
Broken count(*) after adding LEFT JOIN

Since adding the LEFT JOIN to the query below, the count(*) has been returning some strange values, it seems to have added the total rows returned in the query to the 'level': SELECT `n`.*, exp_channel_titles.*, round((`n`.`rgt` - `n`.`lft` - 1) / 2, 0) AS childs, count(*) - 1 + (`n`.`lft` > 1) + 1 AS level, ((min(`p`.`rgt`) - `n`.`...

MySQL GROUP BY with three tables

I have the following tables: posts (post_id, content, etc) comments (comment_id, post_id, content, etc) posts_categories (post_category_id, post_id, category_id) and this query: SELECT `p`.* , COUNT(comments.comment_id) AS cmts , posts_categories.* , comments.* FROM `posts` AS `p` LEFT JOIN `posts_categories` ...

Counting variables per observation per month in Sas.

Hey guys, a quick question, I have data of the following sort: Ticker _ Date Fem Analyst (dummy 1 if true) __ Variables of that month like beta AA _ 01/04/2001 1 __ 0.61 AA _ 05/04/2001 1 __ 0.62 AA _ 08/04/2001 1 __ 0.63 AA _ 01/05/2002 1 __ 0.7 AA _ 04/05/2002 1 __ 0.71 AA _ 08/07/2002 0 __ 0.8 AA _ 07/04/2003 1 __ 0....

Using SQlite3 in PHP how to count the number of rows in a result set?

currently I am using: $result = new SQLite3(sprintf("users/USERIDS_DB.sqlite")); $numRows = $result->exec ("SELECT count(*) FROM USERIDS"); echo sprintf("the number of rows are: %d", $numRows); but the result is 1 when it should be 6 (the number of rows I created using firefox sqlite3 addon) Can anybody help please? ...

How to get row count for jqGrid?

Hi, I would like to know how to get row count for jqGrid. I'm using rowNum: -1 so it displays all the rows. I tried using parseInt($("#grid").getGridParam("records"), 10) But it always returns 0. Thanks for the help. ...

In Ruby language, how can I get the number of lines in a string?

Hi guys, In Ruby language, how can I get the number of lines in a string? ...

How do I count how many arrays have the same name within a multidimensional array with php?

I have a multidimensional array, and I would have multiple arrays within it. Some of those arrays contain multiple arrays within them as well, and I would like to count how many arrays are within the second array(the date). This is an example of the structure of the multidimensional array: $_SESSION['final_shipping'][04/03/2010][book] ...

JavaScript: count minimal length of characters in text, ignoring special codes inside

I want to ignore counting the length of characters in the text if there are special codes inside in textarea. I mean not to count the special codes characters in the text. I use special codes to define inputing smileys in the text. I want to count only the length of the text ignoring special code. Here is my approximate code I tried to ...

Count white spaces to the left of a line in a text file using C++

Hi all, I am just trying to count the number of white spaces to the LEFT of a line from a text file. I have been using count( line.begin(), line.end(), ' ' ); but obviously that includes ALL white spaces to the left, in between words and to the right. So basically what I'm wanting it to do is once it hits a non-space character stop i...

Count enumerated values?

If my table looks like this: daily_individual_tracking', 'CREATE TABLE `daily_individual_tracking` ( `daily_individual_tracking_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `daily_individual_tracking_date` date NOT NULL default ''0000-00-00'', `sales` enum(''no'',''yes'') NOT NULL COMMENT ''no'', `repairs` enum(''no'',''yes'') ...

How do you find the row count for all your tables in Postgres

I'm looking for a way to find the row count for all my tables in Postgres. I know I can do this one table at a time with a select count(*) from table_name; but I'd like to see the row count for all the tables and the order by that to get an idea of how big all my tables are. ...

SqlCe Connection count

Is there a way to determine the number of connections say a windows application has open with SqlCe? ...

SQL COUNT records in table 2 JOINS away

Using MySQL, I have three tables: projects: ID name 1 "birthday party" 2 "soccer match" 3 "wine tasting evening" 4 "dig out garden" 5 "mountainbiking" 6 "making music" batches: ID projectID templateID when 1 1 1 7 days before 2 1 1 1 day before 3 4 2 2...

Daily, Weekly and Monthly Page View Counter

I'm building a website with user generated content. On the home page I want to show a list of all created items, and I want to be able to sort them by a view counter. That's sound easy, but I want multiple counters. I want to know which was the most visited item in the last day, last week or last months or overall. My first Idea was to ...

Microsoft SQL Count problem

Hey smarties. I'm having trouble with the following SQL statement. I know that I can't do a GROUP BY on the OnlineStatus column, and it makes sense because it's a function call, not an actual column in my table. How would I modify this so that I can get a count of how many users are online? SELECT CASE dbo.fnGetWebUserOnlineStatus(W.Id)...

Adding up row number and displaying total using COUNT (PHP MySQL)

I'm attempting to run a query that adds up the total number of subjects in a class. A class has many subjects. There is a 'teachersclasses' table between teachers (the user table) and classes. The principles sounds pretty simple but I'm having some trouble in getting my page to display the number of subjects for each class (directly asso...

Distinct with Count and SQl Server 2005

Hey everyone, Trying to work on a query that will return the top 3 selling products with the three having a distinct artist. Im getting stuck on getting the unique artist. Simplified Table schema Product ProductID Product Name Artist Name OrderItem ProductID Qty So results would look like this... PID artist ...

How to JOIN a COUNT from a table, and then effect that COUNT with another JOIN

Hi I have three tables Post ID Name 1 'Something' 2 'Something else' 3 'One more' Comment ID PostId ProfileID Comment 1 1 1 'Hi my name is' 2 2 2 'I like cakes' 3 3 3 'I hate cakes' Profile ID Approved 1 1 2 0 3 1 I want to count...

MySQL COUNT() multiple columns

Hello, I'm trying to fetch the most popular tags from all videos in my database (ignoring blank tags). I also need the 'flv' for each tag. I have this working as I want if each video has one tag: SELECT tag_1, flv, COUNT(tag_1) AS tagcount FROM videos WHERE NOT tag_1='' GROUP BY tag_1 ORDER BY tagcount DESC LIMIT 0, 10 Howeve...

MySQL query count multiple values

Consider the following DB table: c p ========= 1 'a' 1 'b' 2 'a' 2 'c' Now, my goal is to retrieve a list of numbers c, for which holds that each number in this list has at least a record with p='a' AND p='b'. In the example table above, that would be c=1. Now my question is, how do I accomplish this using one My...