
Is there any ie9 css-hacks? Already needed.

Is there any ie9 css hacks? I tryed to find them. But i didnt find any. ...

Capturing multiples keystrokes in javascript.

I'm trying to do a javascript application that needs this particular feature: Whenever the user presses one of the arrow keys, it must act acording to the key direction. And if the user press a key, hold it down, and press a second one, then, only the action of the seccond one must be executed until released. And if the first one stil...

innerText shim for Firefox

in google chrome innerText seems to return the text of the element that the user see which is exactly what i need. so i need a shim of innerText for Firefox. for example: <div id='1'><br> f<div style='display:none'>no</div>oo   bar</div> <script> function test(){ return document.getElementById('1').innerText } </script> the funct...

javascript: for (i in str), nested, weird results outside of FF?

I'm rather confused at the moment, could someone explain this one to me? Maybe it's something small I'm oblivious to, but I'm confused as to why this isn't resulting as I expect it to. I have created a samples to show the issue I'm seeing... Sample 1 var dataString = "abc"; document.write(" This is a test ... " + "<br/>") for (i in d...

Flash videos play too quickly

I'm having trouble with Flash-based videos (FLVs, but not SWFs) playing between 5 and 6 times too quickly. My question is, then, some sort of amalgamation of the following (in descending order of importance to me): 1) Is there something I can do to fix (permanently or otherwise) this problem? 2) Does anyone have any idea why this is ha...

Why with this css the background-color attribute doesn't work?

Hi. This is my code : <body> <div> <div id="ROOT" > <div id="ROOT_0" > header </div> <div id="ROOT_1" > main </div <div id="ROOT_2" > footer </div> </div> </div> </body> html {hei...

Get browser window position regardless of zoom

How can I get the browser window's left edge (including menu, border, caption, etc), without it being "fixed" to take into account the zoom level? (This question addresses the basic question, but does not consider zoom.). window.screenLeft or window.screenX work fine on Chrome and Safari, but these report "fixed" values using IE6, IE8 ...

Url fragment and Referer header

Imagine you are on a page whose URL has a fragment (the part after the #), and click a link to go to another page. Most browsers will send the URL of the original page to the server in the Referer header. What I want to know is whether or not the URL fragment will be included in this or not. I have seen various behaviors in the wild so...

How do I cause a cross-platform (IE and Chrome at least) popup from inside an SVG?

I have code that generates SVG that was developed for IE and the Adobe SVG Viewer. The Adobe SVG Viewer has a custom function called browserEval (see that is being used to cause the browser to eval a call. This doesn't work in Chrome's native SVG renderer (and I haven't tried Firefox). How c...

Cross-browser incompatibilities in decoding JPEG files?

Something is puzzling me - why does this image appear different in every browser? Image in IE9 (and Windows Photo Viewer): Image in Firefox (and Photoshop): Image in Chrome (and Irfanview): What is going on in their decoding processes of the JPEG to make the eventual output so different? (View it in IE, Firefox, Chrome, etc...

What IE version should you install to check CSS compatibility on IE with a Mac?

I'm trying to fix my css on IE, and I want to check to see if it's working. What version should I install and from where? ...

Firefox, one browser, but two different versions???!

Hi, I our web application is compatible with Firefox 3.6+ We have a Firefox installed on one of our local machiens and on the top of the about page, the version is set to 3.6.10 which is what we expect. On the bottom of the about page, the version is set to: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.0.1 Because it's set to 3.0.1 it gets picked up b...

Converting a string into a Date via javascript

I have a string I need converted into a date: 2010-10-14T09:00:00.0000000 In FF and Crome I can do var date = new Date("2010-10-14T09:00:00.0000000") and everything works. That code in IE, Safari and Opera gives be a NaN. How can I get that string into a date in a x-browser manner, preferably without manually parsing the string into i...

jquery ScrollTo laggy perfomance in IE, Opera, FF

I am using jquery scrollTo plugin and I am having laggy performace. Animation is not SMOOTH!! Especially in IE! demo page: Animation looks great in Chrome!! And another problem is with resizing. When you resize the browser, overflow:hidden, doesnt work anymore. Can you just let me know where the problem migh...

Is it possible to make a cross browser extension linked to a Python web app backend?

Current Situation I am in the early phases of designing a web app that the user will interact with via a browser extension that will be in the form of a horizontal nav bar. I wanted to use Pylons and Python on this project but am unsure how it fits in. As I understand it a browser extension is "just bundled HTML, CSS, JS and image files...

jQuery .animate background-position not working in Firefox on Mac

Hi folks, We've setup a cute little moving clouds animation here: It works nicely in Safari on Mac but doesn't seem to work on Firefox. Any suggestions on what we've done wrong? Also, does this technique use a lot of resources? Safari's CPU usage jumps from around 4% to 13% when ...

IE7 Z-Index Issue

On the site I'm currently working on there is a nested unordered list in the sidebar, when an <li> from this list is hovered over, it shows the (previously hidden) child <ul>. This is working fine in all browsers except IE 7+6. In these browsers the popup <ul> displays beneath the <li>'s of the list above. Any idea why it would be doing ...

Cross-browser issues with contenteditable.

I have a DIV element with contentEditable set to 'true'. I wanted to create link elements inside this DIV, which needs to be deleted with a single backspace. I generate the link by replacing the text entered, when 'space' character is pressedI followed the suggestions given in

Internet Explorer not handling transparency using jQuery Cycle plugin?

I am running the jQuery Cycle plugin and noticing that IE is applying background colors to what should be transparent elements. I assume this is part of IE's terribly handling of PNGs and alpha transparency, but I'm not entirely certain as to whether I should be trying to modify the plugin or simply scrap it in favor of something that ha...

CSS problem with visibilty

I have the following code: var d = document.createElement("div"); = "d_1"; = "url(img/lr.png"); = "no-repeat"; = "150px"; = "25px"; = "absolute"; = "460px"; = "385px"; = "visible"; document.docu...