
Is there a syntax highlighting editor component for Mac OS X

I am looking for a syntax highlighting component that I can include in a Mac OS X XCode project to allow editing of Ruby, C++, Lua, etc. I need a component that is open source or has the source included. My Google searches didn't turn up much in the way of Mac OS X frameworks or components at all, let alone the type I am looking for. ...

Custom components vs default components in GUI Design. Which is more practical? (.NET)

Ok, so is it better to create my own components (Either inherit them from existing ones or creating them from scratch) or to use the ones that come by default? I'm asking this under the umbrella of scalability, overhead and other factors that my contribute on each of the choices. UPDATE: Sorry if I'm to vague. I don't really know how ...

Databound DIV in asp .net

Looking for a custom ASP .NET control were the InnerHTML of a DIV is connected to a databas to fetch the content to render the HTML content from the databas inside the DIV. Is there one out there I have missed or anyone could tell if its possible to make my own DIV component to make it DataBound? Thanks, Stefan ...

JSF 2 - clearing component attributes on page load?

Hi, The real question: Is there a way to clear certain attributes for all components on an initial page load? Background info: In my application, I have a JSF 2.0 frontend layer that speaks to a service layer (the service layer is made up of Spring beans that get injected to the managed beans). The service layer does its own validati...

Flex - Custom Component - Percentage Width/Height

I am trying to create a Custom Flex Component using the Flex Component framework: All good components allow you to define their dimensions using percentage values using: MXML: TextInput width="100%" or Actionscript at runtime: textinp.percen...

.NET Component Model explanation

First of all, I have to say that I'm going to talk about System.ComponentModel.Component. You know, I understand, that the .NET Component Model provides ability (through Site Services) to define separate Components, so they can communicate with each other in a loosely coupled way, and that each Component is easily replaceable. But my ...

Can't interact with children of an itemRenderer in Flex 4 Gumbo

I thought this would be pretty easy but I'm running into all sorts of problems with this. I have an ItemRenderer with a an image and two labels. I want to assign separate mouse events to the image and two labels. It seems like the item renderer is treated like a single interactive piece and I haven't found a way to override that. I could...

What is a best free way to make form resizeable in Delphi 7?

I need my form in Delphi to be resizeable, and all components and controls should stretch proportionally, along with font sizes etc. Right now in order to resize components I write a code inside "OnResize" event, and manually calculate all components' sizes and fonts. I would like to have more simple solution, which I can apply to differ...

Ultimate chat-client API for .NET?

Does anyone know of a .NET API (source-code is preferrable of course) that I can access all the common chat clients thru it (GT, Yahoo, MSN, AIM, FB, ICQ, SKYPE and more)? I guess I am looking for a .NET library project that performs something like pidjin. I need it because I hate Pidgin's interface and functionality, and I want to hav...

Free WPF Flow charting Component

I am looking for a WPF Flow charting component. Something that will let you draw boxes and display lines between them based on some object structure/collection. Anyone know about anything like that out there? I prefer free as this is an open source project I plan to put it in. ...

Hide Joomla Template in Controller

Hey Guys, i have a big Joomla 1.5 Problem. I'll create my own Gallery Component/PlugIn and want to add an AJAX Sorting possibility. In the Backend i want to reorder the Images by Drag&Drop in an Gallery. It works, but for the Output i have the following Problem: I send the AJAX Request to index.php?option=com_cwgallery&controller=gal...

Flex Canvas child Randomly resizes

Hi! I have an application with a viewstack that contains all the components that need to be displayed. The navigation is defined in the main application. All the components are based on canvas. The main application looks like that: <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" xmlns:components="components...

Searching for a source code editor component

Hi, I have to develop a program at work in which a consultant can enter a specification which is developed 2 years ago here in house. So i can't really tell what it is about. But the editor should support some standard functionality such as syntax highlighting, auto completion and maybe search & replace. I've searched for Java components...

How to add a Global runtime service to System.ComponentModel.Container ?

Hi ! Suppose the .NET Component Model. The Container class has GetService(Type service); But I'm asking myself, how can I register Global Services accessible to all added Components ? ...

Why would $this->data show up an empty array after submit?

In Cakephp Why would $this->data show up an empty array after submit? i am using the security component. ...

Creating 'Non Visual' .NET User Controls

Hello, How do I create non visual components in .NET that can be dragged and dropped onto a Form ? For example the imagelist component is a non visual component, it appears in the toolbox and can be dragged onto a form and properties can be set for that component. How can I achieve that ? How can I create non visual components. I know...

Moving graphical components with the mouse in Visual Studio

I have just installed Visual Studio.NET. In the Design area I have added some graphical components (button, textbox) but I can't move these within the specified area, as their position remains unchanged. I would like to move these graphical components with the mouse cursor, I know it's possible, does anyone know how? ...

Are there any open source and free calendar UI reusable components?

We need to implement scheduling subsystem. And we plan to integrate subsystem with our desktop and online applications. But we would like to reuse as many components as possible. One component that we want to reuse is the one for displaying date periods, calendar with events. Most scheduling systems like Outlook, Google Calendar have sim...

Loading indicators for Silverlight

I'm looking for nice loading indicators for Silverlight. I found a few, but all are terrible. I would like something this - ...

forcing a child component to resize itself larger than its container

I am creating a component that displays a variable amount of "gauges" (square tiles of content if you will), that is laid out like so: <HDividedBox id="container"> <VBox id="myComponent"> <HBox id="header"> ...header content... </HBox> <Tile id="body"> ...gauges are added to the body... </Tile> ...