
Angle between 2 GPS Coordinates

Hi everybody, I'm working in another iPhone App that uses AR, and I'm creating my own framework, but I'm having trouble trying to get the angle of a second coordinate relative to the current device position, anyone know a good resource that could help me with this? Thanks in advance! ...

Calculating bearing between two CLLocationCoordinate2Ds

Very "simple" problem: given two CLLocationCoordinate2Ds, how can I get the bearing (as radians) from the first to the second? I've done a lot of research and studying on this, both the general problem and Objective-C/Cocoa Touch/iOS specifically. Here's my implementation: - (float) getHeadingForDirectionFromCoordinate:(CLLocationCoord...

Overlaying a 'dot' on to an image on click

Hi All, I am trying to write a simple program that lets me overlay a dot on top of an image when the image is clicked. I can save the X and Y data back to my database but then I will want to be able to call that information back at a later date and overlay the dots again via code unlike the first time when the user had to click the ima...

Open maps iphone app from my app, with pin drop at the coordinate

Hi, I'm using, to open maps iPhone app from my app, but it only show the coordinate without the pin drop automatically. How can i make the pin to drop automatically? ...

Jquery: get the TOP and LEFT coordinates of the 5th paragraph?

I need to get the TOP and LEFT coordinates of the 5th paragraph on my page, or maybe the 6th paragraph, or the 8th, im just trying to figure out how to get the coordinates for any paragraph on the page I choose. I then need to insert a div 20px to the left of the top left of the paragraph i choose. Can anyone help? ...

A special case of grouping coordinates

I'm trying to write a program to place students in cars for carpooling to an event. I have the addresses for each student, and can geocode each address to get coordinates (the addresses are close enough that I can simply use euclidean distances between coordinates.) Some of the students have cars and can drives others. How can I efficien...

Selecting Map Points Inside a Map Poly

I'm trying to find an algorithmic way to select which points fall within a specific arbitrarily shaped area on a Google Map. Basically I want to be able to provide a point and ask a function if that point lies within an arbitrary (but specifically defined) map area. For example, how could I tell if a point was contained within the green...

Calculating the coordinates of the third point of a triangle

OK, I know this sounds like it should be asked on, but this is embarrassingly simple maths that I've forgotten from high-school, rather than advanced post-graduate stuff! I'm doing some graphics programming, and I have a triangle. Incidentally, two of this triangle's sides are equal, but I'm not sure if that's rel...

Where find a free GPS coordinates database?

Hi to all for my app need to have a list of mayor woldwide cities with relative GPS coordinates for proximity search, anyone know how is possible to find a db of this type? (not API) ...

How to calculate the GPS Coordinates 5m Left and Right from you Position?

Hello, maybe some of you know that there are GPS tools out there that are used in Motorsports. A lot of them deliver the following function: If you drive with your car and you press a button at a certain point this GPS Coordinate will be stored and every time you drive over this coordinate a LapTime will be stored. For a small applicati...

How do 3D engines typically handle object rotation? (Illustrated)

I'm building a quick 3D engine for a game I'm developing. Currently I'm handling rotation of 3D objects by rotating around the global axis Y, X then Z. Is this the correct way to do it, or should I be rotating objects about its local axis? Which do you recommend and why? If the local axis method is the correct way, would a 3D 3x3 or 4...

OpenGL: Getting large integers for coordinates?

Here are snippets of my code, but every time I print out my code, I get large integers for coordinates. Center should be (0,0) and sides should be 1.. but I get very large integers when I click on center.. look at last code below. // how i set up window in reshape void reshape(int w, int h) { GW = w; GH = h; glMatrixMode(GL...

Geolocation on an image-based map - data collection and data structure best practices.

My goal is to be able to open a web page on a mobile browser and, provided you are within the geographical bounds of the mapping area, plot your location on a stylized map image (PNG, JPG, whatever). Also on this map will be points of interest, and it would be nice to say "You're closest to XZY thing". Is it sufficient to gather individ...

Implementation of parallel coordinates?

I want to implement parallel coordinates for my muldimensional result. Does anyone have a good link to its implementation in matlab or R? Furthermore, are there any suggestions regarding the best tool to use for producing the parallel coordinates? ...

How to store event.getX & event.getY in an array for android

How to retrieve the coordinate from event.getX or getY and store into an array? I want to use the coordinate store in array to redrawn in Canvas each time the user touch action. ...

get text coordinates from pdf on iphone

Hi, Is there a way to retrieve text coordinates from PDF file on iPhone? Thanks, Nava. More details: I'm trying to get words from pdf file and highlight them. While it's a pretty simple task in Mac OS X, which has a PDFKit, it's not that trivial on iPhone, which has Quartz set of functions to present and get information from pdf fil...

Coordinates conversion

Hi, I am working over a small component for a web portal that show polygons over a map, using OpenLayers, Google Maps, and another proprietary source . The user has the points in PSAD56 (UTM) datum and I need to change it to WGS84 in order to use with Google Maps. I have at hand both Oracle 9i without spatial extensions and postgis....

GPS coordinates: 1km square around a point

Greetings, I was hoping someone out there could provide me with an equation to calculate a 1km square (X from to b.bbb, Y from c.ccc to c.ccc) around a given point, say lat=53.38292839 and lon=-6.1843984? I'll also need 2km, 5km and 10km squares around a point. I've tried googling around to no avail... It's late at night and was ...

Retrieve country name from iPhone gps without internet!

Hello, In my application on the iPhone and iPod Touch I want to be able to retrieve the country a person is in without accessing the internet. I know how to do this with internet, so I know how to retrieve the longitudes and latitudes, I've read something about a file with the world borders included, but I don't know how to use this in ...

Unprecise rendering of huge WPF visuals - any solutions?

When rendering huge visuals in WPF, the visual gets distorted and more distorted with increasing coordinates. I assume that it has something to do with the floating point data types used in the render pipeline, but I'm not completely sure. Either way, I'm searching for a practical solution to solve the problem. To demonstrate what I'm t...