
Count the number of files in a directory using python

I need to count the number of files in a directory using Python. I guess the easiest way is len(glob.glob('*')), but I also count the directory as file. Is there any way to count only the files in a directory? ...

Help me with this COUNT query for a php file

$query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Security WHERE ips=$currentip'; How do i get this to count the $currentip values that i make the variable equal to. ...

Using XSD to validate node count

I don't think this is possible but I thought I'd throw it out there. Given this XML: <people count="3"> <person>Bill</person> <person>Joe</person> <person>Susan</person> </people> Is it possible in an XSD to force the @count attribute value to be the correct count of defined elements (in this case, the person elem...

Problem counting item frequency on T-SQL

I'm trying to count the frequency of numbers from 1 to 100 on different fields of a table. Let's say I have the table "Results" with the following data: LottoId Winner Second Third ...

Number of items in a combobox in Flex

HI, How do i retreive the total number of items (count) of a combo box in Flex? ...

sqlite COUNT in flex returning [object Object]

I'm sure this is an easy questions and I'm just doing something stupid but I'm really new to all this code. I'm trying to run a sqlite query in flex to count the total number of records I believe its working fine but I just can't figure out how to display the results - all I get back is [object Object]. private function overviewOne():...

PHP Dynamic Count & Limit Menu items

Hello, I want to modify this code which works pretty good but (or I don't know because I'm new with php) I can't limit the number of li's displayed for the main elements in the menu. The actual code will echo all elements it finds, I want to limit the times <li><a href='{$sLink}' {$sOnclick} target='_parent'>{$sPictureRep}{$sText}</a> ...

mysql count, distinct, join? COnfusion

hello i have 2 tables: tblItems ID | orderID | productID 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 4 3 2 tblProducts productID | productName 1 ABC 2 ...

WPF DataGrid row validation error count

Hi! I'm currently facing the problem, that I import an Excel file to a DataGrid. This works pretty fine, but after importing the table, I need to know how many rows are invalid. I have applied several validation rules for the different datatypes, and I have an icon in the row header, that shows up if the row is invalid. But since I ha...

MySQL date query only returns one year, when multiple exist

I'm a part-time designer/developer with a part-time photography business. I've got a database of photos with various bits of metadata attached. I want to query the database and return a list of the years that photos were taken, and the quantity of photos that were taken in that year. In short, I want a list that looks like this: 2010 (...

How to put comma in counted numbers?

hey huys im counting my table with this code: $county = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) from table where type = 'application'"); $county = mysql_result($county, 0); $applications = ''.$county.''; this give me result like 1156563. but I want to see it like 1,156,563 with commas. how can i do this? ...

MySQL: Count two things in one query?

I have a "boolean" column in one of my tables (value is either 0 or 1). I need to get two counts: The number of rows that have the boolean set to 0 and the number of rows that have it set to 1. Currently I have two queries: One to count the 1's and the other to count the 0's. Is MySQL traversing the entire table when counting rows w...

Get the count of items in a GroupBy Linq-to-sql Query?

I have a groupby that I groups all elements. I can see the items are there in LinqPad but can't find a way to get the count. Here is what I have so far: SurveyResponses.Where( q => q.QuestionId == 4).GroupBy(q => q.AnswerNumeric).Where( g => g.Key == 1) In Linq Pad I can see there are 4 items in this query. If I do Count it returns 1....

Count total children divs inside a container

I want to count the total divs inside a container and toggle their visibilities with structure like this. Please also note that the div.content may also reside inside another nested or even nested-nested containers. That's why I handle it with jquery to add div.topmost for each topmost parent container: <div id="parent"> <div class="c...

Java - How to find count of items in a list in another list

Say I have two lists: List<String>products = new ArrayList<String>(); products.add("computer"); products.add("phone"); products.add("mouse"); products.add("keyboard"); List<String>cart = new ArrayList<String>(); cart.add("phone"); cart.add("monitor"); I need to find how many items in the cart list exist in the products list. ...

Count number of queries executed by NHibernate in a unit test

In some unit/integration tests of the code we wish to check that correct usage of the second level cache is being employed by our code. Based on the code presented by Ayende here: I wrote a simple class for doing just that: public class QueryCounter : I...

SQL Query Count on Column Information

Using MySQL 5 with table "abrechnung" id datum title betrag wal jon al ben 7 2010-02-08 Essen 1362 0 0 1 0 8 2010-02-15 Essen 324 0 0 1 2 9 2010-02-15 Essen 5732 0 0 1 2 10 2010-02-15 Essen 3245 0 2 1 2 What I want in the end is: Each rows "betrag" is divided thro...

MYSQL count all rows per table for in one query

Is there a way to query the DB to find out how many rows there are in all the tables ie table1 1234 table2 222 table3 7888 Hope you can advise ...

why does vector.size() read in one line too little?

when running the following code, the amount of lines will read on less then there actually is (if the input file is main itself, or otherwise) why is this and how can i change that fact (besides for just adding 1)? #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; int main() { // open ...

PHP - not returning a count number for filled array...

Morning, this is eating me alive so Im hoping it's not something stupid, lol. $arrg = array(); if( str_word_count( $str ) > 1 ) { $input_arr = explode(' ', $str); die(print_r($input_arr)); $count = count($input_arr); die($count); above is part of a function. when i run i get; > Array ( > [0] => luke > [1] => s...