
What should be taught in a "Fundamentals of programming" course at university?

I have started a new question (see here), because I think the topic is of importance in a more general form. The question is now: If you were a professor at a Computer Science Dept. in some university, what would make it into your course? This is a programming course, second term, first year computer science/computer engineering. Remem...

How to reduce a logical statement?

I'm pretty sure I can remember doing something like this in one of my college level courses and that there was some kind of formula to it, but my mind is failing me beyond that. Given the statement: ( a OR b OR d ) AND ( a OR c ) I'm pretty sure that this can be reduced to: ( a OR b OR d OR c ) But I cannot remember how I would go abo...

Where to find examples of computer science thesis?

I am completing my master thesis. I created a service which enables mobile phones to send some data to the server and the logiv for data analysis. However I would be very glad if I could see some examples of completed theses just to have some model to help with writing it on the paper. Thanks! ...

Terminology for a deterministic function with no side-effects?

I need the proper terminology for a specific type of function. Suppose you write a function in your SQL database, whose inputs and outputs are contained within the scope of a database transaction. That is, if you call this function in the scope of a database transaction, all the data used by the function is available within the same ...

Intelligent code-completion? Is there AI to write code by learning?

I am asking this question because I know there are a lot of well-read CS types on here who can give a clear answer. I am wondering if such an AI exists (or is being researched/developed) that it writes programs by generating and compiling code all on it's own and then progresses by learning from former iterations. I am talking about wo...

What is currently considered the "best" algorithm for 2D point-matching?

I have two lists containing x-y coordinates (of stars). I could also have magnitudes (brightnesses) attached to each star. Now each star has random position jiggles and there can be a few extra or missing points in each image. My question is, "What is the best 2D point matching algorithm for such a dataset?" I guess both for a simple lin...

Countability Question (Theory)

I'm taking the GRE tomorrow, and had a question. Based on the answer key, this practice test states that the set of all functions from N to {0, 1} is not countable. Can't you map the natural numbers to these functions, as follows? i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... f0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... f1 = 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... f2 = 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... f3 = ...

Probability Question

I have x items and y <= x special items. Out of these I pick z <= x items. Given s where 1 <= s <= y, what is the probability that the z items I picked contain s special items? The particular case I want to apply it to: I have 70 items, 14 are special. I pick 5 of them. What's the chance that 1 is special, 2 are special, etc... up to 5...

Longest Simple Path

So, I understand the problem of finding the longest simple path in a graph is NP-hard, since you could then easily solve the Hamiltonian circuit problem by setting edge weights to 1 and seeing if the length of the longest simple path equals the number of edges. My question is: What kind of path would you get if you took a graph, found t...

Computer Science v.s. Computer Information Systems v.s. Management Information Systems

From the opinions of professional world perspectives, what are the respective differences between CS, CIS and MIS? I'm asking this because I'm going to school ready to start a Computer Science program track (out of the previously mentioned). Programming is taught through the three of them (basics of C++ and Java) but how are they appli...

Computer science diploma thesis

What was your Computer Science Diploma (MSc/PhD) Thesis? ...

I've decided I want to become a programmer, but I have some concerns.. Or, What does it take to become a computer programmer?

I've been interested in computer programming since I was about 14 or 15 years old. I taught myself C++ (with the now-deprecated libraries such as iostream.h), and wrote some simple console programs. Just basic stuff, like a program to convert arabic-numerals to roman-numerals and vice versa. Time went by and I didn't do anything else rel...

Is there ever a good reason to use Insertion Sort?

For general-purpose sorting, the answer appears to be no, as quick sort, merge sort and heap sort tend to perform better in the average- and worst-case scenarios. However, insertion sort appears to excel at incremental sorting, that is, adding elements to a list one at a time over an extended period of time while keeping the list sorted,...

What does it mean for two binary trees to be isomorphic?

What does it mean for two binary trees to be isomorphic? I've been looking online and I can't seem to find a clear explanation. As far as I understand, two trees are isomorphic if they have the same shape. So I'm guessing two identical trees which can contain different values in the nodes. ...

What Computer Science concepts should I know?

What concepts in Computer Science do you think have made you a better programmer? My degree was in Mechanical Engineering so having ended up as a programmer, I'm a bit lacking in the basics. There are a few standard CS concepts which I've learnt recently that have given me a much deeper understanding of what I'm doing, specifically: La...

Difference between Discrete Structures and Discrete Mathematics

I haven't yet found a good answer. Or any answer, for that matter. I've been asked to teach a discrete structures for CS course, but at the same time make sure it's not a discrete mathematics course -- that's offered by the Mathematics department. Many colleges offer a discrete structures course. There are also many DS textbooks. But wh...

Good refresher course on 'O(N)' type stuff?

Learned all about computing algorithm costs in College, but that was so long ago I forgot it all. Is there any sort of walkthrough that goes over the whole subject matter? I feel as though there was more than I currently remember. I want to refresh some of my core skills. ...

Reading/Writing machine code

I am not well acquainted to the compiler magic. The act of transforming human-readable code (or the not really readable Assembly instructions) into machine code is, for me, rocket science combined with sorcery. I will narrow down the subject of this question to Win32 executables (.exe). When I open these files up in a specialised viewer...

Why binary and not ternary computing?

Isn't a three state object immedately capable of holding more information and handling larger values? I know that processors currently use massive nets of XOR gates and that would need to be reworked. Since we are at 64 bit (we can represent 2^63 possible states) computing the equivalent ternary generation could support number with 3...

What Java application is available to stress-test a virtual machine?

I am interested in ways to stress-test as well as benchmark the SANOS operating system kernel. ...