
How to configure a Apache primary web server to handle the SSL connections from users (Tomcat Servlet/JSP container)

How to configure a Apache primary web server to handle the SSL connections from users (Tomcat Servlet/JSP container) ...

Using STL containers for multiple keys

I came across one requirement where the record is stored as Name : Employee_Id : Address where Name and Employee_Id are supposed to be keys that is, search function is to be provided on both Name and Employee Id. I can think of using a map to store this structure std::map< std:pair<std::string,std::string> , std::string > // ...

c++ templated container scanner.

Hello, here's today's dilemma: suppose I've class A{ public: virtual void doit() = 0; } then various subclasses of A, all implementing their good doit method. Now suppose I want to write a function that takes two iterators (one at the beginning of a sequence, the other at the end). The sequence is a sequence of A subclasses lik...

Generic Containers in Delphi

Hi dudes, I'm trying to do this: type TItemRec = record Sender : TAction; OwnerPack : HModule; ChildForm : TForm; end; TRecList = TList<TItemRec>; THelperList = class helper for TRecList function FindSenderIndex(ASender: TAction): Int16; end; var MyObj : TRe...

Silverlight: Add same UserControl to more than one Canvas

I have a bunch of UserControls ('MyUserControl') that I want to have a user manually add to one or more Canvases. One instance of a UserControl cannot be a child element of more than one container (otherwise a 'System.InvalidOperationException: Element is already the child of another element.' is thrown). Is there a way to do this witho...

Can .h264 container contain audio tracks?

Can .h264 container contain audio tracks? ...

Records and Generic Containers in Delphi

I'm going slightly mad (singing Queen's song) about records with Generic Containers (TList). First, see this code: TItemRec = record private FSender : TAction; FOwnerPack : HModule; FDockPanel : TdxDockPanel; procedure SetDockPanel(const Value: TdxDockPanel); procedure SetOwnerPack(const Value: HModule); p...

Tomcat--Web Server or Web Container?

Hi, I've a small doubt in my mind; could anyone please clarify me is the Tomcat web server or Web container? ...

how to disallow a div's 'left' property from exceeding a specified number

I'm using this tiny drag plugin to drag div.slider horizontally across it's div.container. I do not want div.slider to be able to go past the bounds(don't want it to exit) div.container. so when div.slider reaches the very right side of it's container div.container, i want it to not allow the user to drag it any further right, so that it...

Which STL containers require the use of CAdapt?

The CAdapt class is provided by Microsoft in order to enable using classes that override the address of operator (operator&) in STL containers. MSDN has this to say about the use of CAdapt: Typically, you will use CAdapt when you want to store CComBSTR, CComPtr, CComQIPtr, or _com_ptr_t objects in an STL container such as a list. O...

Replacement for vector accepting non standard constructable and not assignable types

I have a class test which isn't standard constructable nor assignable due to certain reasons. However it is copy constructable - on may say it behaves a bit like a reference. Unfortunately I needed a dynamic array of these elements and realized that vector<test> isn't the right choice because the elements of a vector must be standard co...

How to copy List to Array

Hi I have list of Guid's List<Guid> MyList; I need to copy its contents to Array Guid[] Please recommend me a pretty solution ...

android html container

Hi, does anyone know whether is it possible to display a dialog with html code on android device? I would be more than thankful for any tip about it. What I want to di is design a html layout and display it in a dialog inside the custom application. Thanks! ...

Removing a single pointer from a boost::ptr_list list?

If I create a bunch of elements in a boost::ptr_list container how can I remove individual pointers from it? Say I do this: boost::ptr_list intlist; int *i = new int(3); intlist.Add(i); int *i2 = new int(1); intlist.Add(i2); int *i3 = new int(6); intlist.Add(i3); How can I remove say i3 and not i or i2 from the list? ...

Associative array with multiple keys types, possible?

Ive got a large bunch of objects (potentially 1000's) which I need to store in a container. I need to be able to find specific instances in two ways, either by its ID number (64bit unsigned int), or its name (std::string). Generally by ID will be the most common, however in some cases the name is known, but not the ID. std::map can prov...

WPF - automatically relocating children when parent resizes

I have a container whose size can change. I will by dynamically creating instances of a user control and adding them to that container. the size of the user control is fixed. what I want to do is, fit the most number of user controls in the container. I think a good approach is to add the children horizontally until there is no more sp...

Code compiles locally on g++ 4.4.1, but not on (g++ 4.1.2)? (reference to reference problem)?)

I was writing a test case out to tackle a bigger problem in my application. I ended trying some code out on codepad and discovered that some code that compiled on my local machine (g++ 4.4.1, with -Wall) didn't compile on codepad (g++ 4.1.2), even though my local machine has a newer version of g++. Codepad calls this a reference to refe...

Available Servlet 3.0 implementations?

Which implementations of the Servlet 3.0 specification are available (or at least in beta) besides GlassFish? ...

HTML CSS - fieldset containers do not line up

I am trying to move away from tables but it's proving too difficult. This is the webpage "" I don't understand why the two green boxes don't align properly on Chrome and older versions of Opera. This works perfectly well with firefox 3.5 and IE8. I would like to know the reason behind this strange behav...

Abstract factory pattern on top of IoC?

I have decided to use IoC principles on a bigger project. However, i would like to get something straight that's been bothering me for a long time. The conclusion that i have come up with is that an IoC container is an architectural pattern, not a design pattern. In other words, no class should be aware of its presence and the container ...