
Prevent command window showing when NAnt compiling windows forms application

I have been playing with creating little windows forms apps without visual studio. I create my source in Notepad++ and compile with a NAnt build file. When I run the application a command window is also displayed as well as the application window. How can I prevent the command window showing up? using System; using System.Drawing; usi...

Error referencing System.Web.Mvc from csc in Visual Studio 2010 RTM

csc /target:library /reference:System.dll,System.Web.dll,System.Web.Mvc.dll Foo.cs Microsoft (R) Visual C# 2010 Compiler version 4.0.30319.1 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. error CS0006: Metadata file 'System.Web.Mvc.dll' could not be found (Note - it does exist in the GAC under GAC_MSIL fol...

Does VS2010 use csc.exe / vbc.exe (directly or indirectly) to compile relevant projects?

Pretty much as the title suggests. I can't find any proof that DevEnv.exe actually calls these at any point. ...

How does the MSBuild CoreCompile Target Identify Reference Assemblies

Can anyone shed any light on how the CoreCompile task in TFS2010 (RC) Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build targets generates the assembly references that are passed to csc.exe? We are seeing references to both version 2.0 and 4.0 of System.Xml.dll (shown in bold below), however we are using the 'Specific Version: true' flag on the project as...

Problem with building with csc task in Ant

I have an ant build target using csc: <target name="compile"> <echo>Starting compiling ServiceLauncher</echo> <csc optimize="true" debug="true" warnLevel="1" unsafe="false" targetType="exe" failonerror="true" incremental="false" mainClass = "ServiceLauncher.Launcher" srcdir="ServiceLauncher...

Including FSharp.Core in a C# project: resolving type collisions

I'm using some F# types (Matrix et al) from C# and so I need to reference the FSharp.Core assembly in my C# project. So far, so good. However, there are apparently some types defined in mscorlib.dll (v4) which are "duplicated" in FSharp.Core (v2), like System.Tuple and System.IObservable. I can't understand why this is in .Net 4. Matt E...

merge DLLs n .cs files

Hi, A part of big project is a payment system, that I would like to reuse. I want to merge all the class files of this payment system into DLLs so that add them as a reference in all the other projects. The present payment system is also using namespaces from the DLLs of a commercial application (nsoftware-paypal n few others). I tried ...

how to ensure that VSVARS32.BAT batch file have permanent effect?

If I need to use microsoft C# compiler from the normal command prompt, it says right here how and it says right here how I set the environment variable (by running VSVARS32.BAT). I execute it and after that I can run "csc" (the compiler). However the effect seems to disappear when I close the command line window that run VSVARS32.BAT Is...

Visual Studio gone bonkers: 'The directory name is invalid' error when trying to compile

For some very odd reason, my Visual Studio 2008, when trying to compile a C# project, tries to write the output of the executable to a directory with the same name as an executable, at least it seems that that's what the error message implies. After running Compile on any of my projects, CSC.EXE reports the following compiler error: ...

MSBuild calling incorrect version of csc.exe

I am using team city to call a nant script, currently this nant script is very simplistic and only calls an msbuild task on a single project in the solution. The build is failing, it looks like msbuild 3.5 is being called, but it is incorrectly calling the csc.exe from the .net 2.0 folder. Since we are using .net 3.5 language features t...

Image with images around it in css

How would code this in css and html? Should I do it with absolute? Or float it somehow? Any Ideas? ...

Using routing with webforms - CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath sometimes very slow

I am using routing with my ASP.NET WebForms application, using the technique described by Phil Haack: This works well most of the time, however on on occasion the first call to System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath is takes tens of seco...