
Component Creation How-to

I want to create a component that will allow me to install other components, modules, and plugins that i personally use all the time. I will need to be able to change these modules, components, and plugins at anytime but updating the components and etc.. that i use and be able to add more plugins and etc as well. I would like this Com...

How the swing's BoxModel works ?

Let's say I would like to create a simple calculator. It consists of 3 fields. Text field to show result, field with checkboxes to select system and field with numbers. What kind of component should I use for each element ? How can I position elements in my window ? How can I position elements inside component (ie checkboxes) ? This is...

What commercial WPF suite is better? Please suggest

Im working on a middle size project, using WPF. Need DataGrid, suitable for the client: fast, customizable, beautiful. Which component suite do you suggest from your practice?(for example Devexpress's, telerik's, Infragistics's and etc) ...

.NET CD burning component

We are looking for a reliable 3rd party .NET component that can burn files onto a CDROM. Any recommendations? ...

Delphi Rad Studio - Can I stop components being recompiled each time I compile/build

It might have something to do with library and other paths, but every time I build/compile software in DRS which uses a bought component like TMS controls the TMS controls keep getting recompiled, too. How do I stop that? ...

Effective communication in a component-based system

Yes, this is another question about my game engine, which is coming along very nicely, with much thanks to you guys. So, if you watched the video (or didn't), the objects in the game are composed of various components for things like position, sprites, movement, collision, sounds, health, etc. I have several message types defined for "t...

Is there any danger in committing to a component library such as SmartGwt or Swing?

Since February this year I have been working on an app that's built using SmartGWT components. Generally, I find the components very nice to work with, and the fact that they're open source and free to use is just fantastic. However, I can't seem to shake the feeling that it's not a durable way of developing, but I can't quite explain wh...

Amazon S3 components for Delphi 2010

Besides the Amazon Integrator from /n software, are there any other Amazon S3 components available that can be used with Delphi 2010? I would use the one from /n software, but it has some issues (e.g. GetObjectInfo doesn't work if the object is stored in a specific location) and limitations (e.g. copying objects doesn't let you define re...

finding version of component services on remote machine

how to get version of installed component services on remote machine using c#? ...

.NET component for conversion to PDF

Hi, I am looking for .NET component to convert different files into PDF format. Right now I need to be able to convert programmatically doc, xls and TIFF files to PDF. But I may need to deal with more file types in near future. I looked at Aspose.Words, it works good but for doc only. Is there any component on the market that would all...

Flex 4 Gauge Component

Is there such a thing as a good looking Flex 4 Gauge component? The degrafa gauge looks great but it doesn't work with Flex 4 ...

sourceoffsite - winforms components used

just downloaded SourceOffsite trial version and was impressed by the new winforms UI. i am curious which (third-party) components were used for ribbon/docking etc. If you know, info would be appreciated ;) ...

Cascading items in a collection of a component

I have a component which contains a collection. I can't seem to get NHibernate to persist items in the collection if I have the collection marked as Inverse. They will persist if I don't have Inverse on the collection, but I get an insert and then an update statement. My mapping is : m => m.Component(x => x.Configuration, c => { c...

Silverlight audio components

Do you know any good commertial or free audio / sound components that can be used in Silverlight (better on the client)? Desired features: visualizing (waveform, peakform etc., zoom, editing volume, pan, start and end markers etc.) editing (channels: volume, pan, mute, fading, etc., merge, cut, copy, paste, etc., effects) mixing di...

Cryptolicensing - in what way is the trial version limited?

Lots of information on the Cryptolicensing product home page except for saying precisely how the trial version (of Cryptolicensing itself) is limited. Nor is there any mention on the download page itself. ...

Tips on creating my own Captivate widget from a Flash component?

I'm a reasonably-experienced Flash developer, now needing to use Captivate. In order to emulate some software functionality in an exercise, I need to create a combobox control (what Captivate calls a "widget" and Flash calls a "component"). The combobox that ships with Captivate is very different in appearance from the one I need to im...

Flex AdvancedDatagrid inline commentary functionality required

I'm using Flex's Advanced Datagrid for a project and need inline comments, in a similar style to Excel spreadsheet comments. A little visual indicator should indicate if a field is associated with a comment, and on clicking on the element should open or trigger an action for displaying that particular comment. Any suggestions on how I ...

Deriving from a component and implementing IDisposable properly

I have a Visual Studio 2008 C# .NET 2.0 CF project with an abstract class derived from Component. From that class, I derive several concrete classes (as in my example below). But, when I go to exit my Form, though the Form's Dispose() member is called and components.Dispose() is called, my components are never disposed. Can anybody sugg...

Flex ProgressBar component problem

I am trying to use the ProgressBar Flex component inside a custom Actionscript 3.0 component derived from the UIComponent class. I have set the minimum and maximum values etc. _progressBar = new ProgressBar(); _progressBar.label = "Loading"; _progressBar.minimum = 0; _progressBar.maximum = 100; _progressBar.direction = P...

How to configure a generic component with FluentNHibernate ?

Here is the component for which I want to configure mapping public class Range<T> : ValueObject { public virtual T Start {get; set;} public virtual T Finish {get; set;} } In my domain I have many entities which have properties like Range < DateTime>, Range < int > ... for a particular class with property x we configure the c...