
Include sub-element inside JSF 2.0 component

This must be simple. I am trying to pass sub-element into a JSF component. I have my component declared as: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="" xmlns:ui="http...

Visual Studios 2010 ATL Active Server Page Component

Hi, I'm trying to create a website from an ATL project but I cant seem to get the basic project to work. I have created a ATL project as a (service exe) and added the ATL Active Server Page Component, this all works fine. could someone guide me to the steps to get "hello world" to appear in a browser? Thanks. ...

In flex, how to make a component appear on the center of screen?

In Flex, how to put some component ( like canvas ) appear at the center of the screen. ( even if there is scroll, it should be displayed at the center of the current view). ...

Changing a Delphi/Oracle application from 2-tier to 3-tier

In my company they are finally (about time...) considering to convert one of our best selling apps from a 2-tier to 3-tier architecture, both on logical (Presentation, Business and Data layers) as well as physical level. Probably we will go for either a Delphi-Delphi-Oracle or a Delphi-Java-Oracle approach for the change. This is a rel...

COM+ Component hosted by Windows Service in C# to control an external device

Hello, I have a Windows Service written in C# that controls a device connected to the computer by RS232 (gathers data and allows to control the device). It's named DeviceService and it's working properly. Now other applications use it by WCF services. But now I need to expose some of functionalities as COM+ Component, so applications i...

Creating a dynamically sized Flex list component

I know there are a lot of questions about dynamic sizes for Flex components, but this one is quite specific and the other answers aren't a whole lot of help. Briefly, I need a List that resizes to exactly fit its content, unless that height exceeds its (dynamically sized) parent container. My requirements are as follows: The component ...

Joomla component development: Save, apply and cancel toolbar buttons not working

Hi, I am following the lessons on component development in the "Learning Joomla! 1.5 Extension Development" book. I've followed the instructions in the chapter exactly, creating a component I call "carousel". I've only created the Admin back-end, and I'm able to view the form for creating a new entry or edit existing one, but cannot sav...

Recursion in JSF (c:forEach vs. ui:repeat)

I am trying to build a navigation tree via recursion in JSF. I have defined a navigationNode component as: <composite:interface> <composite:attribute name="node" /> </composite:interface> <composite:implementation> <ul> <ui:repeat value="#{navigationTreeBean.getChildrenForNode(cc.attrs.node)}" var="child"> <li><navigati...

Model OnCreate Event for Delphi Frame

I am developing a Delphi frame and need to load a list of business objects into a grid control at the beginning. Delphi frames have no OnCreate event, so what is the best way to replicate this? Should I override the constructor like is suggested on About? Should I just make a public loadData() procedure and have the parent container c...

Acquire full prefix for a component clientId inside naming containers with JSF 2.0

I am updating a component via AJAX in JSF: <h:form> <h:outputLink>Click me <f:ajax event="click" render=":messages" /> </h:outputLink> </h:form> <h:messages id="messages" globalOnly="true" /> As the <h:messages /> resides outside <h:form /> I have to prefix the ID with colon (:). This works. However, if I put this sa...

Joomla: How to show menu-specific parameters for a non-MVC component

Hi, I built a Joomla 1.5 component, non-MVC, and it's working fine, so I'd rather not change it to MVC. I need to have some menu items point to my component, each menu item passing different parameters to the component. The 'Menu item specific parameters' section in is pretty clear, except tha...

Can I buy a Context Menu control for Silverlight?

I've been looking for a ContextMenu control for Silverlight. There is one from Microsoft, but it's severely crippled (you can't add/remove things at runtime, does not support submenus, etc...) I've looked at the commercial components from Telerik, ComponentOne, Infragistics, etc... and they provide the features I am looking for, but t...

Data Access Layer as a web service -- Is this a good idea?

I have been researching for a while and have actually created a prototype ASP.NET web service as a DAL for a few ASP.NET 2.0 web sites. Just would like to ask for some insight/advice from more experienced developers out there who had successfully rolled out DAL as a web service. What are the drawbacks/risks to deploying DAL as a web serv...

JSF 2.0: Delay rendering (composite) component's contents until AJAX-call re-renders it

My goal is to dynamically load the contents of a component in JSF 2.0. The use case is this: user clicks some button, which opens a modal panel with some heavy-contents via AJAX. Due to its' heaviness, I want to delay loading it until/if user actually needs it. If the user closes this panel, it is not actually removed from DOM, just fade...

create Custom Component and re use it

hi all, i am new to ext, i want to create a custom component containing a form and use it by registering it as a xtype, where i want: MyComponent = Ext.extend(Ext.FormPanel, { initComponent: function () { Ext.apply(this, { labelWidth: 50, // label settings here cascade unless overridden items: [{ ...

JSF define custom namespace for component declaration

Hello, when you use a component from extarnal libraries (or custom component) in JSF page you add the xmlns declaration, for example: xmlns:util=" I would like to know what I have to do to use a private address in the Namaspace like this below: xmlns:p="

How can I make my own components in VB.NET?

How can I make a component that resides in the components tray like the Timer? So that you can place them from the toolbox but they are not visible on the form. Hopefully this is possible. ...

Source code license for closed (non-open-source) software components

This is a question about licensing 3rd-party software components, which are to be included/used in your own software. When you license a software component from a component vendor, many vendors will also allow you to get the source code (for an extra fee). I'm talking about a not-for-resale and not-for-redistribution source code licens...

Reporting platform for - with excel/pdf/word export

I am looking for a reporting platform for our application, which will allow the report to be exported in excel (for tabular data), or PDF/Word (for document reports like Invoice prints). Are there any standard options available? I tried Rdlc, but it does not seem to help in the second case (at least I dint see a way, if you ca...

Can we create any general HTML Component ?

I have an HTML page. I have created a frame using background repeat function. It is like a dialog box as below : The HTML Code for this is : <html> <head> <title> Frame </title> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="frame.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="frame...