
PyQt application crashes after closing QMessagebox window.

Here is the code of my simple tray application. It crashes with segfault when i call information window from context menu of application and then close it. I've tryed different variants to find a reason of segfault, this is my last try. #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys from PyQt4 import QtCore from PyQt4 import ...

Android ContextMenu starts in the onCreate method?

Hello all, is it possible to start a context menu on the onCreate method? I know its probably bad design ethics but I have my resons!! I've tried the: registerForContextMenu(this.getCurrentFocus()); But its not working.. So does anyone have any better ideas? Many thanks in advance! @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedIns...

How to create a dynamic context menu in android?

@Override public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v,ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) { super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo); menu.setHeaderTitle("Selection Options"); menu.add(0, v.getId(), 0, "Remove"); } I want my menu to say "Remove AAPL" I would get the string AAPL from ...

How to add radio buttons to a context menu?

I would like to add radio buttons to my context menu, but I'm not sure how. This is how it is created: @Override public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v,ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) { super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo); menu.setHeaderTitle("Selection Options"); menu.add(0, v.g...

How can I create multiple context menus?

I have 1 activity, but would like to have multiple context menu's for different UI components. For example, I have a ListView which will react to: @Override public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v,ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) { super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo); menu.setHeaderTitle("...

Adding an option to the windows right-click menu

I want to add some compile options to the right click menu. For instance, when I right-click a Haskell (.hs) file, I want to have an option "Compile with GHC". Following some instructions I found online, I went into regedit, and under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.hs, I added shell\Compile with GHC\command, giving the compile command as the (Defaul...

How to change Visual Studio 2010 context menu size

I have enough vertical spaces up and down but Visual Studio context menu restricts context menu and made itself scrollable. Is there a configuration option to change the behavior of how context menu is displayed? Goal: I'd like to display all items without having to scroll. ...

Android: How do I customize phone apps menus?

I want to add a new menu or context menu item to existing applications like the Phone and Contacts. For example, in the contact list, select a contact then you see "Send picture to this person" in the menu. Or from the phone app, while talking to someone, you see a button that says "Mark this call for follow-up" or anything like this. ...

Action into Submenu Context Menu Java JFace SWT Eclipse

Hi there! I'm having a slight problem with an Eclipse Plug-In in development. There is a view which is comparabe to a roster. There is a list of users in there. My problem is, that I'd like to add an context menu. The idea is to perform a right-click on a user and the menu should pop up. So far so good... but the problem is that I don't...

WPF - same style of contexmenu on different operating systems

Hi Is there any way to force context menu to look the same in every operation system (Windows XP Win7 Windows Vista) ?? I installed my small application on windows xp and context menu looks totaly different than I expected. It seems that context menu gets it's look from windows style or something like that. So is there any way to force t...

WPF CommandParameter not updated when set in Context Menu

Hi, I have a wpf window with several text box controls. I need to apply a common style that would apply a context menu to each control and i have defined it globally as follows, <ContextMenu x:Key="textBoxMenu"> <Separator/> <MenuItem Header="Affirm" Command="{Binding Path=AffirmCommand}" ...

css dropdown menu appears at the first tab

I am staging my ongoing work here- Here, css dropdown menu appears at different menu tabs (and functions accurately as intended). However, once inside the "blog" section, notice the dropdown menu unnecessarily also appearing near the first menu tab, no matter where we hover the mouse ...

WPF strange context menu behaviour

Hi I create a contextmenu dynamicly using this code protected MenuItem itemAdd, itemDelete, itemSelectBranch, itemDeleteClasp; protected MenuItem itemCut, itemCopy, itemPaste, itemAddParent, itemPasteWithChildren; protected MenuItem itemAddTask, itemAddExtTask, itemAddMileStone; menu = new ContextMenu(); itemAdd = ne...

ContextMenu on ListBox Item with DataTemplate

I have a ListBox with different classes of items. DataTemplates are used to present those objects in the appropriate way. I want to have different context menus in the DataTemplates of these classes. Everything works fine using the mouse, but using the keyboard I can't bring up the context menu. This is probably because the keyboard-fo...

wpf contextmenu gets style from it's parent

Hi I have a problem with context menu. I override default context menu from textbox with my own menu. The menu is created dynamicly and looks like that ContextMenu menu = new ContextMenu() MenuItem item1= new MenuItem(); item1.Header = "First item"; MenuItem item2 = new MenuItem(); item2.Hea...

Juggling multiple context menus within .toggle

I'm further along in making this all work, but when I try to add some code that hides the others when one is clicked it expects a second click to hide again. How do I only show one menu at a time? PS These are not sibling menus. $(function() { $("a[rel=tooltip]").tooltip({ position:"bottom" }); $(".dd").toggle(function() { $("...

Menu stop second function from firing off upon other element using same function

I have 3 menus that use this .toggle and when I switch between menus it requires a second click for the menu to click on again. How do I make the second function stop if another menu is shown? $(".dd").toggle(function() { $("ul a", this).click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); $(".contextMenu").hide(); ...

How can I add a menu item to launch the Send intent

Hi, I am trying to a menu item to launch the Send intent. This is what I did, I see the menu item but i don't see send intent launch when i select the menu item. public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) { Intent sendIntent = new Intent(Intent.Action_Send); menu.add(Menu.NONE, 0...

Eclipse MenuManager: get ImageDescriptor of Image?

Hi folks! I cannot get this to work so I thought it might be a wise idea posting over here... I have a context menu in SWT (actually its an Eclipse plugin). It's a cascaded menu, so it expands as soon as you hover over a certain entry... My problem is, that I want to attach a small icon to the menu but I struggle with that! Code: ...

WPF - how to hide menu item if command's CanExecute is false?

By default menu items become disabled when its command cannot be executed (CanExecute = false). What is the easiest way to make the menu item visible/collapsed based on the CanExecute method? Thanks for your convenience here's the solution: Bind the visibility property to the IsEnabled property using "Boolean to Visibility" converter....