
How to create a custom yaml config file in Symfony

What I want to do is quite simple: store data in a custom config file that I want to read later on. I created my file something.yml that I put in the global config directory. It looks like that: prod: test: ok dev: test: ko all: foo: bar john: doe Then I copied the config_handlers.yml and also put it in the config directo... machine config file

If I put configuration settings (like membership provider) DB Connnection, etc. in the "machine.config", and remove the "web.config" file from my current application, will my application work without any trouble? Is it an accepted practice in .NET? ...

split unity configuration file

I need to split my unity configuration into n different files so i can select it some of those files into the same unity container?? ...

Code required to use foreach on my own custom appSettings

I've searched the site and haven't found exactly what I'm looking for. Close, but no cigar. Basically I want to have a config section like this: <configSections> <section name="PhoneNotificationsSection" type="Alerts.PhoneAlertConfigSection,Alerts,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=null"/> </configSectio...

Nesting Levels in Custom Section Handlers in .NET Configuration Files

I know I can have 1 parent element and 1 child element in my own custom app.config section like so: <sectionGroup> <section> <element /> </section> </sectionGroup> My question is, can I have one or more levels of nesting more than this? Like so: <biggestSectionGroup> <biggerSectionGroup> <sectionGroup> <section> <elem...

How do I specify Open ID Realm in spring security ?

We are using Spring security in our application with support for username / password based authentication as well as Open id based authentication. The issue is that google gives a different open id for the return url specified and we have at least 2 different entry points in our application from where open id is configured into our syst...

Avoiding configSections in .NET app.config files

I'm looking for a way to avoid declaring my configuration section in the configSections inside the App.config file. Basically, I want to specify my configuration information just like I do for built-in .NET systems. For instance, when configuring WCF, I just put stuff in the <system.serviceModel>, I don't have to declare a section in the...

Changes to xml file not being recognized - ASP.NET

I read a xml file (myConfig.config) and provide it as an input to a CLR method. When I make changes to this xml file, it doesn't seem to be recognizing it. When this line throws an error, I always see the first version of the file as a part of the error message. In the config file properties, I have set Copy to Output Directory as Copy ...

Spring, autowire @Value from a database

I am using a properties File to store some configuration properties, that are accessed this way: @Value("#{configuration.path_file}") private String pathFile; Is it possible (with Spring 3) to use the same @Value annotation, but loading the properties from a database instead of a file ? ...

How to Write to a User.Config file through ConfigurationManager?

I'm trying to persist user settings to a configuration file using ConfigurationManager. I want to scope these settings to the user only, because application changes can't be saved on Vista/Win 7 without admin privileges. This seems to get me the user's configuration, which appears to be saved here in Win 7 ([Drive]:\Users\[Username]\A...

Is there some common way to write and read config files?

I need my program to create and edit a config file, which would contain information about set of objects, and than read it at every execution. Is there some sort of guideline for config style that i can use? I'm using C++ on windows. ...

iPhone first time application ran and config files

Hello. I have two question: I'm developing an iPhone application and I want to know when it is the first time the application is executed. I want to check some extended permissions from facebook the first time. How can I know that? (first question) Another way to solved this problem is to store the extended permissions granted in s...

XNA Level config file in C#

I'm working on as small game for class and was wondering what is a easy way to handel level configuration files. Like object placements , names, etc. I'm new to C# but fluent in Java, Ruby. so XML? YML? text, serialized objects? ...

How to ignore the .classpath for Eclipse projects using Mercurial?

I'm trying to share a repository between my Mac (laptop) and PC (desktop). There are some external dependencies for the project that are stored on different places on each machine, and noted in the .classpath file in the Eclipse project. When the project changes are shared, the dependencies break. I'm trying to figure out how to keep th...

Generics in custom configuration sections

I tried making a custom configuration class that went on like this: WatcherServiceInfoSection<TWatcherServiceDetailElement> where TWatcherServiceDetailElement is a ConfigurationElement inside it. Now when I call the type in the ConfigSections area of AppConfig I get the error: An error occurred creating the configuration section han...

How to read the Web.Config file in a Custom Activity Designer in a WF4 Workflow Service

I have a WF service with a custom activity and a custom designer (WPF). I want to add a validation that will check for the presence of some value in the web.config file. At runtime I can overload void CacheMetadata(ActivityMetadata metadata) and thus I can do the validation happily there using System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager t...

How can I split my conkeror-rc config over multiple files?

Short version: can you help me fill in this code? var conkeror_settings_dir = ""; function load_all_js_files_in_dir (dir) { var full_path = get_home_directory().appendRelativePath(dir); // YOUR CODE HERE } load_all_js_files_in_dir(conkeror_settings_dir); Background I'm trying out Conkeror for web ...

WPF Visual Studio Package gives error: Could not find endpoint element with name 'WCFname' and contract 'WCFcontract'

Hi everybody. This error has been covered before in other questions, however not for a Visual Studio package. Could not find endpoint element with name 'WCFname' and contract 'WCFcontract' in the ServiceModel client configuration section. I have a VS package project that needs to connect to a WCF service that provides some functio...

Changing the config file in a Visual Studio Package

Hello everybody. I'm building a Visual Studio Package and associated with it, I have an app.config file (which contains some information about connecting to a WCF service). As far as I can tell, this package is actually connecting to the devnev.exe.config configuration file (if I use AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.Configurati...

Mercurial: How to ignore changes to a tracked file

I have a file with database settings in my project which I have set to some defaults. The file is tracked by mercurial and checked in. Since this file will be edited with different values various developer machines, is there a way I can tell Mercurial to ignore new changes to this file? I tried adding the file to the .hgignore file, but...