
Rendering Partials from One Controllers View to Another Controllers View in Rails

I have a view for a controller called "show". Inside that view, i want to render the contents of another controller's view - and obviously, the logic for the form on that view to talk to the controller it belongs too. How do I do this? I am fairly new to rails and I'm not 100% confident with the framework yet. You could almost consid...

(rails) hidden form elements not giving values to controller

I have the following form: <% form_for(:tag, :url => {:action => "post_tag", :id => @photoID}) do |form| %> <%= error_messages_for(:tag) %> <% if @errors then %> <%= @errors[0] %> <% end %> <p><%=, @userHash) %></p> <p><%= form.hidden_field(:xpos) %></p> <p><%= form.hidden_field(:ypos) %></p> <p><%= ...

Help solving a routing error in Rails

I have a controller called form_questions_answers with a method in it called modify_rule but when I perform a post to /form_questions_answers/modify_rule/60 Rails tells me: Routing Error No route matches "/form_questions_answers/modify_rule/60" with {:method=>:post} Why is this happening, I have map.resources :form_question_answers in...

Best way for smart-paginated-ajax tables in Rails

I'd like to be able to DRY-ly and intelligently set up my Rails controllers so that I can effortlessly use paginated tables of data on various pages. Let me clarify. I already use will_paginate + a custom plugin that I wrote which acts as a table-view creator. This combination works perfectly for "index" actions which simply show one ...

ASP.NET MVC: Get all controllers

Is it possible to get all controllers available to a ControllerFactory? What I want to do is get a list of all controller types in application, but in a consistent way. So that all controllers I get are the same ones default request resolution is using. (The actual task is to find all action methods that have a given attribute). ...

Base controller for all controllers in zend framework

I'm new to zend framework and I want to ask if is it possible to have a base controller that will be extended by all other controllers? I want to have a base class wherein I'll put all common methods and properties for all controllers I'll have on my project. Is it advisable to do this with zend or is there a better approach to this? ...

when unit testing an controller, where do you mock the httprequestbase?

when unit testing a controller, don't you have to somehow mock the httpcontextbase? All my controllers inherit from a custom controller class that I wrote (it just adds some common properties to the original controller class). So its like: public class MyController : Controller { protected override void OnActionExecuting(Sy...

count view controllers

I can't seem to get the number of view controllers in the view controller stack. NSUInteger *viewControllerCount = self.navigationController.viewControllers.count; I can loop through the view controllers and NSLog the objects within but I can't do a simple count. If I try to access this pointer, the ap crashes... no Log, no error mess...

MVC: actions that don't exist

Hi there, Ihaven't done much MVC and still learning the hard way on how to do things. MVC 1 and C# The Problem I want to provide a customer with a link such as from the URL i know it will go to the controller of "redirects" but there isn't an Action of "cust100". How do i creat...

Sending a variable through a link_to without url query in Ruby on Rails

Hi all, I'm trying to send a variable through a link_to, without using url query in Ruby on Rails, from one controller's index view to be used on another controller's index. Basically, I need to pass the (school class id), to the Elementos_turma(peoples in the class) controller, so I can use it and filter the index: ElementosT...

Avoiding large controllers in MVC

Controllers can become large and unwieldy when they contain large numbers of actions. Is this a significant problem in real-world use, and if so what are the strategies to mitigate it (or is is good enough to simply keep the action-count down per controller)? Off the top of my head I can envisage the controller offloading the logic to a...

What is the correct practice to incorporate models?

I am trying to simplify the process of inserting data into my database, so I have constructed a model that handles the variable extraction and data inserting. I understand that this model embodies a function, and then you call this function (such as /controller/model) and pass the relevant data through the model for processing. However,...

Rails: When testing controllers with RSpec, how do I stop them from redirecting?

I have controller methods that look like this: class TestController < ApplicationController def testAction render :json => { 'success'=>1 }.to_json end end When I load this action in the browser, I get what I expect: {"success":1} When testing with RSpec, however, response.body gives me '<html><body>You are being <a href="htt...

Inserting Controller Actions between Actions in Rails - Best Practices

What are best-practices (or usual-practices) when it comes to adding more steps in a process in Rails? For example, I am working with the Spree e-commerce Rails platform and I would like to add a multi-step form people should fill out when trying to "Add to Cart" a Product. The current spree implementation of adding a product to the ca...

flipping between 3 view controllers on iphone

I have 3 view controllers. Main view (controller1's view) is displayed first. Based on button selection the 2nd view (controller2's view) is displayed. There are several buttons and a home button on this view. Selecting those will display 3rd view (controller3's view) with animation.Selecting home button will display the main view(contro...

Zend Framework : Subdirectories in controllers directory

Hi all, I'm using the Zend Framework for my website, and just created a special module "api" to create... Well, an API. Now, I have a lot of controllers in my module and I'd like to create subdirectories in this controllers directory in order to "tidy" it. My new structure would be something like this : - controllers/ - controllers...

MVC2, .NET4/C#4 optional parameters and Controller constructors

I am a big fan of optional parameters in C#4 but am having an issue with MVC when I use them in my controller constructors. For example, if I have a single constructor: public TestController(sting a = "") { /* blah */ } MVC has a fit saying that there are no parameterless constructors for TestController. How can I get around this? ...

Initialization of controllers in a for loop - leaking problem ?

Hey, I am creating a kinda gallery and for each gallery I created a view controller whose view is added to a scrollview (see code below) : GalleryViewController *galViewController; for (NSUInteger i = 0 ; i < [galleries count]; i++) { galViewController = [[GalleryViewController alloc] init]; galViewController.record = [galleri...

Problem passing parameters in mvc2

I have the following controller: public ActionResult Search(string Name, int? Friend, int? Page) It works if I use this url localhost/users/search/name but these don't localhost/users/search/name/1 and localhost/users/search/name/1/1 ...

Rails: show some examples of code from controllers, models and views

Hy, my controller example: class FriendsController < ApplicationController before_filter :authorize, :except => [:friends] ############## ############## ## REQUESTS ## ############## ############## ################## # GET MY FRIENDS # ################## # Get my friends. def friends @frie...