
jQuery fullcalendar: contextmenu

hey, I want to use jQuery.contextMenu ( in jQuery.fullcalendar.. when i right-click on an event.. but how it works? ...

How to show a PopoupWindow at the click location?

I'm trying to show in Android a PopupWindow at the click location. I read that Android does not support getting the click coordinates for some reason. I want to do something like the little popup that appears on the contacts on Android 2.1+ when you select a person's icon and a window appears at the row location showing different optio...

Can I buy a Context Menu control for Silverlight?

I've been looking for a ContextMenu control for Silverlight. There is one from Microsoft, but it's severely crippled (you can't add/remove things at runtime, does not support submenus, etc...) I've looked at the commercial components from Telerik, ComponentOne, Infragistics, etc... and they provide the features I am looking for, but t...

ListView in PopupWindow,ContextMenu not popping up on Long click

fileListView = new FileListController(this); fileListView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { pWindow.dismiss(); } }); pWindow = new PopupWindow(fileListView); pWindow.setWindowLayoutMode(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); pWindow...

WPF ContextMenu lose its subitems

Hi guys, I've got a weird issue with WPF contextMenu regards updating the UI! Basically I create a hierarchical list named World. this list contain Countries and each country contain Cities. I bind this list to a label contextMenu. I create a button which delete one city in that list. Here the code ` <Window.Resources> <Hiera...

Relay/Delegate Command & InputGestures

I want to have a command from my view model associated with F8, and don't know a great deal about input gestures. Must I wrap it in a routed command or is there another recommended way to do this? Cheers, Berryl UPDATE My original posting really had two pain points in them. The first was that prior to WPF 4 you couldn't bind a comman...

How to show the context menu programmatically when click on notification icon?

I have a sample C# windows form here. I need to show the notification icon's context menu when it is left-mouse clicked. I have marked where to write the needed codes as below: private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Need to show the context menu here } Please help! ...

Find Bound Item from TreeViewItem from ContextMenu

I have this Tree View that looks like this: <TreeView Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="2" MinHeight="100" MinWidth="100" BorderBrush="White" DataContext="{Binding Projects, Source={x:Static SizingApp:Manager.Instance}}"> <T...

silverlight popup primitive zindex

I have a contextmenu that I want to popup over a autocompletebox dropdown, problem is that the autocompletebox dropdown is based upon the popup primitive, so it doesn't seem to be affected by z-index. Can anyone help me or show me a working example of a contextmenu over a autocompleteboxdropdown? ...

Adding context sensitive menus to codeigniter controllers

I have created a generic "Page" controller for my site. These pages serve up mostly static information, they pull the most recent version of the page contents, and the update date from a database. On each page they have a section menu and a resource menu. The section menu is dictated by what logical section of the site the page reside...

How to switch to new Activity from menu?

I have a menu and would like to open a new Activity when the user clicks on the menu item: @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { // Handle item selection switch (item.getItemId()) { case System.out.println("ADD SYMBOL CLICKED!"); Intent myIntent...

How to remove an array item from a context menu?

I have a ListView and would like to remove a row item when the user long clicks on selects Remove from the context menu. @Override public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v,ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) { super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo); menu.setHeaderTitle("Selection Options"); ...

Why don't I get my onContextItemSelected callback?

I am implementing a context menu for my main activity. I have some XML to define the items: <menu xmlns:android=""&gt; <item android:title="@string/random_item" android:id="@+id/random_item" android:icon="@drawable/random"/> <item android:title="@string/about_item" android:id="@+id/about_...

Android Context Menu within Wikitude API

Hello all, I am using the wikitude API within my app. For those who may not know, wikitude is an Augmented Reality app that displays poi's (points of interest) via the phones camera. Within the wikitude API, on selecting a poi, the user is presented with a pre-developed dialog window that consists of a text view & two buttons. The acti...

[Tortoise SVN]: No context menu in Windows 7?

Hello, I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. I've installed the most recent 64 bit version version form official site, restarted PC and can't see a SVN context menu even when shift-right clicking. I've uninstalled this version and tried with 32 bit one, but still no luck. They say in FAQ it happens when you install 32 bit app on 64 bit...

How to implement a Radial/Pie Menu in CSS3?

I would like to implement a radial menu using CSS3 transforms animations similar to the third demo in this page. There is an implementation in jQuery using canvas Radmenu but it doesn't move as fluidly as the flash one. First question would be: is this feasible? if possible using only 2D transforms and animations so it works in more pla...

Using Context Menus on Hyperlinks in a Flow Document

I want to display several actions in a ContextMenu attached to a Hyperlink in a FlowDocument. Some of these actions depend on the value of the Hyperlink object's NavigateUri property. How can I get a reference to the Hyperlink that the user right-clicked? Unfortunately, it's not as simple as using the PlacementTarget property. As this (...

Adding an item to the Context Menu

I wish to add an option of 'SEND' to the context menu of Contacts. Is it possible to extend the ContextMenu Activity? or is there any other option for the same? ...

Styling ContextMenu (Silverlight Toolkit Apr 2010) Using Expression Blend

Screen Shot I am trying to remove the grey background from this context menu but I can't find the property to change... All the elements of the context menu are either transparent or other colours. Is this a bug or do I have to edit more than just the ItemContainerStyle? TIA ...

How do I enable a disabled context menu item when selection happens in a Perl Tk gui?

For example in the following script: use Tk; my $mw = new MainWindow; my $t = $mw->Scrolled("Text")->pack; my $popup = $mw->Menu( -menuitems => [ [ Button => 'Copy Selected', -state => "disabled", -command => sub {$t->clipboardColumnCopy} ], ] ); $t->menu($popup); MainL...