
pitchbend (varispeed) audio with iPhone SDK's AudioUnit

hi, I'm trying to manipulate the speed (and pitch) of a sound while playing. so i played around with iphone sdk's AudioUnit. downloaded iPhoneMultichannelMixerTest and tried to add an AUComponent to the graph (in this case a formatconverter). but i get (pretty soon) following error when building: #import <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h> ...

How to make a simple audio equalizer for the iPhone?

I want to make a simple audio equalizer for the iPhone, but I don't know how to start. The equalizer should be really simple and just change bass, high, distortion and maybe echo and chorus. How can I start? Maybe a sample code would be helpful. ...

Distorted sound when using remote I/O AudioUnit

Consider aurioTouch sample application provided by Apple. I wanted to simulate a lengthy processing of the recorded audio and modified the sample by introducing a delay of 0.1 second in the render callback method: PerformThru. This leads to a distorted audio and static noise being played through iPhone's speaker or headphones. The noise ...

Crash in FixMath and MachineExceptions.h after adding AudioToolbox.framework

Made a new window application. Right-clicked Frameworks > Add Existing Frameworks. Selected Frameworks folder, then AudioToolbox.framework. Build, and 11 crashes. #elif defined __ppc__ || __ppc64__ #define _IntSaturate(x) ((int) (x)) #else #error "Unknown architecture." // To use unoptimized standard C code, remove above line. #defi...

How to get audio data from the Macbook microphone?

I am looking to write a small audio processing program, and I need some way to get audio input from the microphone in a Macbook. Buffer polling? Notifications? What class/framework should I be aware of? ...

Haskell audio output on OS X?

I'd like to be able to output audio from Haskell. I'm currently using GHC 6.10 on OS X (Snow Leopard). I've tried building the jack library (using JackOSX) and the PortAudio library, but neither of them seemed effective. Is there a relatively simple way to do live audio output from a Haskell program on a Mac? Edit: Clarity ...

Playing multiple MP3 songs simultaneously on iPhone

Hello ! I would like to do a mixing table on iPhone. I have the different tracks of one song and I want to play them on iPhone simultaneously. These songs are MP3 files, I want to be able to play up to 15 tracks simultaneously, and changing volume, muting some tracks, navigating in the total song, etc. Apple MultichannelMixer example ...

Soundtouch for iPhone

Hi, Has someone been able to make work for iPhone? Simple Xcode Demo would be helpful. I'd just like to play a soundeffect with some pitch manipulation. thx chris ...

How to do audio latency test in ipone os

How to do audio latency test in iphone os ? I don't have a clear idea about that. Now am reading a caf file like this . NSString *soundPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"tick" ofType:@"caf"]; UInt64 gTotalPacketCount=0; UInt64 gFileByteCount =0; UInt32 gMaxPacketSize =0; UInt32 size; OSStatus err = noErr; AudioFileID fil...

How to use RtAudio with Direct Sound on windows.

The RtAudio documentation says. Windows (DirectSound): The configure script provides support for the MinGW compiler. DirectSound support is specified with the "--with-ds" flag. In order to compile RtAudio under Windows for the DirectSound API, you must have the header and source files for DirectSound version 5.0 or higher. As far as I...

In CoreAudio, what are the pros/cons of setting kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSize?

When recording from a microphone in CoreAudio, what is kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSize for? The docs say it's "A UInt32 whose value indicates the number of frames in the IO buffers". However, this doesn't give any indication of why you would want to set it. The kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSizeRange property gives you a valid mi...

iPhone SDK: How to record voices with ambient noise supression?

Can anyone point me in the right direction on how I would minimize ambient noise while recording someone speaking using the iPhone SDK Core Audio? I'm guessing a band-pass filter that eliminates any frequencies above and below the human vocal range might work. I have no idea how I would implement band filters on audio in the SDK though. ...

AudioFileOpenURL returns -43 on an existing file.

I have a step in my application where a user repeatedly hears three spoken digits. If I leave this step running for a while (for certain undefined values of "while"), my debug logs show this (irrelevant log entries removed): 2010-03-01 13:44:21.283 iPhoneHearChk[1236:207] AudioFileOpenURL returned 0 (for <file://localhost/var/mobile/A...

Download, save, and play mp3 on an iPhone

Hi, I would like to download an mp3 file from some site, save it to my CoreData model, AudioMp3, and play it. The function below sort of works, but firstly, is inefficient in that it has to save the mp3 to file first, and secondly it plays a repeat of the same mp3 the following times it is called. I don't think my save to database is r...

AudioStreamer class problem with 32 kbps stream

I'm building an app using Matt Gallagher's AudioStreamer class. It works just fine for 64 and 128 kbps streams but it keeps failing for 32 kbps stream. Content type is audio/aacp. Thanks for any tips that can bring me back on track. ...

iPhone SDK: Change playback speed using core audio AVAudioPlayer

I'd like to be able to play back audio I've recorded using AVAudioRecorder @ 1.5x or 2.0x speed. I don't see anything in AVAudioPlayer that will support that. I'd appreciate some suggestions, with code if possible, on how to accomplish this with the iPhone 3.x SDK. I'm not overly concerned with lowering the pitch to compensate for increa...

Is it possible to decode an MMS+WMA2 stream using audio units on the iPhone?

I am not sure whether audio units can work as codecs in a streaming audio scenario on the iPhone. I've read in various places that it can be done, but I haven't seen any examples or proper documentation for that. Instead, I find that most of the apps released have utilised ffmpeg and libmms. I appreciate any help you can give me. ...

Recording Audio on iPhone and Sending Over Network with NSOutputStream

I am writing an iPhone application that needs to record audio from the built-in microphone and then send that audio data to a server for processing. The application uses a socket connection to connect to the server and Audio Queue Services to do the recording. What I am unsure of is when to actually send the data. Audio Queue Services f...

Reading audio with Extended Audio File Services (ExtAudioFileRead)

I am working on understanding Core Audio, or rather: Extended Audio File Services Here, I want to use ExtAudioFileRead() to read some audio data from a file. This works fine as long as I use one single huge buffer to store my audio data (that is, one AudioBuffer). As soon as I use more than one AudioBuffer, ExtAudioFileRead() returns th...

iPhone SDK: Panning audio at different levels

Hi! I am trying to control the channel (left/right) and its volume from which the audio file is played. It will be great if someone can explain how this can be done or point me to some document or tutorial which explains this. Thanks a lot! ...