
MySQL syntax: can't create table

mysql> create table balance_sheet( -> Cash_and_cash_equivalents VARCHAR(20), -> Trading_financial_assets VARCHAR(20), -> Note_receivable VARCHAR(20), -> Account_receivable VARCHAR(20), -> Advance_money VARCHAR(20), -> Interest_receivable VARCHAR(20), -> Dividend_receivable VARCHAR(20), -> Other_note...

How to Edit Permission on "Create"? SharePoint

When you go to Lists, and Create. I'd like to show the "Custom Lists" column only to specific group. I don't want the users to be able to create Web Pages, Document Libs .. etc But I'm not able to see how, I tried to create a custom group and edit permission level, but I cant find where exactly. does enabling "Create" to specific group...

Using "Object.create" instead of "new"

Javascript 1.9.3 / ECMAScript 5 introduces Object.create, which Douglas Crockford amongst others has been advocating for a long time. How do I replace new in the code below with Object.create? var UserA = function(nameParam) { = MY_GLOBAL.nextId(); = nameParam; } UserA.prototype.sayHello = function() { cons...

How do I dynamically name objects in Java?

Let's say I needed to make a series of String[] objects. I know that if i wanted to make a string array called "test" to hold 3 Strings I could do String[] test = new String[3]; But let's say I needed to make a series of these arrays and I wanted them to be named, 1,2, 3, 4, 5... etc. For however many I needed and I didn't know how m...

How can I create an image with Java?

I would like to create a gif image of a filled red circle on a green background. What is the easiest way to do it in Java? ...

Selecting contents of Label Control

Hi All I have what I consider to be a pretty unique problem here, and no idea how to implement. From what I've seen, there is no documentation, tutorials, samples and/or articles on this. I've spent weeks researching, with nothing to show. The problem: I need the user to be able to select the contents of a Label Control at runtime, an...

How to create a table in a particular database?

The create database statement is: CREATE TABLE table_name ( column_name1 data_type, column_name2 data_type, column_name3 data_type, .... ) but, I'm wondering how can I create a table in a specific database? thanks, guys! ...

How to create a 2 bit gif from tiff file in dotnet

Hi, I have used Bitmap class to convert tiff to Gif but it couldn't make the image 2 bit possible for have less size. Notice that bitmap class could create images with this pixel format : 1, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 (bits) But my need is 2 bit. Unfortunately Gdi+ do not support 2bpp. Is there any source or library to do that? ...

Missing archetype.xml in new archetype created from project.

Hi, I am using Maven 2.2.1. and am new to Maven. I am trying to create an archetype based on an existing project. I have been using this blog post as a guide: Step 7 says "The next step is to verify that the generated archetype.xml (located under srcmainresourcesMETA-INFmaven (sic)) has all...

WCF Create Message

I have a WCF service using callbacks to communicate to a Silverlight client. Everything is up and working, but it's taking an awful long time to send the message (over half a second). I fired up the WCF Debugger and the step "Create a message" is taking over half a second to complete. It's a simple DataContract with ~12 properties, no...

Creating a file in wwwroot

Hi, I have a website hosted in IIS at location C:/inetpub/wwwroot/sample and there is a folder in sample C:/inetpub/wwwroot/sample/work I can neither read nor write a file in this work folder. I am using C# to read and write. I have set the NTFS permissions to full access, yet the problem. Please Help Thanks ...

How to create DSN for SQL Server using C# ?

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common; using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo; using System.Data.SqlClient; using Microsoft.Win32; usin...

Create and access folder outside Apache Tomcat webapps folder

My web application requires functionality where end users can upload content, that can be later downloaded or viewed by others, the problem with current scheme is If I create such folder as part of your web project under webapps, every time I do deploy your web application (*.war), the content of that directory will be lost (or overridde...

C# Creating thumbnail (low quality and big size problem)

public void CreateThumbnail(Image img1, Photo photo, string targetDirectoryThumbs) { int newWidth = 700; int newHeight = 700; double ratio = 0; if (img1.Width > img1.Height) { ratio = img1.Width / (double)img1.Height; newHeight = (int)(ne...

Sqlite problem doing a Query

Hi all. Im triying to do a query on sqlite. I want to retrieve the server id of the servers that are not associated with a profile id (i have the id of the profile). The table serpro represents the n:n relationship betwen the tables. This is my query (apparently it is wrong): "Select server._id, server.server from server where server._...

OpenSSL certificate lacks key identifiers

How do i add these sections to certificate (i am manualy building it using C++). X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: A4:F7:38:55:8D:35:1E:1D:4D:66:55:54:A5:BE:80:25:4A:F0:68:D0 X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: keyid:A4:F7:38:55:8D:35:1E:1D:4D:66:55:54:A5:BE:80:25:4A:F0:68:D0 Curently my code builds sertificate wel...

how does the setup of the program is created

Hello, I want to create the setup of my own program .Is i possible to create the setup of any program including the window and gui based program . i want to know how the setup of the program is created in the c# .. plz help . ...

Create / build / generate a web form that doesn't redirect the user to another site, looks modern and can be implemented easily?

I have a small web site and would like to add a 'contact us' form and a 'feedback' form. i would like the forms to satisfy the following: 1- be modern looking (with beautiful css effects) 2- the form fields are validated properly and 'inline'. What I mean is once a user skips a required field or enters an email address incorrectly som...

Create Folders from text file and place dummy file in them using a CustomAction

I want my msi installer to generate a set of folders in a particular location and put a dummy file in each directory. Currently I have the following CustomActions: <CustomAction Id="SMC_SetPathToCmd" Property="Cmd" Value="[SystemFolder]cmd.exe"/> <CustomAction Id="SMC_GenerateMovieFolders" Property="Cmd" ExeCommand="for /f &quot;tokens...

Creating a subverson repository not possible because button is grayed out ??

Hello, as you can see in the image I attached here: the button to browse the DIR to set the repository directory is grayed out, but why? ...