
Problem with iostream, my output endl are littles squares.

I have a problem with with my output when I write to I file I get squares when I put endl to change lines. std::ofstream outfile (a_szFilename, std::ofstream::binary); outfile<<"["<<TEST<<"]"<<std::endl; I get something like this in my file plus the other outputs don't write on the next line but on the same one. [TEST]square appa...

editing a file with vim that has no EOL marker on the last line but has CRLF line endings

I often have to edit script files, the interpreter for which treats files that have an EOL marker on the last line of the file as an error (i.e. the file is treating CRLF as "newlines", not as "line endings"). Currently, I open these files in Vim using binary mode (-b on the command line). It autodetects the lack of EOL on the final li...

git, whitespace errors, squelching and autocrlf, the definitive answers

Please can you explain about whitespace errors in git, what do they mean, what is 'squelching', and do I need to worry about it? (Running msysgit, but with other users on linux). There is already a 'definitive' answer for autocrlf here (set it to false git config --global core.autocrlf false ) ...

How to write a file with CRLF line breaks in Objective-C?

Hi, I need to create and export an excel file in my iPhone app. Unfortunately, excel won't read it if the line encoding is LF (the unix default when I write the file) instead of CRLF (the Windows standard)...Is there any way to write a file using CRLF line breaks? I can tell this is the issue as if I open the file in TextWrangler a...

Is there a version of `patch` for Windows that outputs CRLF files?

I am using patch from UnxUtils (on Windows), which works (my file patches fine) but the outputted file has LF instead of CRLF line endings. Is there an equivilent to patch which outputs using CRLF instead of LF? ...

make sure files are converted CRLF into LF in an update hook- is there a performance hit?

There had been a lot of discussions about the core.autocrlf and core.safecrlf features in the current release and the next release. The question i have here relates to an environment where developers clone from a bare repository. During the clone the autocrlf settings are enabled. But since the developers has full control on their clon...

How do you compare two text files with different line endings in PHP?

I need to compare two text files in php. One file is user uploaded, and the other is supplied by the server, running on windows. This works fine when the file is submitted from another windows computer, but from a linux computer the files come out different, I am assuming this is because of different line endings. Is there an easy way t...

Copying DLL out of WAR results in LFs becoming CRLFs

I am using the Java Native Interface to include some statically compiled code in with my Java application. Particularly, I've got a DLL file with the compiled code in the WAR that contains my application. Unfortunately, the class loader can't load the DLL from inside the WAR (from preliminary research... if this is wrong, be sure to tel...

GIT CRLF to LF - git parent repo on UNIX and clones on both windows and unix.

This question is somewhat similar to my other question, So here is what am looking for with the below architecture. 1. MY parent repository (bare and data) is on a UNIX machine. 2. I can clone my repository in a UN...

how remove all special characters(except - and /) from a string including all cr,lf,crlf, other illegal characters?

i have been trying to remove special characters. i am not able to remove many crlf in middile of the string. please help. i got this issue in production, need to resolve it soon. thanks in advance. ...

GIT: How to get rid of the annoying CRLF message on msysgit (windows)?

Practically everytime I stage a textfile (that's most of em), I get the message from git gui (I use msysgit) that It replaced (or is about to) line endings with CRLF's. Obviously I want that (and there's a setting for it huraah), but I don't want the annoying message popped up all the time! Any way to keep the setting, but turn off/disa...

Git: convert carriage return \r to new line \n with git hook?

A fellow coder uses a Windows computer that is putting carriage returns everywhere in our source. Is there a way to write a git hook that converts all \r\n to \n? Note I haven't used git hooks before, so a little extra hand-holding might go a long way :) ...

Git: commit file with LR with msys/cygwin Git.

I have a bash script under Git version control on Windows (cygwin git). I would like checkout file from repo with LF (it is bash script) on windows (and I have core.autocrlf=true). As a result, I've got CRLF file and "$'\r': command not found" error message for script. How I could workaround this issue? BR ...