
OSGi Bundle Repositories

I am empirically testing OSGi Bundles and their relationships for this I need lots of bundles. Making these datasets is a difficult task. I already have Eclipse update (1700 Bundles) sites and Spring Enterprise bundle repository for testing, however I want more, anyone out there got massive amounts of bundles. I don't even need the cod...

Resizable Button with background in flash CS4

Hi, I want to create a button which resize dynamically with content. to achieve this, I created a MovieClip in library and added four layers into it namely - text, bg, shadow and border. Problem I'm having is, if I make textfield autosize, only textfield resizes and others stuff remain as it is. if I calculate width required using xxxL...

Add a Load event for Winforms Control just as Form class

Hi, is there a way I can get a Load event for System.Windows.Forms.Control just like System.Windows.Forms.Form.Load? I want to run some initialize code before the control first shown. Also, it would be nice to be able to do the same for System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripStatusLabel which is not actually a Control, but works like one. Idea...

.Net Component for JavaScript Obfuscation?

Are there any .Net components for obfuscating JavaScript? I'm generating JavaScript dynamically & emitting via ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock. I'd like to make it more difficult for others to view and modify that script. Caveats: Yes, I know that JavaScript obfuscation will merely inconvenience a serious developer. I do intend...

Any good way of using Flash components in haxe?

I was wondering if there is any standard practice in using components in Haxe. Searched the google and find very little on it. Apparently people ten to use ASWing and other third-party solutions. I am mostly intersted in modyfing the components appearance in Flash (CS4) than pulling an swf file which I could include in swf-lib. Right no...

Delphi: compare properties between two components

I'd like to compare the "state" of two components, say Comp1: TSomeComponent and Comp2: TSomeComponent, i.e. I want to compare the values of all the published properties of the two components. Some of the properties are indexed, like the TListBox.Items property. Is there an easy way to do this? Do I have to invoke some iterating RTTI cod...

<Component> Update NHibernate

I have some mapping: <class name="SomeItem" table="items" lazy="false"> <id name="Id" type="Int32" column="id"> <generator class="identity"/> </id> <property name="Name" column="EventName" type="String"/> <property name="Description" column="EventDesc" type="String"/> </class> <class name="ItemCount"> ...

Flex component to select month and year only

is there a custom component that extends DateChooser that only has the month and year but not the date grid to select a specific day. All i need is the month and year not any specific day. if the month is changed i could use the change event to select the 1st day of that month ...

Component based game engine design

I have been looking at game engine design (specifically focused on 2d game engines, but also applicable to 3d games), and am interested in some information on how to go about it. I have heard that many engines are moving to a component based design nowadays rather than the traditional deep-object hierarchy. Do you know of any good link...

Best approach to creating a custom ExtJS of pure HTML

So I have a need to create an ExtJS component (version 2.3.0). The component is simply plain HTML (styled) - it is a heading. My current approach is to create a custom component as follows: /** * A ExtJS component for a header for the application */ Ext.ux.AppHeader = Ext.extend(Ext.Component, { height: 32, tpl: new Ext.Tem...

Draw a new Curved Shape inherited from LineShape

Hello, I use Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks. LineShape component. This component is good, but I want to draw a curve instead of a right line. I stardet to modify the OnPaint: protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pevent) { //base.OnPaint(pevent); pevent.Graphics.DrawLines(Pens.Green, new ...

Richfaces: dropDownMenu action

Hi! I understand, how to set action to rich:menuItem component, but can i somehow set action on rich:dropDownMenu? Parameter action cannot be set in rich:dropDownMenu component, only in dropDownMenus child rich:menuItem. Maybe there is another approach? Action setting to rich:menuItem: <rich:menuItem submitMode="server" value="#{msg.s...

Component Binding in Custom Component

How can i invoke a baking bean from the custom component class before the binding occurs. I have a scenario where the backing bean has to be initialized before the actual binding occurs. Could any one please throw some light on it? ...

DreamEdit component converted to Delphi 2010

I am using the DreamEdit (source code editing) component (of which I have a license and the source). Sadly, the company behind it (DreamCompany) stopped supporting and upgrading the component some years ago. Has anyone been using this component too ? And more importantly, has anyone upgraded this component to Delphi 2009 or Delphi 2010...

Is there .NET component which can convert XLS to password protected PDFs?

Hello, Is there .NET component which can convert XLS to password protected PDFs? Thank you in advance. ...

A good alernative to WebBrowser component?

I know that there is a WebBrowser component which is basically Internet Explorer but I'm highly dissatisfied with the amount of features it has + Internet Explorer's layout engine is terrible. Is there a better alternative to that? Something like a "Gecko" or a "Webkit" browser? I tried "Skybound Gecko" but I'm sure there are some bette...

Anyone upgraded Turbopower's Onguard to Delphi-2010

Titel says it all: has anyone been able to upgrade The Onguard component suite from Turbopower (which is opensource) to Delphi-2010 ? I am still trying to make sure all my trusted components (which I have used for years in Delphi 7) can be compiled and used in Delphi-2010. Not an easy tasks at all. I would pay any reasonable price for...

Flex: MX + Sparks vs. MX-only components

I'm playing with the video components of Flex. When starting a new project, I was able to choose between (MX only) and (MX + Sparks). When I set the project to (MX + Sparks), the only video component I find is called s:VideoPlayer and it comes skinned. When I start the project as (MX only), the only video component I find is mx:VideoDisp...

Protected and/or Internal Component Properties in NHibernate

The docs for NHibernate clearly state that properties (and I assume, by extension, components) with any access modifier can be mapped. However, this is not the behaviour I'm seeing, and I'm wondering if anybody can tell me if this is my mistake or if it is the result of some poorly-documented behaviour in NHibernate. The component clas...

Free Component which can show richtext with pictures Delphi

I need a free component like RichEdit, but which can also show pictures inside. I am using Delphi 7. Unfortunately RichEdit cannot show pictures, and few components which can are not free. ...