
WSE032 error, WebServicesConfiguration cannot load config. section

I have developed a small tool to upload salary information to the swiss administration and I used WSE 3.0 with success. But now, one of my customers has reported that on his machine, my program crashes with the following stack trace: WSE032: There was an error loading the microsoft.web.services3 configuration section. at Microsoft.Web...

Load configuration constants dynamically invoking the setters?

I'm looking for a nice way to set my configuration constants. My idea was to create a singleton with my config properties. Say mySingletonConf with: URL, USERID, PASSWORD. During the initialization of the sharedInstance, a configuration file should be read to set the properties in mySingletonConf. Should I use properties for this type...

php.ini not working in IIS?

I've set magic_quotes_gpc = Off in php.ini,but I see it's still On in phpinfo(); ...

Configuration files from referenced class libraries in ASP.NET MVC

I have several class libraries within my MVC application which each have a Settings file with its own configuration file. With each configuration file being App.config, how are these aggregated into one configuration file? Should the settings be placed in web.config? Suggested best practice? ...

C based conf file reader

My code uses a text based conf file with key=value type entries. I want to add sections feature for file, i.e. search for number of sections, search for particular key in a section. I was wondering if there are any libraries/functions which already does this, that I can reuse. My suspicion is yes, since lot of gnu software uses such fil...

Options for wiring dependencies with NInject

With NInject (preferably 2.0), what options do we have wrt wiring up our object dependencies in a web application? Can they be defined in an XML configuration file? Or does it have to be done via code? ...

Where to hold config files

I created a new C# Project (non-web) for our PayPal implementation. I have a bunch of config strings such as the following that I need to figure out the best way to store. Various wrapper classes that I created are using these strings. Also, this is a project that can be used in any web project or even back-end. So I need a nice way ...

Reading settings from separate config file

Hi, My app has is using a web.config for common configuration. I also have a section that maps some data objects to connection strings, and that section is going to be couple thousand of lines. I want to move that section to another config file "dataMappings.config", so I don't bulk up web.config - is there a standard mechanism ...

Location to put user configuration files in windows

Hi all, I'm writing a python library that has a per-user configuration file that can be edited by the user of the library. The library also generates logging files. On *nix, the standard seems to be to dump them in $HOME/.library_name. However, I am not sure what to do with Windows users. I've used windows for years before switchi...

Python: Read configuration file with multiple lines per key

Hi, I am writing a small DB test suite, which reads configuration files with queries and expected results, e.g.: query = "SELECT * from cities WHERE name='Unknown';" count = 0 level = 1 name = "Check for cities whose name should be null" suggested_fix = "UPDATE cities SET name=NULL WHERE name='Unknown';...

Is it possible to exclude some files from checkin (TFS) ?

We use configuration files within various projects under source control (TFS), where each developer has to make some adjustments in his local copy to configure his environment. The build process takes care about replacing the config files with the server configuration as a part of the deployment, so it doesn't actually matter what is in ...

Using SQLite for configuration management

I'm developing a PHP application where I have to store configuration variables. Using MySQL would be overkill, because it's a CLI app I'm talking about and there are only a couple of configuration variables. I don't know about INI files... I'm thinking of using SQLite. What do you think? It is too overkill using SQLite? Do you sugges...

user.config in worng folder

Hi, My user.config is created in the following location <Profile Directory>\Microsoft_Corporation\<App Name>\<Version>\user.config The user.config file is created in the folder Microsoft_corporation, not the name I have used in my AssemblyCompanyAttribute. My application is an excel addin. I'm using ApplicationSettingsBase to read an...

Changes needed to schema.xml and solrconfig.xml

I'm adding a few fields using solrj. What changes need i make in the solrconfig.xml and schema.xml? I'm new to solr and i'd love some help ...

Typed Configuration Values / Variables in .NET

We have lot of configuration files used in our application. Atleast 100 different xml files for each customer containing at least 50-80 name/value pairs of configuration and all they are often change (atleast every month). The configuration file looks something similar like below, <property id="url" value="s123"/> <property id="in...

Sharing application configurations across a solution

I have a solution which has multiple output projects (a website, and admin tool, and a SOAP API layer). They each share common projects in the solution (the service layer, data layer etc). In one of these common projects, I am looking to store a config layer. Right now, we have three seperate appsettings config files for each output pr...

Use ini file in c on Linux

Is there any standard way of reading a kind of configuration like ini files for linux using c? I am working on a Linux based hand held and writing code in c. Otherwise, I shall like to know about any alternatives. ...

Is there a more robust way to integration test my persistance layer app.config?

I have my application broken into the following projects/assemblies Approot/UI AppDomain/business logic/layer Domain.Tests Persistance/db layer Persistance.Tests I'm integration testing the connection string stored in the Persistance assembly using MSTest. currently I am using LocalTestRun.config for the solution to tell it to in...

File permissions across user profiles

I am using ClickOnce deployment for a Windows Forms application and I need configuration information on a machine basis that persists across deployments and across user profiles. As such, per user configuration does not help. I would also like the configuration file to be easily accessible with a text editor in a well known location on...

C++ Portable way of programmatically finding the executable root directory

Possible Duplicate: how to find the location of the executable in C Hi, I am looking for a portable way to find the root directory of a program (in C++). For instance, under Linux, a user could copy code to /opt, add it to the PATH, then execute it: cp -r my_special_code /opt/ export PATH=${PATH}:/opt/my_special_code/ cd /ho...