
Broke eclipse.ini! Using plugins and Android

Here is my broken eclipse.ini I editted it several times, and Eclipse is crashing. Last time it crashed I was submitting a Mylyn Task ticket to Trac. This was my last edit, using the Eclipse site for Windows: --launcher.library plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.0.200.v20090519 -startup plugins/

Where is iPhone crash report UUID recorded?

Sometimes I am unable to symbolicate my application's stack frames in a crash report. This is because I do not have an older .app and .dSYM. I was trying to force XCode to use my newer .app and .dSYM as the app has not changed significantly. Is there a way to modify the UUID associated with the crash report? Is the UUID stored in file's...

C# windows forms crash in Windows 7

Hi! I did a program in C # and use a SQLite database, the program works well in Windows XP and Vista but crashes in the Windows 7! Does anyone know what could be the problem? tks ...

App crashes after exiting Mail Composer

My app is crashing shortly after closing a MFMailComposeViewController. A UIWebDocumentView is releasing, which deallocates a ComposeBodyField object and it crashes on objc_msgSend. It only happens some of the time, and only on old devices. I'm assuming that something is being release/cleaned up before it's supposed to, so when the mes...

iphone app cant be started on device after being killed - works fine on simulator

Hello, I want to put an update to my App and I'm encountering heavy issues. When sent to background and being brought back to foreground, the App works fine. However, after killing the process from multitasking (running in the background), the App tries to resume from the point where it left AND it freezes, which means, I cant start the...

iPhone: App crash in MapView after 20 min

I am working on an app that tracks a users location. After about 20 minutes it seems that the app always crashes, and I am not sure why. Device logs show: Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x069f6000 Crashed Thread: 0 Thread 0 Crashed: 0 Ride 0x00012e00 -[...

SegFaults in my Assembler? But that's impossible! :O

Okay, so I understand all of us C/C++ programmers have at one time met our untimely nemesis, the diabolical signal SIGSEGV, the Segmentation Fault. Now, I understood (emphasis on the past tense) this to be some form of fail safe / checking system within some portion of the machine code spat out by the magical GCC (or g++) compiler, or wh...

UIViewController custom titleView crashes app

Hi, I have a navigation based iPhone app. When you press on a cell in the tableview a new UIViewController is pushed to the navigation stack. In this view controller I am setting a custom titleView in the viewDidLoad method: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // Setup custom navigation title [self setTitle:@"Mediap...

Visual Studio 2010 crashes repeatedly.

I've been running Visual Studio 2010 (the official release) for some time now. Lately, VS will crash 10+ times during my 8 hour work day. In VS2008, crashes were common when working with large Xaml files, and while I experience some of that with VS2010, crashes occur when debugging, starting the debugger, stopping the debugger, and other...

Blog URL Crashes Internet Explorer

I have a blog through Blogger - Whenever I try to view my blog through Internet Explorer it crashes the page and will not allow me to view it. It works fine on Safari though. I cannot figure out why. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks@! ...

Can one prevent Microsoft Error Reporting for a single app?

We have an unmanaged C++ application that utilizes 3rd party APIs to read CAD files. On certain corrupted CAD files, the 3rd party library crashes and brings our EXE down with it. Because of this our main application is a separate EXE and in this way it does not get affected by the crash. Howevever, we end up with annoying Microsoft Erro...

Send Crash Reports from within App

The FourSquare iPhone app seems to be doing it already: How is this achieved? This SO question pointed out CrashReporter.framework, but isn't this the kind of 3rd party framework Apple doesn't allow in the App Store? ...

App crashes on iPhone 4?

This code causes my app to crash on an iPhone 4 and on the simulator but works perfectly fine on a 3GS. Any ideas why this might be? -(IBAction)startButtonClicked{ GameViewController *screen = [[GameViewController alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil]; screen.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve; [self presen...

Crash-proofing Mac Cocoa application

In my Cocoa application I need to run a task that uses unstable unfixable code. It takes little input, works independently from the rest of the app, and generates thousands of ObjC objects as a result. How can I run the unstable part and let it crash without taking down whole application? Is it possible to fork() Cocoa application? How...

Why do UIViewControllers get over-released?

On a number of view controllers in my app, it seems to get overreleased such that when I pop the view controller (i.e. the user hits "back"), I get a crash. I am using fairly standard code to declare and load the UIViewController: MyViewController *myVC = [[MyViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MyViewController" bundle:nil]; NSM...

IDE gets corrupt after debugging in Visual Studio 2003

My solution currently contains 20 projects in total. These are all window applications. But lately after my OS(Windows XP SP3) downloaded updates from Microsoft and after adding just one window form in one of the projects, VS 2003 IDE starts crashing when trying to debug the solution. After crashing VS needs to be reinstall.... ANY a...

DirectX 9 C++ program crashes and wont re-open

I am just beginning to learn how to program DirectX 9 applications in C++, so I'm still not very good, and I'm messing it around quite a bit. When I reopen the program after it crashes, the D3D Device fails to create with the result being D3DERR_INVALIDCALL. I am compiling with G++ in MinGW, using the DirectX August 2009 SDK. I'm guessi...

Visual Studio 2008 crashing when opening empty .aspx or .js file

Visual Studio 2008 has started crashing on my machine when I open .aspx or .js files. I think that this problem started after I logged off Windows with several Visual Studio instances up and running. Windows prompted me to kill the Visual Studio processes. In an attempt to find the route cause of the problem I have discovered that simpl...

varargs function crashing

I have a function that is supposed to take a variable number of arguments (using varargs) based on a format string: void va(const char* name, const char* argformat, ...) { int numOfArgs = strlen(argformat); std::string buf = "asdf"; va_list listPointer; va_start(listPointer, numOfArgs); char* blah; for(int i =...

Calling functions meant for threads normally

I have a function with the prototype DWORD WINAPI blah(LPVOID arg); Which was meant to be used with CreateThread for a threaded app. I call it with CreateThread with no problem. But then somewhere else in the code, I call it normally, just by blah(NULL). When it gets to this part, it crashes. Is this because the WINAPI part makes it ...