot machine application. how do I make it spin longer and make the slot stop spinning one column after another? which means is like column 1 stops spinning, followed by the next column and so on... -(IBAction)spin { BOOL win = NO; int numInRow = 1; int lastVal = -1; //spinning for(int i = 0; i<3 ;i++) { int...

Displaying one component on the top of other

How can I display one component on the top of another one in flex without explicitly mentioning x-axis & y-axis? ...

delphi non visual component image

I am building a delphi non-visual component. How do I set the image I want it to have in the IDE? ...

Wix - Keeping track of installed applications

This seems like a fairly straightforward question but I've been unable to find an answer: Let's say I have two products: A and B created by MyCompany. Both products A and B will have shortcuts in the start menu in this fashion: MyCompanyFolder->Product_A_Folder->A.exe and MyCompanyFolder->Product_B_Folder->B.exe If I uninstall "Produc...

Associate a value with a subclass in c#

I have the following class and my question lies with it's GetComponent function class GameObject { private List<GameComponent> _components = new List<GameComponent>(); public void AddComponent(GameComponent component) void RemoveComponent(string name) public T GetComponent<T>(string name) where T : GameComponent } cl...

How to Set Multiple Components Visible on a JFrame ?

When I add more than one component on the JFrame , only the component which was added last is displayed , rest are not displayed , what is the issue with their visibility ? import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JLabel; publ...

Make Joomla component compatible with SEF/SEO

Hi I have developed a custom component for Joomla 1.5. However the urls when SEF is turned on could look a bit better e.g. display the title rather than the id, how can I make custom urls for my component when SEF for Joomla is turned on? ...

How do I make my component entity system thread safe?

I am currently integrating an entity component system, as seen here, with a physics engine and a graphics engine. This was all fine until recently deciding that the physics should be running in its own thread. (Thanks Glenn Fiedler!) As it is now I am simply locking a mutex shared by all subsystems when accessing components. Snippet fr...

Auth Component redirects automatically in cakePHP

Hello folks, After adding Auth component while accessing the home page it redirects to login page ie., let is my url. After adding the auth component when i try to access it redirects to how can i avoid this initial redirection?? i already given a route as below Router::co...

Delphi Environment Setup for Package / Component Development

After reading some mailing lists and bbs, I couldn't find a proper way to setup my development environment for package and component development. Perhaps we can collect some tipps here for a good setup. For component development it is suggested to create a runtime package containing the runtime code for the component and a design time ...

Using the Android Gallery as an automated slideshow

Hi I want to create a splashscreen for an app, and have a gallery rotate several images on a timer. Can anyone show me how I could use a timer to animate the images in a Gallery? ...