word wrap for label in winforms
Hi how can we get word wrap functionality to a label in winforms? I place a label in a panel and added some text to label dyanamically. But it exceeds the panel length. How can i solve this? Thanks in advance ...
Hi how can we get word wrap functionality to a label in winforms? I place a label in a panel and added some text to label dyanamically. But it exceeds the panel length. How can i solve this? Thanks in advance ...
I'm defining a GridView as follows: <asp:GridView ID="MediaViewsGrid" DataSourceID="MediaViewsDataSource" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"> <Columns> <asp:CommandField ShowEditButton="True" ShowDeleteButton="true" /> <asp:TemplateField> <ItemTemplate> ...
I want to do something I saw during a WPF demo some years ago. I don't know how it was done but I know it can be done so that is my problem. In the demo there was an WPF application with a ListView or ListBox with a lot of items. Every the ListView was reordered the items changed places in the list. But the ListView was not just refresh...
Hi, I have a database of people and shirts. Each person has specific shirts that he likes to wear. For this, I have three tables. Person, Shirt, and PersonShirt. PersonShirt consists of a list of rows with a PersonId and ShirtId. For UI, I'm using a CheckedComboBox. This is a combo box of checked items. For a specific person, the combo b...
I am using visual studio 2003 and Windows platform and i want some tool which give me the list of controls name and control type like button,textbox etc.. in the form is there any way to do this by tool or by any code ? thanks in advance. ...
I am using visual studio 2003 and i have big application. I want to do the user rights management in my application.I have created database in which i want to enter the forms name,Controls name and menu names. how i can get the list of controls which i put on the form ? example: i put text box and two button on the one form then i want...
I am using owner draw variable style for a listbox( winforms 2.0) when a user selects an items I want to draw an edit control in that cell Is that doable not a drop down but an actual edit control appearing in the cell or item as it were how thanks ...
How do I reference controls in c# (runtime) without an ID? For example, I have a page with one table in it. I will be loading this page recursively using xmlhttp so I cannot refer to the table using it's id. Is there something to the effect of this.Page.Controls[2]? or Controls["Tables"][0]? I tried using the name this.Controls.Find(...
Please check the attached link in which i have attached screenshot. The html dropdown gets hidden behind the aspx dropdowns that i created. Is there any solution to make the dropdown list be seen on top of the aspx controls? http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/2553/imageydn.jpg Thanks in advance, Geetha ...
Hi, I have this dialog: ID__BATERIA __FAX DIALOGEX 0, 0, 235, 86 STYLE DS_SETFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_FIXEDSYS | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Nueva batería de fax" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 400, 0, 0x1 BEGIN DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,120,65,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,175,65,50,14 LTEXT ...
Hi all, I am using zapatec tabs on my website. There are some javascript function which I want triggered when tab is loading. How do I go about it since the window.onload is not working. There is one main page on which the tabs are added and that is why the page is already loaded by the time the tabs are being loaded. Thanks in advance, ...
Hi. I'm trying to use the OpacityMask property combined with a VisualBrush so that when you drag an image over another control (such as another image, rectangle, or any other control), the part of the image that is over the second control has a different opacity. That is, the image has some non-zero base opacity, and any part of the im...
Hey Im currently creating a custom control (based on the WPF DataGrid). What i would like to do is to set default styling on the datagrid. Currently im setting the Style property which works. But my problem arrises when i create a style to change fx. the background color in the main applications app.xaml. Then all my "default" styling i...
Is there a CheckedListBox control with icons support for Windows Forms? Thanks. ...
When the chart control is rendered, the background color of the image is white. How can I make it another color (or transparent)? The area I am referring to is the white area between the black border and the chart background, as indicated in the following screenshot: ...
I need to ensure that, once the execution hits a method, the control received by this method is not changed by another thread. Basically, I thought in something like this: private void doSomeWork(Control control) { lock (control) { // do some stuff with the control... } } Is this a bad idea? Edit: Actually, what I'm ...
Hi, I am able to bind the result of query to datagridview. i.e., SELECT * FROM employee where empid=@empid to datagridview in winform. I need is a code that enables me to update the result of this query on the datagridview & the update to be showed on employee table in my database using c#. Thank you ...
Hi all, I am new to Dev Express, Infragistics and some other control stuff. I Just want know what are the possible problems I might encounter when I use both of them in my application. Thanks ...
Hi, I've got a strange problem concerning dynamically loaded controls in a asp.net application. So there is a control where user have to select some items and/or do some text input (textboxes). The control depends on a single dropdown list element. So user A chooses a certain value in this dropdownlist "controlselector" -> on of the m...
I am looking for a good books or online material about this topic. I am not talking about user control or server control that extend existing controls. A completely new control with a visual content when it's placed on page in design view (like grid view) i have a basic knowledge creating dll libraries in c# and now i want to learn ...