
iphone ABNewPersonViewController seems to not be responding to delegate

Hi guys I'm halfway through implementing a very basic 'Add Contact' Button. I am calling the 'Add View' using the code (via a linked UIButton, that works) : - (IBAction)showAddContact { NSLog(@"Hit showAddContact"); ABNewPersonViewController *newPersonViewController = [[ABNewPersonViewController alloc] init]; addContactNavControll...

Add a contact to android emulator

Hi, My issue is quite simple I think : I would like to be able to add a contact to the contact list by a simple click on a button (and be able to test it on the emulator). The data of this contact would be stored in the source code of the application. is there an easy way of doing that? thank you for your answers ...

Help Wordpress contact form 7 issue with input widths on radio buttons?

Hi all fellow wordpressers I'd like to customize the width of the radio buttons on contact form 7. Is there a way to tell the radio buttons to be a different width to the input fields in the css. When I put a width on the input fields I don't want this to apply to the radio buttons. Thanks for all your help Regards judi ...

Wordpress captcha in contact form 7?

Hi I'm using contact form 7 with Really Simple CAPTCHA, but it's throwing up the following validation errors. Is there a way to fix this? Or is there another plugin or can I just enter it into the html? Thanks for your help Regards Judi # Line 261, Column 84: document type does not allow element "input" here; missing one of "ins...

Adding Contacts into particular group? Google Contact API

I am using Google Contact API to add Contacts and Groups into Google Apps (gmail). I am able to create Contacts as well as Groups. But now i want to: Put contact into particular group at the time of creation of Contact. ...

If i want perform some action if I bring two iPhones closer, how do i do that ?

hi all, my question is that i want to write a simple code in xcode, by which if i bring another iphone closer to mine, and make contact... then certain function is called ? help .. ...

PHP contact form overwrite fields issue repeating value

H I'm using php contact form from I thought I'd add an onfocus effect so when i click in the fields the value dissappears automatically. But when I submit say if haven't filled in my requried fields I get this the values appearing again like <input type="text" class="text_box" onfocus="if(this.v...

Programatically adding "Birthday" to Google Contacts using Google contact API?

Hi, I am trying to add "Birthday" value to Google Contact using Google Contact API (C#). Can anyone help me out here. I am using Google Data API Setup( I got one solution as specified on this link But to implement accepted solution i need to upgrade to the latest version of the client library i.e API 3.0. But for .Net i am...

Programatically adding "New Custom Field" To Google Contacts using Google contact API

Hi, How to create new "Custom Field into Google Contact using Google Contact API (c#)? I used: ExtendedProperty obj_ExtendedProperty = new ExtendedProperty(); obj_ExtendedProperty.Name = "Department"; obj_ExtendedProperty.Value = "Sales"; ContactEntry.ExtendedProperties.Add(obj_ExtendedProperty); Thanx ...

Problem with Free SMTP Server in php code

I wrote php code for use to contact us form but I can not find free SMTP server to use it. I Try to use SMTP Server For Gmail but I found this error. Warning: mail() [function.mail]: "sendmail_from" not set in php.ini or custom "From:" header missing in C:\www\htdocs\contactUs.php on line 25" line 25 is : mail ($to,$su...

Find contacts created after a particular time-stamp

Hi, is it possible to know the time at which a contact was created. Actually I want to find all contacts created after a particular time (say 12:00 pm 29th march 2010). I thought that the contact ids were assigned in an increasing order and just noting the largest id at that point would suffice. But with Android 2.0, the internal syn...

How to create "ExtendedProperty" using "gd:extendedProperty" in c# ?

Hi, I am trying to create "extendedProperty" in Google Contacts using : <gd:extendedProperty name="" value="1234"></gd:extendedProperty> But i don't know how to use it in my code. Means how to sent this dta to google apps using http or webrequest. Can anyone hel me out here Thanx ...

How to send contact form info from a website as mobile SMS?

My client has a website but doesn't check emails often. He has a lot of web enquiries through the online contact form. He carries a mobile phone though. How to send contact form details that's submitted through the website to his mobile phone as SMS? ...

Oauth : Get user's permissions without any redirection to a server.

Hello, in my website, I want to add a "invite friend of my contacts book" functionnality. I would like that the user fills the loggin form in my website. Then the website contacts Google Mail, Yahoo Mail, Live Mail and retrieves the contact list. In the Oauth protocole supported by Google and Yahoo, the user is redirected to a Google ...

Importing MSN contact list

How to import import Msn contact in our application? I want to learn about importing msn contact list in my java appication. Need help on this and where can i find the sample java code for achieving this? ...

Reg : Contact changes in Android

Hi, I am using ContentObserver on contacts. But here my problem is atleast once i have to launch my application other wise i am unable to get notification chages. My code like this ContactsContentObserver cco = new ContactsContentObserver(handler); ContentResolver contentResolver = getContentResolver(); contentResolver.regis...

How to add add icons and Intents in the QuickContactBadge menu for my android program ?

Hello, I'm a writing a program to add a new way of communication such as MMS/SMS or SIP phone to Android. Is there a way to add an icon in the QuickContactBadge menu, when clicking on a contact photo in the Contacts application ? I wasn't able to fully understand how it works from android sources ... Is the list of icons only popula...

Wordpress Contact Form 7 in a hidden div.

Hi there, I'm using Contact Form 7 on Wordpress. I have it set up so the upload appears in the 3rd of three divs that hide and show depending on a clicked link. Everything is fine except when I click submit it hides the uploads div and shows the first div again. The form is submitting fine and you see a message that it has sent ...

Exchange get Calendar's contact and contact's contact

I need to get the Contact from a contact and contact from a calendar. I look everywhere on the net but impossible to find the answer. Does anyone know how to do this? I develop my application in C#. ...

Does AOL have a contacts api?

In their dev site,AOL says the contacts api would coming soon from the year 2008-_- but I can't find anything about it since then, and I find in window live add contacts site: They have a program to port contacts from AOL, that is this only for Microsoft. Is there another method to d...