
how important to register(license) your own components?

I am new to component building, and I have noticed that other components have a comment on top of their units like agreement, terms and condition etc. whether its free or commercial. How important is to register(license) your own component and how/where? and when do you need to register it? How about freeware? Must have a license too?...

Free web based query builder

is there any opensource component available like ? where we can assign datasource to component and later on we can create custom sql criteria. ...

Is it possible to have function-specific variables viewable by extending components?

In Adobe Flex, it is possible to declare a public function, which can be overridden in a class that extends that function's class: public class class1 { public function method1 { public var var1:string = "hello world"; } } public class class2 extends class1 { override public function method1 {

Separating application from app library, shared libary, components, etc

I am creating an MVC application framework, using only libararies and components that I create myself (mainly a learning experience), but I'm not quite sure how to separate each kind of library from one another. We'll call my application Cat. Lets say I'm creating a library called Dog, which would sort of be like Zend and is full of di...

I need Expression Builder component

Hi, I need an Expression Builder component (Windows Forms) for adding it to my application like the SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) expression builder control, kindly any link for free project, or component from third party company Thanks in advance ...

How can I change the state of the itemRenderer of one member of a flex 4 spark data group?

I have a "step indicator" made out of a DataGroup: <s:DataGroup id="stepNumbers" itemRenderer="stepNumberRenderer" horizontalCenter="0"> <s:layout> <s:HorizontalLayout verticalAlign="middle"/> </s:layout> </s:DataGroup> where the dataprovider is 1,2,3,4,5. The item renderer has 2 states, "normal" and "active". Within Actionscript, I...

show joomla component in menu item type

hi, I made a component for Joomla and it's working ok with the direct url: The problem is that when I try to add it in the menu. When I change the menu item type, the component is listed, but when I click on it I don't get a view to apply to the menu item. Do I have to configure any...

Premade Cocoa component for a UI control like this? (rounded rectangle showing a stack of items)

Update Luckily, the code that WebKit uses to make this control draws onto a canvas using basic drawing operations, so it shouldn't be too hard to convert into a Cocoa control. This is what I have so far: I'll update here again once I get it finished. Original question I don't know what to call this sort of control, so I'll show pictu...

Message Log Component in C#

What I want to have is a box that displays a list of messages in chronological order (most recent at the bottom) like is common in FTP apps and IDEs. Here's the FileZilla message log: At the moment, I'm getting similar functionality from a read only text box, but this isn't perfect. Bonus points for the following: Context menu has ...

On State Change

I have a button with a click event of "currentState='someState'". Is there a way to tell component to do some function like for example "Function()" when the state changes to "someState"? So execute a function when the state is changed. Thanks, ...

AS3: Extending default ScrollBar component

I'd like to adjust the width of the default ScrollBar that appears inside of a Flash ComboBox. From my research on various forums, it seems like the best approach would be to subclass fl.controls.ScrollBar, which I've tried doing here: package helpers { import fl.controls.ScrollBar; public class CustomScroller extends fl.controls...

how do i extended 3rd party classes in cakephp?

I want to extended, not just create a new instance of a class I have sitting in my vendors directory. I googled and read the docs but I see no support for it. Can I do an app import of the 3rd party class, then write up the extended class followed by a component that will use my child class? i.e /* vendors/yahooapi/yahoo.class.php */...

Castle Windsor RemoveComponent False

I am calling Kernel.RemoveComponent on my Windsor container and it is returning false. I know the component is present (I have verified by calling GetHandler with the same key and it returns the expected info) why can't I remove my component from the container? How can I troubleshoot this? I have a bunch of authentication and autho...

Looking for radial popup menu component for Delphi

Radial menus have started appearing in several places. I'm curious whether anyone has seen or is working on a radial menu component for Delphi? We have a concept of what we'd like, shown in the animated gif at (It takes about 10 seconds for the menu animation to start.) Does anyone know ...

best way to print in adobe flex app?

Hey everybody, time to ask a question here, some days ago I saw a very nice (but pricey at about $500 USD) component for printing (and print previewing) in adobe flex instead of sending the info to a php to output html or pdf documents. I strongly dislike the way flex natively prints with jaggy letters and blurry output so I was thinking...

Difference between Module & Component in Joomla

I am a newbie in Joomla. Can somebody please tell me what is the basic difference between the module & component in Joomla? If possible, please tell with some examples, so that it is easily understood. ...

How to launch minimal eclipse?

This my seem a little odd but I want to start eclipse (v3.5) in the most minimal version possible. Pherhaps just the core and the ui component without anything else. I'm new to eclipse Plugin Development so I don't really know if this is possible at all? I googled this topic but there seems to be no useful info out there. Perhaps someon...

Multiple BizTalk custom pipeline components in the same assembly

Hello, The question is entirely described in the title: is it possible to have multiple components in the same .NET assembly. All examples I've seen so far had a single custom pipeline component per assembly. Microsoft.BizTalk.Pipeline.Components.dll would be a good example. Thank you. ...

My @Embedded Component is coming back null through Hibernate when it isn't null in the DB.

Hi Everyone, I'm running into an issue reconstituting an object from the database using Hibernate. An @Embedded component is throwing a NullPointerException when it's being accessed for the class' hashCode() implementation. The reconstitution is attempting to be done thus: @Override public Collection<Web> getWebs() { Collection<?...

Help me choose: CMS vs Portal vs MVC+Components?

I need some help figuring out whether it'd be a good idea to use a CMS or portal solution for my latest project, which is (currently) an ASP.NET MVC application that must serve multiple customers (being a company or some other entity with a list of users) from a single installation (i.e. a SaaS solution). In addition to the core functio...