
java facebook webapp create event date timezone

Java fb API I am creating facebook web application, to create even following is the required params. Problem is with start_time and end_time . Just assume i am have to Date objects without timezone. Date startDate = new Date(); Date endDate = new Date(); can anybody g...

Desktop application - how do I dynamically create and destroy forms.

Hi all, I'm creating a small crypto app for the desktop using java. I'm using JFrames (import javax.swing.JFrame) with Oracle JDeveloper 11g under Linux. I want to have a "welcome" form/frame where users can choose their encryption method, and then on choosing the method, I want to dynamically create the appropriate form for the chose...

Django create/alter tables on demand

Hi All, I've been looking for a way to define database tables and alter them via a Django API. For example, I'd like to be write some code which directly manipulates table DDL and allow me to define tables or add columns to a table on demand programmatically (without running a syncdb). I realize that django-south and django-evoluti...

What are the settings in Create New Test Wizard of VS2010?

Please explain the meaning of the marked red section in the screenshot below. All helps are very much appreciated! ...

Problem creating users programmatically in

For reference here is what my web.config and code look like: <membership defaultProvider="SqlProvider" userIsOnlineTimeWindow="15"> <providers> <clear /> <add name="SqlProvider" type="System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider" connectionStringName="MySqlConnection" applicationName="/" ...

New CCK fileds not showing up on Creat Content form

I have created new fields for a CCK content type. They were showing up before just fine. Now nothing. The only thing I did differently was delete some fields before adding the new ones. I can see the columns in the content type table. They are just not showing up in the Create Content form. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. ...

rails Column cannot be null:

I noticed that my application was automatically setting all my processes to having been completed as soon as they were created. I looked through it, couldn't find why the date was being updated without being told to, but I found that one of my views was looking for a field that didn't exist. I created the 'complete' field, set it as a no...

RoR: Creating an Object with string primary_key (associated error: Couldn't find Object_Id with ID=0)

I created a model that had a string primary_key. The Create action in Ruby on Rails gave me the following error: Couldn't find Theme with ID=0 My Theme table has no ID column, but a string column called name which is the primary key. After searching everywhere, I experimented myself with the Create action inside the theme_controller....

Grails: How do I eliminate the create.gsp and save.gsp and move it to the first line of the list in list.gsp?

I want to get rid of the create.gsp and save.gsp and have everything on the same page. What I did is move all those fields into the first row of my list in list.gsp But now I don't know how to connect it with the rest of the data and make it work. I got to make the create button work. But then I cannot make the update button work. Her...

create dynamic array with jquery.

Hi guys. I need some help regarding jquery arrays. var queryArr; $(markersArray).each(function(index) { var _locationId = index; var _locName = markersArray[index].name; var _markerLat = markersArray[index].marker.getLatLng().lat(); var _markerLng = markersArray[index].marker.getLatLng().lng(); //I DO NOT ...

Problem creating a Directory object in Oracle

The code is this: Originally:( The approach uses a combination of the UTL_TCP and UTL_FILE packages to create a simple FTP API (ftp.pks, ftp.pkb). Once the API is loaded into the appropriate schema simple FTP commands can be initiated as follows: CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY my_...

SugarCRM: Create DRAFT Email via SOAP

Hello, Is it possible to create DRAFT emails via SOAP? I've got this custom button which generates an invoice number upon clicking (via AJAX) and updates the Lead screen with the number. Behind the scenes a PDF file bearing the same invoice number is generated and attached to the Lead as a NOTE (with the PDF as note attachment). Howeve...

SugarCRM: Create NOTE with Attachment without SOAP?

Hello all, I've got this custom button on Lead Editview that when clicked on generates (via AJAX) an invoice number and a PDF bearing the same number. In the next step, the routine uses SOAP to loopback to Sugar and creates a Note (along with the PDF as attachment). My question is can I avoid this SOAP call and use some other inter...