
should we pack our 3rd party libraries with our components?

We are doing some architecture refactoring. We are a SaaS company so all deploys are to our own self managed servers. Current model packs all of our binaries along with 3rd party libraries we use into ears, wars, tars, etc. These packages include all of the libraries they depend on. When they are deployed they are manually exploded (un...

What are equivalent open source libraries to these closed source ones?

I have a project (.NET 3.0, c#) that needs to be converted to open source (probably GPLv2). The project uses some closed source libraries at its core that need to be replaced with open source ones. Can anyone point me in the direction of the best open source replacements for the following libraries? Infragistics (Windows Forms) (prim...

Flex: Expose component's existing events with new name

I created a flex component that hosts several built in (mx) components such as a listbox and combo box. My component relies on external data, and I need to expose events such as ComboBox.enter and to get certain pieces of data. I was wondering if there is any easy way to do this without having to create my own custom event h...

NHibernate Session DI from StructureMap in components

I know this is somewhat of a dead horse, but I'm not finding a satisfactory answer. First let me say, I am NOT dealing with a web app, otherwise managing NH Session is quite simple. I have a bunch of enterprise components. Those components have their own service layer that will act on multiple repositories. For example: Claim Compo...

Simpliest ancestor for a clickable, hand-drawn component?

I am creating a component that will be a large plus or a large minus. I don't want to use a bitmap because even I can draw this using the Graphics class, but the component must be clickable (the Shape class is not). It will be part of an item renderer, so I want it to be as light-weight as possible. UIComponent does not seem to sent CLI...

Component size problem! Resizes to parent's size for reasons I'm unaware of!

I can't seem to figure out why this is happening... My serverPaddle (it's based on a java.awt.Component) isn't coming out the right size. I've placed System.out.println(serverPaddle.getSize()); in the thread loop and it shows that the component is the right size for 1 loop and then the next and thereafter, it's the same size as the pare...

Publishing a property in a Lazarus component raises an 'Access violation'

Hi all, in Lazarus on Linux, I registered a class as a component, so that I can drop it on a form. Works like a charm, except that the properties that I can publish are limited to simple types like strings and integers. Whenever I try to publish a property like a TStringList or a TImage, it raises an 'Access Violation' when I click on ...

Componetizing jQuery functions calls. Best practices?

I'm building a site that is going to consist of components. A component defined as a particular set of HTML and CSS and jQuery. Each page of the site will consist of many components. Per best practices, we're putting our javascript block at the bottom of the page. We load the needed .js files, and then I'm planning on calling the functi...

Is it possible to tell Visual Studio not to treat a source file as a "component"?

Class with System.ComponentModel.Component on their inheritance path are automatically treated as "components" within Visual Studio (2008), triggering a different icon for the source file: While the icon does not really matter, the changed double click behavior is really annoying: instead of opening the source code in the text editor,...

Component Development with PHP ?

Edit: The question concerns 100% web development only. Please do not relate the question to desktop development. Please read the entire question before responding. I am certainly interested if there is currently any interest in developing PHP applications in a more desktop-like fashion. I mean something like the classic WebForms impleme...

How can I check if something leaves the Screen? - JFrame

I have a ball based on a component and I've thought that using the isShowing() method would do the trick but after my ball leaves the container, (Pong game) the isShowing() method still returns true. So does the isShowing() method check if the component is still in the container's... bounds? Or just if it is visible and the container is...

Custom Jslider Initialization Problem

I am working on a custom JSlider that has a custom Track Rectangle. I want the ability to set the color of the track rectangle when first declaring the slider. Here's a snippet of what I have (The classes are in separate files in the same package): public class NewSlider extends JSlider { Color kolor; public NewSlider (Color k) { ...

Compile Delphi component package (bpl) for different Delphi versions

Hello. The situation is the following. Typically I use RAD Studio 2010 for Delphi development. I have some components I would like to redistribute in binary form (*.bpl without source). But I would like people to be able to use them despite of their Delphi version. But, for example, dcu files can be used only by compiler version, which...

Moving children of a container (defined in MXML) inside an "inner container"

I'm currently working on a custom component which extends Canvas (let's call it SuperCanvas) ; it's basically a container that let you zoom & pan its contents. It would be too long to explain why, but I can't use scrollRect, so I was forced to declare a Canvas object (called innerCanvas)... inside my SuperCanvas (I know, not very nice =...

SSIS Script Component + Helper Assemblies (.dll's)

I got a script component which does Transformation / DataType conversions / Creating some calculated columns. All the transform validations / datatype conversion methods and for new column generation is put into custom .dll. As this script component would be same for all other tables, only thing is to define input / ouput columns and a...

custom components and mvc

I was curious how in the typical ASP.NET MVC mentality one could build a platform that others could develop plugins for. I mean, how would those plugins look like ? Like exiting user controls for WebForms, encapsulating all layers in themselves, or three different files representing the model the view and the controller. I should develop...

How to implement Email verification Component

I have a scenario here. We want new user for the application to register. Upon initial/ temporary registration completion, we need to email them a link for verification (like all standard user based WebApplications will do). I am planning to use CreateUserWizard control in Asp.Net, which could send an email, if the credentials are pr...

Reading System Variable from Script Component

What is the best way to read system variables from Script Component. Tried as below: Works fine when is User variable base.PreExecute(); IDTSVariables100 variables = null; VariableDispenser.LockForRead("System::ContainerStartTime"); VariableDispenser.GetVariables(out variables); auditTimeStamp = Convert.ToDateTime(v...

Can I embed an external component in a Windows 7 gadget?

Some features I needed is not available in the Javascript API. Is it possible to use an external component (C++ or whatever) in a gadget? In particular, I'd like to get a list of running processes. ...

Rails-friendly DHTML grid?

I have an Excel-based UI that I'd like to replicate as closely as possible in a Rails view. I'm looking for a DHTML grid control that ... can be easily formatted (w.r.t. column width, font size, etc.) is responsive (the page will have up to 200 columns and 200 rows) can have cells containing select controls has good Rails integration (...