
Persisting configuration items in .net

I have a set of configuration items I need to persist to a "human readable" file. These items are in a hierarchy: Device 1 Name Channel 1 Name Size ... Channel N Name ... Device M Name Channel 1 Each of these item could be stored in a Dictionary with a string Key and a value. They could also be in a...

Visual Studio 2008 Design Surface Error: "The operation could not be completed. Invalid formatetc structure."

In a VS2008 web site project, I have a page open in split view. I try to drag an Infragistics web control onto the page's design surface. Nothing happens. I try to drag same onto the htmlz. Dialog box with The operation could not be completed. Invalid formatetc structure. Subsequently the dragged control does not appear in the de...

How do configure optional or "extraneous" URLs?

How would you configure/handle extraneous/optional URLs entities (aliases, maybe)? SO is a good example: (bad example, but I couldn't think of better) Amazon URLs are even more confusing (e.g., the Kindle)

Visual Studio and Virus Scan of Temp folder

We are using Visual Studio 2008 as our primary development IDE. Our security team has set up McAfee to scan files in our \Local Settings\Temp folder. Unfortunately VS uses this directory during code builds which is slowing the developers down. We've reached an impasse with the security team on this, and wonder if anyone knows of a con...

How do I resolve "%1 is not a valid Win32 application"?

Environment: Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise 64bit, SP2 .NET framework is supposedly installed (2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2, 3.5 SP1) I say "supposedly" because they are listed as installed under Add/Remove programs. I'm not sure it's properly installed, because the "ASP.NET" tab isn't added to any of the sites in IIS. In the IIS Web Service Ex...

Eclipse fonts and background color

I have been trying to change the background color of eclipses windows to black and customize the font colors. There doesn't seem to be a way to do this at least not an obvious way. I am using version 3.3. Does anyone know how to do this or of any plugin's that might be able to assist in doing this? ...

Configuration file with list of key-value pairs in python

I have a python scripts that analyzes a set of error messages and checks for each message if it matches a certain pattern (regular expression) in order to group these messages. For example "file x does not exist" and "file y does not exist" would match "file .* does not exist" and be accounted as two occurrences of "file not found" categ...

Can a WinForms app be configured to run as "x86" without recompiling?

Can a WinForms app compiled for "Any CPU" be configured to run as "x86" on a 64-bit server without recompiling the app? Specifically, I'm looking for an app.config setting or Control Panel applet to accomplish this end. All the customer's clients are x86, but the server is x64, and we like to install the WinForms app on the server for ad...

Is it possible to enable compression with SQL Server 2005 Replication

I am sending data across a link with very little bandwidth and I will probably be sending large data files. I have Merge Replication and Snapshot replication configured at present. Is it possible to enable compression in SQL Server 2005 replication and if so, how? Thanks. ...

How do I track down obsolete build configurations in VS 2008?

I have a large solution containing many C# projects. When I open the solution and hit F5 for the first time, I get compile errors like the following: Error 3 Metadata file 'C:\Users\david\Documents\VS.Projects\CeoTrunk\Ceoimage\bin\x86\Release\Ceoimage.dll' could not be found. I'm compiling the solution and the projects producing ...

How can I get Emacs style key bindings in Visual Studio?

How can I get Emacs style key bindings in Visual Studio? Is it available in Settings? Do I need a Plug-in? ...

Recommended placement of tempdb and log for SQL Server OLTP database(s)

Suppose the following configuration: Drive D ... Data, Drive E .... TempDB, Drive F ... Log. and suppose all drives are on separate spindles with respective drive controllers. Concerning performance; is the above configuration optimal, decent, or not advisable? With budgetary constraints in mind, can any of these DB's share the save dr...

Can php.ini settings be overridden in by a website using PHP + IIS6?

We have PHP 5.2.6 deployed to c:\php and in that folder there is the php.ini file. On Windows, can a website override these settings similar to the way that apache has .htaccess? e.g. DirectoryIndex index.php index.html <IfModule mod_php5.c> php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off php_flag register_globals off </IfModule> <IfModule mod_php4.c> ...

MVC with SharePoint

Hi, We are looking to use the MVC Framework in our SP Application. This is what we are trying to accomplish... A virtual directory within the SPSite which can host and run MVC. for e.g., /_layouts/MVC/ Any hints on the required configuration changes (if at all this is possible) will be very helpful. Kind regards, Ashish Sharma ...

What is the proper way to store app's conf data in Java?

Hello, colleagues, where do you store user-specific and machine-specific runtime configuration data for J2SE application? (For example, C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\ on Windows and /home/username on Unix) How do you get these locations in the filesystem in platform-independent way? Thanks for your advice! ...

Apache development config on OS X (again)

Hi All, I am trying to configure Apache2 on my Mac (running OS X 10.5) so I can use virtual hosts to develop a few different projects and be able to browse to them from other machines on my network. I've tried to use the following configuration in httpd.conf (boiled down a bit): ServerName macmini.local:80 Listen *:80 NameVirtualHost 1...

What is wrong when you get an "Unrecognized configuration section runtime" configuration exception.

In particular from this web.config: <configuration> <configSections> <section name="RStrace" type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.RSTraceSectionHandler,Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics" /> </configSections> <system.diagnostics> <switches> <add name="DefaultTraceSwitch" value="3" /> </switches> <...

How do I get at the goodies in my Grails Config.groovy at runtime?

in Config.groovy I see this: // set per-environment serverURL stem for creating absolute links environments { production { grails.serverURL = "" } } what is the correct way to access that at runtime? ...

.NET assemblyBinding configuration ignored in machine.config

I have a situation where I need to be able to load assemblies in the GAC based on their partial names. In order to do this I have added the following to my app.config file: <runtime> <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"> <qualifyAssembly partialName="MyAssembly" fullName= "MyAssembly, Ver...

Visual Studio 2008 -- Can I change which "add reference" tab is selected by default?

Every time you start Visual Studio, the first time you click "Add Reference" to add a DLL reference to a project, by default, the .NET tab on that dialog box is selected. As most people reading this have probably noticed, it can take a long time -- often more than 30 seconds -- for the full list of .NET components to fill in. Because ...