
C# WCF client configuration for X509 secured web service over https

Hi guys I been pulling my hair out for the past few days trying to connect to a web service using .Net 3.5 and WCF (have also tried using WSE 3.0) without much luck. The web service is hosted by a 3rd party and we can access via https. They also make use of X509 certificates for security, to sign the message. I've been given some basic...

Java - How to find that the user has changed the configuration file?

I am developing a Java Desktop Application. This app needs a configuration to be started. For this, I want to supply a or defaultConfig.xml file with the application so that If user doesn't select any configuration, then the application will start with the help of defaultConfig file. But I am afraid of my applic...

NetBeans config file

Hi guys, my NetBeans has ugly fonts in interface. I'm going to make antialiasing for it. In internet I saw that there is should be -J-Dswing.aatext=true -J-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on in netbeans_default_options. This file should be located in /etc/netbeans.conf. But there isn't this file. I have NetBeans 6.8. Help, please. UP...

Communicating different properties in multiple faces-config.xml

Hi, Is there a way by which different managed beans in different faces-config.xml placed in multiple WARs. ...

Configuration manager for PHP

I am working on code re-factoring of configuration file loading part in PHP. Earlier I was using multiple 'ini' files but now I plan to go for single XML file which will be containing all configuration details of the project. Problem is, if somebody wants configuration file in ini or DB or anything else and not the default one (in this c...

Including variables inside curly braces in a Zend config ini file on Linux

I am trying to include a variable in a .ini file setting by surrounding it with curly braces, and Zend is complaining that it cannot parse it properly on Linux. It works properly on Windows, though: welcome_message = Welcome, {0}. This is the error that is being thrown on Linux: : Uncaught exception 'Zend_Config_Exception' with mess...

How do I change the name of a default .config file in a .net project

I have a .net Console Application called FooConsole. When I build and deploy it, I see that the App.config file from my project is deployed to FooConsole.exe.config. How can I deploy the .config file to Foo.config instead of FooConsole.exe.config and still have it read as the default .config file? UPDATE: I realize this sounds like an...

How can I modify the error message for the required / notempty validator in the ini file

I'ld like to configure my forms using config with an ini file. I need individualized error messages like the following one: suche.elements.methode.options.validators.strlen.options.messages.stringLengthTooLong = "Der Suchbegriff '%value%' ist zu lang!" This works well for strlen and regex, but how do I set it up for "required" element...

Setting tab size in Emacs

I'm using Emacs as an editor. I want to set the tab size to four spaces. In my .emacs file I have the following: (setq default-tab-width 4) I've also tried: (set-default tab-width 4) Either way, when I open emacs and try to tab, it inserts two spaces. Am I doing something wrong? It almost seems like its not seeing my .emacs fil...

How do I configure Eclipse's Subversion config file to use my private-key?

Hi, I'm using Eclipse and the Subversive for SVN control, in Windows. I've also installed TortoiseSVN. The SVN repository I'm using is utilizing a svn+ssh scheme, and there is no way to change that. Now, there's a file in %APPDATA%\Subversion\config that I need to edit to perform SVN interaction in Eclipse without typing in the passwor...

settings file vs app.config

I'm not really understanding the interaction/differences between settings and config files. If I add an entry to the settings file, it gets added to the app.config as well. Does this mean that changing the value in the app.config will update the settings? If not, how do I update settings in a live application? What's the general purpose ...

Usehttpget for script methods in config of web services

Is there a way to put the usehttpget true/false option for scriptmethods in web.config? I see that even the scriptmethod annotations are placed inline with the code. Is there a way to move this to config as well? Ive seen usehttpget/post option in web.config for webservices but I need the same thing applicable for scriptservices. ...

configurar subsonic 3.0 en proyecto con capas

proyecto: -capa de datos: - palntillas t4 active record -clases generadas por la plantilla -app.config con connectionstring -capa de negocio: -clases de negocio que usan la capa de datos -interfaz windows: --app.config con connectionstring quiero dejar un solo ...

Code required to use foreach on my own custom appSettings

I've searched the site and haven't found exactly what I'm looking for. Close, but no cigar. Basically I want to have a config section like this: <configSections> <section name="PhoneNotificationsSection" type="Alerts.PhoneAlertConfigSection,Alerts,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=null"/> </configSectio...

Why does 7zip Ignore my InstallPath when making a SFX installer?

Currently, I am making a SFX with 7zip using the following config: ;!@Install@!UTF-8! InstallPath="C:\\test" GUIMode="2" RunProgram="7z465.exe" ;!@InstallEnd@! I then package 7z465.exe into Setup.7z, and then call the following line in a batch file: copy /b "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7zSD.sfx" + config.txt + ".\Release\Setup.7z" .\Relea...

what is the best setting for using lighttpd on 8G ram?

I have running 8GB ram and 8 x Xeon 3361 system! What is the best setting for running simultaneous connection! What is the maximum? Is setting like this correct? server.max-keep-alive-requests = 0 server.max-keep-alive-idle = 10 server.max-read-idle = 60 server.max-write-idle = 60 server.event-handler = "linux-sysepoll" server.max-fds...

How to update an XBAP’s config file after deployment

Hi All, Here is my scenario and would love any feedback. We have a WPF XBAP application which gets hosted on our customer's IIS server on which we as a vendor do not have any control over. So as a part of configuration, clients first need to configure the WCF service to point to the proper endpoints. Default location for the service is...

PHP Load variables from external file

Hello, How can I import a variable from an external file? What I want to do is to have a configuration file in which I can write all my website settings and then to import these settings to every file, so I can set the website skin and things like that.. How can I do this? Thanks! ...

Using generics in Unity ... InvalidCastException

Hi, My interface definition is: public interface IInterface where T:UserControl My class definition is: public partial class App1Control : UserControl, IInterface The unity section of my app.config looks as below: <unity> <typeAliases> <typeAlias alias="singleton" type="Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Contai...

Cache only some directorys or extensions on nginx.

Dears, I had a problem. I´m using the php script calle SocialEngine and I´d like to use nginx to cache the static content. I have 2 otpions 1) Cache some dirs like /images/ , /templates/ , /include/css/ , /include/js/... etc 2) Caache some static files like: .css, .tpl, .js, .gif, etc... I prefer use the first option, but the second...