
Why my div that is set to 100% in width doesn't want stretch to the width of the browser window when the page is scrolled?

Why my div that is set to 100% in width doesn't want stretch to the width of the browser window when the page is scrolled? ...

JQuery UI Custom modal dialog

Hi, I'm trying to create a modal popup effect using JQuery UI 1.7.2 Basically I need a normal Error widget to pop up with the rest of the page blocked out. We're using IE6 at work and there are no ways to upgrade. Currently I'm trying this. <div id="errorPopup" style="display: none;"> <div class="ui-overlay"> <div class="ui-widget...

Set max-height using javascript

I have a div, maximum width for div is user defined. I know I can get it done using element.style.height but this doesn,t work in IE. Any Idea how can I implement max-height equivalent of firefox by using javascript. ...

Right-Align and Vertical Align label with checkbox/radio button CSS

Hi Everyone, I'm very close and have this working in Safari, Firefox and IE8, however IE7 the labels and radio buttons do not align vertically. My HTML is: <div id="master-container"> <fieldset id="test"> <legend>This is a test of my CSS</legend> <ul class="inputlist"> <li> <label for="te...

Integrate vBulletin into a wordpress page (only frontend)

I have a simple wordpress website but the customer wants a vbulletin forum with the same look into the website. the same look is just a matter of editing the css files and layout files. but how can i put the vbulletin into a wordpress page? ...

How to show/hide html controls keeping their locations the same?

Imagine search bar on html page, it has, say 4 controls on the same line, each wrapped in DIV. E.g. a few listboxes on the same line: searchbyX, byY, byZ, byN After some clicks, some of these controls are hidden, some are displayed (using JQuery). The problem is that I want each control to keep it's place, but if I hide it's left neighbo...

What's the difference between . and # in a css file?

In css examples, I've seen rules defined starting with a . and some starting with # - sometimes these are mixed in the same file. What is the difference between these rules: h1 { font-size:18pt;} .new-alerts { font-size:11pt; font-weight:bold;} #old-alerts { position:relative; font-size:10pt; } Are they referenced differently on t...

Javascript/Jquery: .css pixel-values

Hi! I just realised there is a difference between <foo>.css('marginTop') (which I thought is the standard jquery-notation) and <foo>.css('margin-top') (which I thought was non-standard). If has margin-top: 3em; (for example), the first notation gives me 3em, the second notation gives me 48px (which is 3em in Pixels). I like this...

css not working in table "td" , but it works for "th"....what's going on?

I've been coding a webapp for some time now and all the layout, css was working fine. Some time in the last week or so I made some kind of a change that I absolutely have no idea what I changed that is causing this problem and I've tried reversing the code with no luck. I have figured out however that the problem goes away if I use a <...

CSS, JS questions on (1) improving JS code through CSS and (2) removing blue dotted borders around hyperlinked images

div.img { margin:7px; border:3px solid gray; height:110px; width:110px; float:left; text-align:center; } div.img img { display:inline; margin:3px; border:1px solid white; } div.img a:hover img { border:3px solid yellow; } function handleMouseClick(imageName) { document...

css: link image using sliding doors technique

hi, i'd like to add a little arrow image (+hover effect) to all hyperlinks by defining a css class. my question: would it be possible using the sliding doors technique for that? the problem with it: i can't set a fixed width for the link (for truncating the image) as the link's text would be ignore that width - any ideas? thanks ...

Guys I need your help with some CSS

Hello All, I have tried for the life of me to get this darn slider to work on this site I am making and I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Once I add in the code for the slider (the news story slider at the top of the page) it seems to be pushing the rest of the site out of wack. If there are any CSS guys out there that can help...

mouseover and addClass jQuery example

Hi there, here's a gimme for anyone that knows jQuery: I have a navigation <ul class="nav"> I want to change around. I'm basically looking for the a:hover effect, just faded in (I'm using sprites, and going from one sprite area to the next). The code I have in my header looks like this: $(document).ready(function(){ $(".nav li").mou...

Rotate webpage via code?

I'm hoping that there's a relatively simple way to rotate a webpage a little bit, 30 degrees or so, while still leaving it fully functional and usable. I completely control the page, and can modify it to make this easier if needed. I'd rather not re-write the whole thing in SVG, though, but perhaps javascript and canvas will work? Is ...

Why doesn't CSS hover work on table rows when the cells inside the rows have class names?

Hi, i am kind of stuck with this problem so any help would be appreciated. I have a table with several rows. each cell within the row belongs to a certain class. I use these class names to colour the cells. Here is one example row from my table: <tr> <td class = "summarypage-odd-column">Theme</td> <td class = "summarypage-odd-c...

Anyone know a good Javascript Prompt for the User to upgrade their browser...

I am trying to find a good way to notify visitors to our site to upgrade from IE6 to get full functionality. I see lots of this in use. Anyone know a good source for it? ...

CSS: How to put a checkmark icon/acsii character next to all visited links?

For any visited (a:visited) web page, I would like to display those links on my website with a small checkmark to the left of the link. So for example: "this is an unvisited link" √ "this is a visited link" Question: how do I accomplish the checkmark using CSS? ...

IE6 - CSS - elements not floating corectly

Hey, I've been trying to code a menu, without making the icons fixed width (with just padding-left/right) and it works fine in every browser, except IE6. I checked other websites and they do it the same way as I do, but it works well for them. (It looks like IE6 is ignoring the float). Do you know what should I do to make it work? And ...

CSS - Multiple 100% height divs?

Hi, as I've understood, for a div to actually be 100% in height, the parent div needs to be set right? So, imagine a div structure that looks like this: <title>A CSS Sticky Footer</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="main....

IE8 Randomly does not show background images of my divs

I have this annoying problem driving me nuts, IE 8 randomly won't show background images of my divs. One minute it shows, then the next time it won't. Then I have to refresh the page 2-3 times for it to show. All my pages work fine on firefox, chrome. Has anyone faced a similar problem? Any solutions? ...