
Single sign on with confluence wiki

Hello, I would like to use our current intranet as the main application to authenticate users. Confluence should be able to ready the cookie I created from the intranet to authenticate the user automatically without prompting them for a username/password. I read a bit about seraph here:

how to ajax your confluence pages so slow macros dont slow down page load

some pages that use macros like: topusers or popularlabels are really slow to load. Is there any way to have this load asynchronously through ajax instead of having this block the initial page load ? ...

Confluence Persistence

Is there a simple in built way to maintain data in Confluence when writing your own macro? This data needs to be quaryable across pages, i.e the user will add the marco to their wiki page. Then this data can be queried by another summary macro. I have read something about Bandana but I am not sure how to get this to work with my plugin....

C# Syntax Highlighting for Confluence

Does anyone know of any C# syntax highlighter plugins for Confluence? Using the default Java highlighter works, but it misses things like string in C# and String in Java, with the latter being highlighted and the former plain black text. ...

Creating link to file location on network in confluence

On confluence I want to create a link that links to: P:\myFolder\folder, where P is mapped to a network share. Just putting in "P:\myFolder\folder" doesn't work. Any ideas? (Assuming I cannot put in the full network path). ...

Confluence not showing tips on wiki markup

After an upgrade, our confluence installation doesnt show the "Help Tips" on wiki markup (a box on the right side of the edit pane which give basic informations on wiki markup). If I view the source, I see that the div is there, but with a display:none attribute. This lead me to think that there is an option somewhere to activate or deac...

Workflow for turning Confluence wiki content into hardcopy/web user manual?

Hello, The company I work for has started using Confluence for documenting software development and the associated processes. We are looking into using content created on the wiki to create a user manual, as both a PDF for hardcopy and HTML for a web based manual. I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions for this specific workflow...

Confluence Logout using SSO

I have written my own seraph custom authenticator for confluence. I can login from my system and confluence is able to recognize that I am logged in. Everything is fine so far. The problem is when I try to logout. I tried to set the logout.url in the seraph-config.xml, however that simply redirects the user to my logout page, but doesnt ...

Script or utility to export from ScrewTurn Wiki into Confluence?

Has anyone tried migrating from ScrewTurn to Confluence? I'm hoping that I can export the ScrewTurn database to xml and then use a utility to put it in a format that Confluence can understand - perhaps the format used by the Universal Wiki Converter. Has anyone used such a utility? Is there anything I should know before I try to write o...

Can the return value of DELETE be modified in PostgreSQL

I am trying to prevent users from being able to irrevocably delete spaces in a Confluence wiki. My first quick thought was to rename the spaces table to allspaces, add a new column deleted, and create a view spaces in place of the old table. The view will only return non-deleted spaces. I have created three rules to allow INSERT, UPDA...

Using text-filter inside expanding-reporter

I have an report on confluence using the reporting plugin, the report lists comments of all the children page, and filters the comments where the first letter is "c"; {report-table} {expanding-reporter:content:all comments|as=comment} {local-reporter:content:children} {text-sort:comment:creation date |order=descending} {text-filte...

Import MS Office document into Atlassian Confluence via API

Is it possible to do this? I browser through the Confluence Core API and haven't found anything remotely similar. Google search also comes dry. ...

is there a confluence restful API for fetching page source by page title?

I want to get the raw markup of a confluence page given it's space name and a page name. Is there a confluence restful API to get that? I know I can use the viewpagesrc.action url, but it requires a page id and all I have is a page title. I also know I can use the xmlrpc interface but that requires that I be authenticated and I don't wa...

One website for support tickets, documentation, user management, file transfer, etc

Does anyone know of a web app that can do all of the above in one place? We are currently working with Vtiger (support), Confluence (documentation), Joomla (website, user management & custom file transfer area). We've tried using various Joomla components, but we've found nothing as good as the individual web apps listed above... We nee...

How to enable the RTF editor in Jira

I'm new to Jira and have big problem with creating tables inside my testing plan. Using pipes, double pipes, etc. to build the table markup is really time consuming. So, I saw here, that actually there's a RTF editor with visual table building in Confluence (which should be used in JIRA right? ) :

Using standard Confluence caches when developping a plugin

I am developping a plugin for Confluence (version 2.10). My plugin has some expensive process that would benefit a lot from caching. I have implemented a proof of concept with a simple HashMap as a cache. Now I need to put a real cache in place. I'd like to integrate my caches with the standard Confluence caches, so they could be manage...

CSS: IE8 vs World (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

I have a theme using Adaptavist Theme Builder for Confluence, and I've encountered an issue where the theme is prefect in Firefox, Chrome or Safari but IE8 doesn't want to constrain the width of the table: Example: Turning on Compatibility mode doesn't help... It's a three column layout, and the width of ...

Embedding a dynamic file using the "view file" macro

The view file macro allows embedding documents (.ppt, .pdf, etc) on a Confluence wiki page. Limitation is, documents must be on attachments. So question, is there a way to load dynamically a file located into an SCM's deposit? P.S. Current SCM: Perforce. UPDATE: As I see, there is no official Perforce plugin. ...

How to create an Export Plugin for Confluence

I'd like to create a plugin that exports into a custom document format similar to the way that export to PDF and export to Word currently work in Confluence. Does anyone have experience creating a custom export plugin for Confluence? If so do you know of any resources or samples that describe what would be involved? ...

Using JAXB inside a Confluence Plugin

I have a Confluence plugin I am working on that contains a series of classes that use JAXB. When the plugin runs I get the following runtime-exception: [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: Provider com.sun.xml.bind.v2.ContextFactory not found [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] - with linked exception: [INFO] [talledL...