
MySQL - Select statement, order by number of comments per article.

Hi I'd like to do something like the following: SELECT * FROM tbl_article JOIN tbl_comments ON = tbl_comments.article_id ORDER BY COUNT(tbl_comments.article_id) Can anyone suggest how I might get this to work? ...

Counting Rows between dates...

I'm using a CTE to generate a range of dates. 12/02/2010 10:00:00 12/02/2010 10:59:59 12/02/2010 11:00:00 12/02/2010 11:59:59 12/02/2010 12:00:00 12/02/2010 12:59:59 I then left join this to a indexed view containing huge amounts of date. I have 2 options for counting between the date ranges 1) i would SUM(case) test the log_date t...

mysql recount column in mysql based on rows in secondary table

Hi, I took over a database with two tables, lets name them entries and comments. The entries table contains a column named comment_count which holds the amount of rows with entry_id in comments corresponding to that row in entries. Lately this connection has become terribly out of sync due to version switching of the codebase. I need he...

Get mysql result and count specific field

I have database result like this ID | NAME | TYPE -------------------- 1 | baseball | 1 2 | kickball | 1 3 | football | 1 4 | soccer | 2 How do I do a select * so get all results but also get a total count of type = 2 in the results? Any help appreciated. ...

SQL: Counting number of matching results when using a LIMIT query

Say the users table in my MySQL DB contains a very large number of entries. I need to go through all the users, but I want to do it only chunks at a time (i.e. using LIMIT and OFFSET): SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 100 OFFSET 200 Is it possible to know the total number of users matched in the query, but only return a LIMIT number of them ...

How can I read this Condition and count myvals ???

Hello everyone I have a dynamic big File and I want check a Boolean value and then if it's true, get count of a thing please help me for example this is my file (it maybe has 20000 lines) . . . fsfds fdsfsdf gfhgfh value1=true fdsfd fdfdsr ewref dfdfsd dsfds dfdf fdsfsd dfdfsd dsfds myval dfdf fdsfsd dfdfsd dsfds dfdf fdsfsd d...

R only: Frequencies of all subsequences of size 3 in a given 0-1 sequnce?

Given data s<-c(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0) I can count 1s and 0s with table or ftable ftable(s,row.vars =1:1) and the totals of 11s,01s,10s,00s occurred in s with table(s[-length(s)],s[-1]). What would be the clever way to count occurrences of 111s, 011s, ..., 100s, 000s? Ideally, I want a table of counts x like 0 ...

how to count files? (iphone sdk)

Hi all, does anybody know how to count files of a directory? I couldn't find something similar in the class reference of NSFileManager. Thanks in advance. Sean ...

mysql order by count

I have a table with store IDs and the city where the store is located. I want to list all the stores starting with the stores that are in the city where there is the most stores. TABLE ID CITY 1 NYC 2 BOS 3 BOS 4 NYC 5 NYC The output I want is the following since I have the most stores in NYC, I want all the N...

How to count all NULL values in a table?

Just wondering, is there any quick way to count all the NULL values (from all columns) in a MySQL table? Thanks for any idea! ...

Count html links in a string and add a list

Hi. I store the content of a website in a string $html. I want to count all html links that link to a file in the .otf format, add a list of these links to the end of $html and remove the original links. An example: <?php $html_input = ' <p> Lorem <a href="font-1.otf">ipsum</a> dolor sit amet, consectetur <a href="http://ww...

Count of Distinct Rows Without Using Subquery

Say I have Table1 which has duplicate rows (forget the fact that it has no primary key...) Is it possible to rewrite the following without using a JOIN, subquery or CTE and also without having to spell out the columns in something like a GROUP BY? SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT * FROM Table1 ) T1 ...

Count the number of times a string occours in a row with the type SET

My database has got four columns: one, two, three and four each one has the type SET('a','b','c','d'). I want to know how many times a, b, c and d occurs in each column. I guess I could do something like this SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM database as d WHERE d.a = 'one') AS one, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM database as d WHERE d.a = 'two') AS...

How to implement the Countable interface in PHP?

So that count($object) will return the number of records in it ...

SQL - how to count groups of rows and display the top/bottom 3

I realise this is likey to be an easy one, but my SQL is basic at best. Lets say I have a table containing a list of orders, with 'item_id' being one of the columns. I need to display the 3 least (or 3 most) popular orders of item. I know that I need to group the orders using item_id and then count them. Then I need to display the bott...

Cocoa: Element count of property list without building dictionary?

What is the best way to count the number of entries in a property list? I currently build a dictionary from the plist entries (*) and then use the dictionary's count: NSData *plistXML = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsAtPath:myPlistPath]; NSDictionary *myPlistDict = (NSDictionary *) [NSPropertyListSerialization ...

MySQL Multiple Counts in Single Query

I am trying to COUNT two columns in a single query, but the results are spitting out the same values for medcount and uploadcount. Any suggestions? $sqllog="SELECT * , COUNT($tbl_list.listname) AS listcount, COUNT($ AS uploadcount FROM $tbl_members LEFT JOIN $tbl_list ON $tbl_member...


This is going to be one of those questions but I need to ask it. I have a large table which may or may not have one unique row. I therefore need a MySQL query that will just tell me TRUE or FALSE. With my current knowledge, I see two options (pseudo code): [id = primary key] OPTION 1: SELECT id FROM table WHERE x=1 LIMIT 1 ... and t...

count all items within a dictionary

Hi guys, my question is: I have a dictionary with one object for each character of the alphabet. Within those objects, there are all values for a specific character. Example: alphabetDictionary a apple alien b balloon ball I now want to count all entries within this dictionary: apple alien balloon ball -> 4 Usi...

Selected event not raised for ObjectDatasource when enable-caching is true

I've a Gridview control using an ODS(ObjectDataSource) to fetch data. For the best performance and efficiency, I've turned-off the view state of Gridview (i.e. EnableViewstate = "false". And I've also enabled caching in the associated Objectdatasource. This eliminates as much as 50-60% performance optimization because it eliminates the ...