
Multiple Controllers with one Name in ASP.NET MVC 2

I receive the following error when trying to run my ASP.NET MVC application: The request for 'Account' has found the following matching controllers: uqs.Controllers.Admin.AccountController MvcApplication1.Controllers.AccountController I searched the project for MvcApplication1.Controllers.AccountController to remove it, but I c...

ACL suggestions needed for a small light framework developed

Hello all, I've developed a small framework that was needed for the firm that I work. The problem is I've not made a full level framework, as developers are finding tough time to understand what is what, So I made a simple structure with app/controllers, app/models, app/views so that they can clearly separate the code and can get us...

Data Formatters temporarily unavailable

I'm currently working on an iPhone app. This app has a login screen, also a signup screen. After the user has successfully signed up, I dismiss the signup view, then the app automatically logs in using the created account. After which, the login view is dismissed, showing the main view. I'm trying to modify this by immediately dismis...

First Call to a Controller, Constant is defined, Second call, "uninitialized constant Oauth"?

I am trying to get the OAuth gem to work with Rails 3 and I'm running into this weird problem... (independent of the gem, I think I've run into this once before) I have a controller called "OauthTestController", and a model called "ConsumerToken". The model looks like this. require 'oauth/models/consumers/token' class ConsumerToken < ...

When is ReleaseController method called?

I'm implementing a custom ASP.NET MVC controller factory. I wonder when the ReleaseController method is called? Is it the same time as EndRequest? ...

mvc consistent route parameters without re-initializing every action

Trying to consistently tack on a route parameter for every action without having to set it every action I tried this with ViewData but it seems ineffecient to do to every action. when I have over 40-50 actions, and Sessions are a no go for me. Is there a simpler way through filters or something else I could use? eg. http://localhost/myC...

Help with cake controllers

We had an outsourced engineer work on a quick feature DELETING items listed in our database. He says that the code is difficult because the "controller" is missing. Is there a pre-loaded controller for every function like that in cake, or is it weird that he is expecting a controller to be there for a feature we didn't have yet. ...

Codeigniter only loads the default controller

I am very new to CodeIgniter, but have been programming PHP for ages. I'm writing some software at the moment and using CI for the first time with it. The default controller is set to the first controller I want to action call 'login' (the controller is login.php, the view is login.php. When the form is submitted it calls the 'authent...

Are you able to choose the starting tab for a TabBarController?

Just doing some programming for iPhone.. is there a method for this? ...

Cakephp Request data from other controller

Is it possible to request data from an other controller in cakePHP? For example, i created 2 folders in pages called search and update (both with a index.ctp) and a controller and model in the correct folders. Both pages are using a different db source, and i wnat to display some data from the search controller into the view of the upd...

how big should your controllers be in

i see the new feature of areas in 2. it got me thinking. why would i need this? i did some reading on the use cases and it came down to a specific point to me around how big and how broad scope should my controllers should be? should i try to have many little controllers? one big controller? how do people determine the ...

how do I test grail's controller's render method?

How do I test this: render view: "create", model: [user: user] I know how to test redirectArgs and stuff, but I can't find an example to test something like this. It seems like articles and stuff go out of their way to not test this.... ...

Rails redirections with new users and logins

So I'm trying to get the user to return to the page they were looking at before they click "log in" This is what I got in my user application controller: def redirect_back_or_default(default) redirect_to(session[:return_to] || default) session[:return_to] = nil end And this is what I have in my sessions controller: def new ...

SQL Alchemy MVC and cross controller joins

When using SQL Alchemy for abstracting your data access layer and using controllers as the way to access objects from that abstraction layer, how should joins be handled? So for example, say you have an Orders controller class that manages Order objects such that it provides getOrder, saveOrder, etc methods and likewise a similar contro...

How to change Controllers/Models source directory in CodeIgniter

I need to load controllers and models from a different folder than the default one. I am using a Linux system. I am building a simple CI application for some people, for use on a shared hosting I own. But I want to give them access only to /views folder and some /config files. And this is why I need to store the controllers and models ...

How do I reference a pointer from a different class?

First off, I despise singletons with a passion. Though I should probably be trying to use one, I just don't want to. I want to create a data class (that is instantiated only once by a view controller on loading), and then using a different class, message the crap out of that data instance until it is brimming with so much data, it smiles...

Rails landing pages

I've decided to put a landing page on my website I want users to be able to go directly to this page if they are logged in and be directed to a landing page if they aren't logged in. The landing page is currently sitting here. If one clicks on the "browse website" link at the top, it will go to what is currently the home pag...

ASP.NET MVC Ajax Actions results enveloping

Hello, I would like to have every result of any AJAX call on ASP.NET MVC to be enveloped to a JSON object which should be like: AjaxResult { status, data } where status will contain a enumeration value describing if the call was successful, erroneous, authentication expired etc. This will enable client side code to be able to redir...

Ajax Response from CakePHP Controller returning null

I'm tryin to validate an input field with an ajax call to a cakephp controller My Ajax is: $("#UserAlphaCode").change(function () { $.ajax({ type: "post", url: '<?php echo $this->webroot ?>' + "/alpha_users/checkCode", data: ({code : $(this).val()}), dataType: "json", s...

How to organize controller in moderately large Rails application?

I'm working on an application with quite a few related models and would like to hear some opinions on how best to organize the controllers. Here are some options I have been considering: 1) Namespace the controllers. So, for example, have a controllers/admin directory and a controllers/public directory. This seems appealing for organi...