
count total records after groupBy select

Hello, I have a mysql select query that has a groupBy. I want to count all the records after the group by statement. Is there a way for this directly from mysql ? thanks. ...

Counting and joining two tables

Eventhosts – containing the three regular hosts and an "other" field (if someone is replacing them) or edit: being a guest host (in addition to the regulars) eventid | host (SET[Steve,Tim,Brian,other]) ------------------------------------------- 1 | Steve 2 | Tim 3 | Brian 4 | Brian 5 | other 6 | othe...

What is a SQL statement that can tally up the counts even including the Zeros? (all in 1 statement)

A SQL statement can give a list of the most popular gifts that are sent in a Social application, all the way to the ones that are sent 1, or 2 times, but it won't include the Zeros. I think the same goes for getting the list of the most popular Classes that students are registering for, when the registration process for all students is ...

Incrmenting a Cookies with PHP (Beginner Question)

Hello, I have used sessions before but never cookies. I would like to use cookies for two reasons: 1) it's something new to learn 2) I would like to have the cookie expire in an hour or so (i know in the code example it expires in 40 sec) I am trying to write a basic if statement that if($counter=="1") { //do this second } ...

effective counter for unique number of visits in PHP & MySQL

Hello, I am creating a counter for unique number of visits on a post, so what I have until now is a table for storing data like this; cvp_post_id | cvp_ip | cvp_user_id In cases a registered user visits a post, for the first time a record is inserted with cpv_post_id and cvp_user_id, so for his next visit I query the table and if th...

Help with MySQL getting count of a column with distinct another column?

Hi I want to get the count of column called 'response'. But even though a user submits many responses I want it to be only considered as one. So basically I want to get the count of 'response' with DISTINCT user_id. How can I do this? Thank you. ...

In SQL, why is "select *, count(*) from sentGifts group by whenSent;" ok, but when "*" and "count(*)" is switched position, then it gives an error?

In SQL, using the table: mysql> select * from sentGifts; +--------+------------+--------+------+---------------------+--------+ | sentID | whenSent | fromID | toID | trytryWhen | giftID | +--------+------------+--------+------+---------------------+--------+ | 1 | 2010-04-24 | 123 | 456 | 2010-04-24 01:52:20 | 10...

COUNT(*) vs. COUNT(1) vs. COUNT(pk): which is better?

Hello guys, I often find these three variants: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Foo; SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Foo; SELECT COUNT(PrimaryKey) FROM Foo; As far as I can see, they all do the same thing, and I find myself using the three in my codebase. However, I don't like to do the same thing different ways. To which one should I stick? Is any one of ...

How to use count and group by at the same select statement

Hello, I have an sql select query that has a group by. I want to count all the records after the group by statement. Is there a way for this directly from sql? For example, having a table with users I want to select the different towns and the total number of users select town, count(*) from user group by town I want to have a colum...

Jquery counting elements by class what is the best way to implement this?

Ok what i'm trying to do is to count all of the elements in the current page with the same class and then i'm going to use it to be added onto a name for a input form. Basically i'm allowing users to click on an and then by doing so add another one for more of the same type of items. But i can't think of a way to count all of these simp...

How can I count my facebook application post views

Hi, I have a Facebook application with which my users can post and friends can view in their news feed. I would like to know how many people have seen, or maybe even interacted or "liked" the posts my users posted using my application. Does Facebook give such statistics? Is there any other way to know it? Thanks. ...

How do I display the record count of a related model with CakePHP?

I have two models. Lets say they are "Posts" and "Comments". In an admin view for Posts, I want to display how many comments are on that post. I am confused on where to put the code. In the controller or the view? I would like it to be in the controller. ...

MySQL top count({column}) with a limit

I have a table with an ip address column. I would like to find the top five addresses which are listed. Right now I'm planning it out the following: Select all distinct ip addresses Loop through them all saying count(id) where IP='{ip}' and storing the count List the top five counts. Downsides include what if I have 500 ip addresses...

Count times ID appears in a table and return in row.

SELECT,, Boats.section, Boats.raft,, river_section.section AS river FROM Boats INNER JOIN river_company ON Boats.raft = INNER JOIN river_section ON Boats.section = ORDER BY DESC, river, Returns everything I need. But how wo...

MySQL count/sum fields

Hi There, What I am trying to achieve is a report on daily financial transactions. With my SQL query I would like to count the total number of cash transactions, the total cash value and the same for checks. I only want to do this for a specified date. Here is a snippet of the query that I am having trouble with. These sum and count co...

Get number of concurrent users online - ASP.NET

I would like to know the number of users logged into my ASP.NET 2.0 application. Points to be considered: 1) Simplest way would be to use Application or Cache object to have the counts on Session start or end. However this would fail if there is a worker process recycle. Wouldn't it? 2) Should't make a difference whether the session is...

How do you access the value of an SQL count () query in a Java program

I want to get to the value I am finding using the COUNT command of SQL. Normally I enter the column name I want to access into the getInt() getString() method, what do I do in this case when there is no specific column name. I have used 'AS' in the same manner as is used to alias a table, I am not sure if this is going to work, I would ...

Mysql count columns

I have a table for image gallery with four columns like: foid | uid | pic1 | pic2 | pic3 | date | ----------------------------------------------- 104 | 5 | 1.jpg | 2.jpg | 3.jpg | 2010-01-01 105 | 14 | 8.jpg | | | 2009-04-08 106 | 48 | x.jpg | y.jpg | | 2010-08-09 Mysql query for the user's galleries lo...

get count from Iqueryable<T> in linq-to-sql?

The following code doesn't seem to get the correct count..... var materials = consRepository.FindAllMaterials().AsQueryable(); int count = materials.Count(); Is it the way to do it.... Here is my repository which fetches records... public IQueryable<MaterialsObj> FindAllMaterials() { var materials = from m in db...

Counting number of searches

I updated my main and sequetialSearch and now it crashes when it runs. It compiles okay, but then crashes. main.c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "percentage.h" #include "sequentialSearch.h" #define searchAmount 100 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int numbers[100]; int sea...