
Stop Firefox rendering inline colours in rgb() form.

I'm trying to write a JavaScript tool to work on items of a certain colour. On a test page, I set the colour using an inline style, to mimic the target pages, but when the page is rendered, the colour is specified using the CSS rgb() function. The HTML tries to emulate the GMail container I want to change the background colour on. Whe...

JavaScript for loop not changing link text

I have a nested for loop inside a for loop that is supposed to change the link text to a random number between 1 and 5. The ID of the links are "aX_Y", X and Y being numbers. The links are arranged in a 4x3 square. The problem is that the random numbers for the link text is only displayed for the last row: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>...

Linking an external CSS stylesheet to HTML

I'm new to HTML/CSS and I want to have one of my HTML files use a CSS file. How can I do it? ...

inline div background not showing up

I'm trying to use two divs, one with a non repeating background in the left corner to serve as a 'curved border' image, and the second div, within that one, with a background that is offset by the width of the first div's image so that it seems to be one solid image, that fluidly stretches with the page width. I tried doing this the way...

Attempting to use Segoe font in browser

I want to render a page with fonts mostly being font-family:"Segoe" (that line goes in the appropriate class selectors which I've verified are working), however I get back a standard font (times new roman I think). Why won't it work? I am on Windows-7 64 bit so it's installed. ...

Changing font color of <a> contained within <li>, but on hover over <li>

I have a <li> that contains an <a href> <li><a href="http://site.com"&gt;Page&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; I'd like to change the background color and text color of each <li> item as it's hovered over. I found that the background color is best changed by targetting the li:hover and not the a:hover because the a:hover changes the background of...

How to write print css to get print from web pages in almost same manner as we get from MS word ?

How to make cross size and cross browser compatible print CSS for World's most use paper sizes to get print? A4, A3, Legal etc How we can same almost similar formatting to our site page's like MS word ? What are best practices to get consistency in formatting of print page from any popular browsers? How to set cross browse...

Javascript css class based on random number

I have a 4x3 matrix where the class is set to blank (white background). I'm using var rand = Math.floor(Math.random()*2 + 1); and if its 1, the class is set to one (red background) and if its 2, the class is set to two (blue background). My code is suppose to make 6 links red and 6 links blue with the newgame function, however, sometime...

Center object in window

I'm new to web development, I'm sure there's a simple answer to this, but I cannot figure it out. Not entirely sure how to refer to things. All is done in HTML, Javascript and CSS. I have an HTML page in which I use divs to define clickable objects in CSS. I'd like to have Page X be able to exist just as a page without always snapping t...

CSS Justify width of 5 links in 412px

I want to have five inline links with an approximate padding of :5px 8px 5px 8px; and fixed margin of :0px 2px 0px 2px; evenly distributed inline within a 412px width div here is an example: http://www.branklin.com/questions/css_justified_links.php ...

When the browser is zoom out, my web page looks bad!. Why?

When I use zoom out in Internet Explorer, the page zooms out but not as uniform. It looks ugly. What is the reason for that? Help me plz After Zoom out (look at the three boxes): http://www.flickr.com/photos/41695354@N08/4233473080/ ...

JavaScript CSS how to add and remove multiple CSS classes to an element

How can assign multiple css classes to an html element through javascript without using any libraries? ...

Div in IE6 is not fixing itself on the bottom

I have a div fix on bottom of the page it is working fine in IE7, IE8, FF and chrome. But in IE6 it is not fixing itself on the bottom how can I fix that. ...

CSS Framework for UI Development

I'm making an app in Adobe Air and I want to make a robust looking UI. And it's quite hard to do in CSS, I just end up with lots of messy code that probably doesn't work that well anyway. So does anyone know of a good UI CSS framework that focuses on a robust layout rather than pointless slidy crap and datepickers. ...

Why bother with the "L" in the "LVHA" link styles?

Isn't the "a:link" pseudoclass redundant with "a" when put in that order (:link, :visited, :hover, :active)? Why put this: a:link {color: blue;} a:visited {color: purple;} a:hover {color: red;} a:active {color: yellow;} When you could just put this: a {color: blue;} a:visited {color: purple;} a:hover {color: red;} a:active {color: ye...

HTML CSS How to stop a table to put the content after it on a new line?

I have a table followed by an anchor tag. I want the anchor tag not to move to next line after the table. What are the options? ...

how to style margins between items in a <dl> list ?

hey folks, So im integrating this Twitter widget into xhtml. ( http://help.twitter.com/forums/10711/entries/15354 ) The code is: <dl id="twitter_update_list"></dl> ...then a couple lines of javascript. My problem is that I can't figure out how to get any space between the list items. All i need are a couple br tags in between eac...

Possible to move an Absoulte position if another absoulte position is already on that spot?

Hi I am trying to make a calendar on my website. So in my C# code I make all the table cells for that calendar(I return it as a string of html into my View). While doing that I check my database to see if any tasks go in that cell and loop through it till no tasks are left. I then move on to the next cell and do the same thing again. H...

IE letting URLS break the containing DIV, but FF shows fine. Fix?

hey folks, So im integrating this Twitter widget into xhtml. ( http://help.twitter.com/forums/10711/entries/15354 ) The code is: <dl id="twitter_update_list"></dl> ...then a couple lines of javascript. Heres the issue. Why would IE display long urls (links within the list item) as breaking the containing DIV? Meanwhile FF just c...

How to fix difference in logo position within IE 7 and other browsers (IE8, FF, Chrome)

Hi there, I am discovering css and I found a problem I can't fix. My logo has a different position in IE7 than in other browsers like IE8, FF and chrome. This is IE7: http://www.prestashop.com/?ACT=29&amp;fid=9&amp;aid=16515_Awto8qE0tmhdhVFv8yWF&amp;board_id=1 While IE8 and others show it correct, between the black and grey borders. ...