
SQL for total count and count within that where condition is true

Hello, I have a single user table and I'm trying to come up with a query that returns the total count of all users grouped by date along with the total count of users grouped by date who are of a specific client. Here is what I have thus far, where there's the total count of users grouped by date, but can't seem to figure out how to get...

Counting distinct and duplicate attribute values in an array

I have an array of users that's sorted in descending order based on total_points. I need to find the rank of each user in that array. The issue is that more than one user can have the same total points and, thus, the same rank. For example, three users could be in 3rd place with 200 Points. Here's my current code: class Leader < Act...

incremental OL using letters (jQuery)

Hi, I'm trying to dynamically add a span to an ol, where the counter should be in letters. eg: A result B result C result etc etc I've got this code which is great for using numbers but I've no idea what to do to it to make the numbers into letters jQuery(document).ready( function() { jQuery('.results ol').each(function () { ...

Counting divs for pagination in Jquery

I want to create a nice pagination in Jquery for a number of divs I have. EG: <div class="container"> <div id="one">content</div> <div id="two">content</div> <div id="three">content</div> <div id="four">content</div> </div> The number will not always be the same so I need to count the divs, and display a pagination l...

counting twice in a query, once using restrictions

Given the following tables: Table1 [class] [child] math boy1 math boy2 math boy3 art boy1 Table2 [child] [glasses] boy1 yes boy2 yes boy3 no If I want to query for number of children per class, I'd do this: SELECT class, COUNT(child) FROM Table1 GROUP BY class and if I wanted to qu...

Returning several COUNT results from one ASP SQL statement

Say I have a table like this: Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4 fred tom fred harry tom tom dick harry harry and I want to determine what proportion of it has been completed for each field. I can execute: SELECT COUNT (Field1) WHERE (Field1 <> '') AS Field1Count SELECT COUNT (Field2) WHERE (Fi...

Count Upwards for ID jQuery

Hi Guys, I have the following HTML structure <div id="test-1-yay"></div> ... bunch of code ... <div id="test-2-yay"></div> ... bunch of code ... <div id="test-3-yay"></div> I was wondering how I can use jQuery to basically identify each of these "id's" and then apply some jQuery to them ? I'm new to this so little unsure ? Something ...

[Linq to sql] query result what should i use Count() or Any()...

I am checking login of a user by this repository method, public bool getLoginStatus(string emailId, string password) { var query = from r in taxidb.Registrations where (r.EmailId == emailId && r.Password==password) select r; if (query.Count() != 0) { retur...

How to know the No. of java files in my workspace in Eclipse?

I have a java project with a lot java files. So, I want to know the number of .java files in my project in Eclipse. How to know that? ...

How can I tell how many objects I've stored in an S3 bucket?

Unless I'm missing something, it seems that none of the APIs I've looked at will tell you how many objects are in an S3 bucket / folder(prefix). Is there any way to get a count? ...

Get consolidated results with following tables

I have a scenario. Here's my table structure is: ID LoginDate RemovalDate ---------------------------------------- 1 2009/08/01 NULL 2 2009/09/12 2010/01/02 3 2009/08/31 2009/10/29 4 2010/02/17 NULL 5 2009/10/18 ...

Displaying count for current_user 'likes' on a 'question' in questions/show.html.erb view

I have an application that allows for users to create questions, create answers to questions, and 'like' answers of others. When a current_user lands on the /views/questions/show.html.erb page I am trying to display the total 'likes' for all answers on that question, for the current_user. In my Likes table I am collecting the question_...

How can I count the number of elements of a given value in a matrix?

Does anyone know how to count the number of times a value appears in a matrix? For example, if I have a 1500 x 1 matrix M (vector) which stores the values of weekdays (1 - 7), how could I count how many Sundays (1), Mondays(2), ... , Saturdays(7) are stored in M? ...

how do I deconstruct COUNT()?

I have a view with some joins in it. I'm doing a select from that view with COUNT(*) as one of the columns of the select. I'm surprised by the number it's returning. Note that there is no GROUP BY nor aggregate column statement in the source view that the query is drawing from. How can I take it apart to see how it arrives at this numb...

Number of rows in Oracle SQL Select?

I need to know how many records were returned in a select in oracle. Currently, I do two queries: SELECT COUNT(ITEM_ID) FROM MY_ITEMS; SELECT * FROM MY_ITEMS; I need to know the COUNT but I hate doing two queries. Is there a way to do: SELECT * FROM MY_ITEMS and then find out how many records are in there? ...

Count problem in SQL when I want results from diffrent tabels

ALTER PROCEDURE GetProducts @CategoryID INT AS SELECT COUNT(tblReview.GroupID) AS ReviewCount, COUNT(tblComment.GroupID) AS CommentCount, Product.GroupID, MAX(Product.ProductID) AS ProductID, AVG(Product.Price) AS Price, MAX (Product.Year) AS Year, MAX (Product.Name) AS Name, AV...

SQL programming

how can I determine the number of CoE students per school per city? the coe students belongs to a different table from the school table from the city table. I really need some help now. thanks ...

Using MySQL, is there any way to dump the count of records in each of all 200 tables in a database?

Say if there is a database that has 200 tables, is there a quick way to see how many records are in each table, if possible, sorted by the number of records descendingly? thanks. ...

Error at creating a temporary clob from oracle in c#

Hi everyone, I want to create a temporary clob. That's my function: public static OracleLob CreateTemporaryClob(OracleConnection conn, OracleTransaction tx, string data) { OracleLob tempClob = null; byte[] bData = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(data); string cmdText = "declare a clob; begin dbms_lob.createtempora...

Count number of occurrences of a pattern in a file (even on same line)

When searching for number of occurrences of a string in a file, I generally use: grep pattern file | wc -l However, this only finds one occurrence per line, because of the way grep works. How can I search for the number of times a string appears in a file, regardless of whether they are on the same or different lines? Also, what if I...