
How to make a general form in Flex to deal with Entity CRUD?

I would like to create a general form so that it can deal with creation/read/update of an entity. When creating an entity, it may only contain a subset of all fields; when updating the entity, it may contain a different subset of fields; and when reading the entity, none of the fields are editable. Anyone with experience in designing suc...

Why can't I set object derived from ObservableCollection<Proddata> equal to object returned as ObservableCollection<Proddata>?

I get a compile error, "Cannot implicitly conver type 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection to ProddataRecsObservable'. An explicit conversion exists" See comments in following code segments. //I created a custom class called ProddataRecsObservable derived from //ObservableCollection<Proddata> so I can do some special CRU...

PHP and Microsoft Access database - Connection and CRUD

I have no experience with access. How to do update/insert/delete/select statement with and without $rs = new com("ADODB.RecordSet"); ? ...

Automatic CRUD forms generation for .net Windows Forms Applications

Hi, My question is about nHibernate, or any other ORM for .net that can do what I am looking for : for my web developements, I use Django Framework; the admin pages are automatically generated, so that you can do the CRUD operations through a GUI -- web interface -- right after having created your model. I wonder if nHibernate (or any ...

Frameworks for building so-called CRUD Admin UIs (over SQL tables)

What frameworks are targeted specifically at building so-called "CRUD Admin UIs" (basically, a set of screens for editing related SQL tables), whether Web Apps or Thick Clients. The ones I know of: ASP.NET DynamicData Django Admin (from Nick's answer below) General purpose frameworks like Ruby-on-Rails and ASP.NET MVC don't count. ...

ColdFusion CRUD

For quite a long time now, I've been trying to write and have been in search of "a really good" CRUD application. Don't get me wrong - I didn't say "The ultimate" CRUD application. Just one that could be rated 1st class. What I'm saying is: Please don't respond to this plea with an answer like "Well, every situation is different..." ...

"Overloading" standard GORM CRUD methods

Wanna do the following: BootStrap { def init = {servletContext -> ........ = {-> delegate.extraSave() //////// how to call original save() here? } } ......... } P.S. MyDomainClass#extraSave is defined as public void extraSave(){.....} ...

What is is the best way to manage edit/destroy/new links with authentication?

I'm new to Rails and I'm trying to create a standard CRUD rails application for displaying text posts. It's pretty similar to blog where I would like authenticated users to be able to edit and destroy posts while visitors to the site can just see and browse the existing posts. I would like to know what is the best way to manage this. So...

How to structure a 'flippable' app?

How feasible is it(and some guidance) to build a WPF(Silverlight) app in such a way that it can be flipped back and forth from Web to Desktop? Maybe some context is in order. I am a lone developer at a non-profit. I only develop in house apps that have very long life cycles with constant modifications and changes to business rules...

How to implement CRUD operations in UML

I was wondering if any analysts/architects have a solution for the hundreds of CRUD operations I would have to add to nearly every class in my UML diagram. Do you let each class inherit from a base class that implements the CRUD operations? Best practices and design patterns about this are very much appreciated! ...

Visual C# 2008. CRUD Example using Dataset, DataRow with an Access Mdb

I'm using Visual Studio C# 2008 I've created (visually) a dataset that points to a mdb file (Access 2007) This DataSet is called "EstacionarDataSet" EstacionarDataSet ed = new EstacionarDataSet(); DataRow newRow = ed.Tables[0].NewRow(); newRow["patente"] = tb_Patente.Text; newRow["numerobox"] = tb_Box.Text; newRow["fechahora_ingreso"] =...

Proper way to Create/Update/Delete hierarchical data

So I have a structure like this: Widget: Component 1: Component 2: Component 3: ... Component n: I'm building an ASP.NET MVC web app that as part of its functionality will allow a user to create a Widget object and assign Component objects (which have a number of properties) as "children" of the Widget object. Users might ha...

OpenXava - create list with all modules

Hi, Is there any way I can create simple start page for OpenXava. I mean page with links to all modules for example: People Invoices Etc... Would be great to have solution out of the box. I haven't found anything in documentation with this topic. Thanks ...

Active record and Repository patterns together. Is It acceptable?

I really like these two patterns. The drawback of Repository pattern is its cost(takes more time then Active record). Benefit is higher abstraction which really helps on complicated business logic. The drawback of Active record is that lower testability(db interaction is required) and harder in handling complicated domain logic. Is it...

Generating simple crud applications in Spring based off existing database or hibernate configurations?

I'm attempting to learn Spring MVC but have been spoiled by Grails. While I am able to get a basic web application working I was wondering if there were any tools that could do some of the work to create a crud application given a database or hibernate data model? The only one I've found so far is

Advantages of over vb6 for CRUD application development

What are the improvements in compared to vb6 that make developing such an application easier? ...

Best Practices for updating multiple check boxes on a web form to a database

A sample case scenario - I have a form with one question and multiple answers as checkboxes, so you can choose more than one. Table for storing answers is as below: QuestionAnswers ( UserID int, QuestionID int, AnswerID int ) What is the best way of updating those answers to the database using a stored proc? At different jobs I'...

Linq : Why this approach don't seem to work? What should be the standard approach?

Why this approach don't seem to work? What should be the standard approach? [Database(Name = "Test")] [Table(Name = "Order")] public class Order { [Column(Name = "ID", IsPrimaryKey = true)] public int ID { get; set; } [Column(Name = "OrderDate")] public DateTime OrderDate { get; set; } public static Order Get(int ...

Netbeans creating "JPA Controller classes from entity classes"

Hello, I want to achieve basic CRUD operations available of the db schema I already have for a JAVA program. To put it in another way, I have a DB schema I use with PHP and I just need them to be entities available in a JAVA application. I discovered I can use Netbeans and sucessfully created Entities from DB! (Entities look like this...

Simple PHP Crud Generator

I am looking for a simple PHP crud object generator to use with SQL database tables. I've used POG and was wondering if there were any alternatives. ...