
jQuery confirmation not working in Chrome

Hi, I'm trying to create a basic confirmation box which prompts users with a simple confirm/cancel when they click on a link. This is working fine in FF and IE, however Chrome just seems to ignore it. Can anyone see why this might not be working? //Confirm Duplication $("a[href*=duplicate]").click(function(event){ ...

livequery - confirm()

I don't get why this confirm() call fires up even though i hit "no". Can you tell me what i'm doing wrong? $('.deleteButton').livequery('click',function(){ if(confirm('Are you sure?')){ return true; }else { return false; } return false; }); The HTML Markup: <a class=...

jConfirm with this existing code [Solved]

Hi, I need help to use jConfirm with this existing code (php & Jquery & jAlert). function logout() { if (confirm("Do you really want to logout?")) window.location.href = "logout.php"; } If I just change confirm to jConfirm this not enough to make it work... Thanks for your help Lena ...

JavaScript Confirm Does Not Work?

Hi, I use girdview. and for deleting I use LinkButton in each row. protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if(e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { ((LinkButton)e.Row.Cells[12].Controls[0]).Attributes.Add("onClick", "return false;" ); } } Now, I w...

custom choices in javascript confirm dialog.

How to write a confirm dialog in javascript with custom choices? Instead of just "Ok" and "Cancel", I would like to have for example "This" "That" and "Other". ...

jQuery/Javascript confirm coming up twice

For some weird reason i'm getting my confirm box coming up twice. here is my code: $(".DeleteComment").live("click", function(){ var CommentID = $(this).attr("rel"); var confirm if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to permanently delete this comment?')){ return false; }else{ $(this).html("loading").css("colo...

How to show the content of the form just entered in the ":confirm =>" option on Ruby on Rails

I am trying to have a way of confirming the information entered before actually saving it to the DB Considered making an individual confirmation page as discussed here However my form includes an attached file using paperclip wh...

Do browsers localize the OK and Cancel buttons of the javascript confirm popup?

In a multi-language web site, can I rely on the javascript confirm to translate the text of the Ok/Cancel buttons? If so, is it related to the browser or OS language setting? ...

Ask whether the user is sure to leave the site (XHTML/JavaScript)

When a user leaves one page of my website, there should be a warning message which gives the user the option to stay on the page: "Are you sure that you want to close this page?" It doesn't matter if the next page is an internal or external page. I thought this could be done with the onUnload event handler, couldn't it? <body onunloa...

Button disabled.. But...

I have one form, it includes 3 text boxes and 2 link button as Edit and delete. these controls are Operated (enabling & disabling)by a Button. On loading the delete button enable property set to false. but when i click on the delete button it shows the delete confirm box. what i do for avoiding this Magic ? ...

Silverlight Confirm Dialog to Pause Thread

I'm trying to do a confirmation dialog using Silverlight's ChildWindow object. Ideally, I'd like it to work like MessageBox.Show(), where the entire application halts until an input is received from the user. For example: for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { if (i==3 && MessageBox.Show("Exit early?", "Iterator", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) == Mess...

can I override/redefine "global" Javascript functions, like confirm() and alert()?

I want to do some browser automation, and those pesky confirm/alert boxes are a real pain. Disabling javascript completely in this case is not an option, unfortunately. Well, so I was wondering, can I just change the definition of those methods as seen by my browser's javascript interpreter to basically do nothing and return true? Note ...

Confirm Save during onchange of drop down

Hi, Onchange of select option I am confirming the user whether to save or not the changes. If user selects OK , I am submitting the form onchange="if(confirm('Save?')){;} ". When user selects cancel it is populating the recently selected option. My problem is I have to populate the old value ...

How to issue a confirm (yes/no) message of a Android task?

I want to ask the user if he agrees to continue launching a task, how do I issue a confirm window having Yes, No buttons? ...

How Do I Make A Small jQuery Confirm Replacement?

I have a table row with a Delete link on it for deleting that row. I want to create a jQuery feature that pops up above that Delete link an "Are you sure?" yes/no confirm dialog, but in a very small size. How do I achieve this in the least lines of code in jQuery? I mean, I need to determine the x,y of the Delete link that was detecte...

Using jquery ui dialog to confirm action for form submission

I have multiple forms on a page, for each of them I want the user to confirm before form submission. but when the user confirms to submit, how do I let this dialog know which form the user is sumbitting? Does it take custom parameters? Thanks. $("#dialog-confirm").dialog({ resizable: false, height:140, modal: tru...

Is there an "are you sure" for stored procedure execution? :)

I have a stored procedure which is doing a lot of delete. Hundreds of thousands of records. It is not going to be runnable from the application, but still, i am concerned, that one of my clients accidentally runs it (i had problems earlier due to their "curiosity") :D Yes. there are backups and stuff like that, but I was thinking .... n...

jQuery UI Tabs And Dialog - How to confirm switching tabs with confirm based on the Dialog plugin?

So, the goal is to confirm switching to another UI tab using UI Dialog plugin. Using common confirm method is simple: jQuery("#tabsContainer").tabs({ select: function(event, ui) { return confirm("Some confirmation message..."); } }); but how to to achieve same behavior using Dialog modal box? I think I have to call: ...

confirm only 1 time function with jquery

i have this function that will shuffle a list of images, when i press on a #shuffle button i want to trigger a message, if is confirmed the second time i will not want to ask again! how to code this? $('#shuffle').click(function(){ if(confirm('This will shuffle all your bla bla bla')){ $("#upimagesQueue li").shuffle(); }...

Programmatically confirm the existence of a mobile number

How do I confirm that a phone number is legit, or that it is connected? I want to prevent users signing up with bogus numbers. Is there a way to programmatically make a call or something? Or find out if the phone is alive, connected? ...