
Should I provide these things by default or only on client request

Should I provide these things by default or only on client request (if they are paying for these) Try to implement graceful degradation on JavaScript Print css Handheld CSS Form validation Combine all CSS and JS into one if possible and minified them XML Site-map Skip to main content link Fluid layout make Abbr ,Acronym if possible Tab...

Justify text inside span tags

I have a markup like this <div><span>My name is</span><span>ABC</span></div> How can i justify this text on the whole line? ...

How to make single-multilevel convertible, keyborad accessible, non-javascript dependent (except IE), CSS sprite dropdown navigation?

I've to write css for a simple/ horizontal menu for a CMS and i've to write css as if client will add subpages to main page and subpages of of subpages I mean right now it's simple navigation no dropdown but in future it can single level dropdown or multilevel dropdown and if navigation will have dropdown then dropdown links should be ...

CSS + <img> webkit's implementation with using %

Seems to be quite different in webkit compared to ie/ff/opera. To replicate - take an image that is like say, w: 200px h: 400px. drop in html like this. <div id="container"> <img id="whattheeff" src="/image.jpg" height="200" width="200" alt="render bug" /> </div> and add css like <style> div#container{height:1000px;background:#...

CSS/div issue regarding width

I'm having a few small issues with my css that I need help with... In the following site... http://www.echo143.com/Site/ I'm looking to extend the "block_content" and footer to the complete width of the page.. the blue and pink div's... But it doesn't seem to want to do that even if I put width:100% for the div's... Suggestions? Than...

Assigning a CSSClass to each li element in an unordered list programmatically .

Hi everyone, I've an unorderedlist something like this. <ul class="simpleTree"> <li> <span>root</span> <ul> <li > <span>Tree Node 1</span> <ul> <li> <span>Tree Node 1-1</span> <ul> <li> <span>Tree Node Ajax 1</span> </li> <li> <span>Tree Node Ajax 2</span> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <span>Tree N...

jQuery Circle Navigation

I have a requirement to have a universe type menu, where there is a main item in the center, and "X" amount of items around it. (ie: sun with planets). I have searched high and low for an example, and all of the search results points to using css, but this requires manually figuring out the position of the items. How can I create a men...

center flash element based on the elements actual size 2

I everybody, I have qustioned this question already in that post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2355481/center-flash-element-based-on-the-elements-actual-size but I didn't find any usable solution. I guess its quite tricky so I re ask the question here: how can I place a swf file in my webpage when the width of the file changes ...

How to scale a website for mobile devices?

Hi, I've a very simple static web page (only css and links, no scripts). It looks good on android and iphone, but too small. I'm guessing they put it smaller since it work for most of the sites. How can i override this and make him look the size i want it to be? Thanks in advanced, Koby ...

Using text-transform on an input element actually transforms the text?

Considering text-transform is a CSS property, I don't understand how the text in the input field which has text-transform set to uppercase is actually posting uppercase text to the page when the form is submitted. Isn't CSS just supposed to modify the appearance of the page and not the content itself? If I type something in lowercase in ...

What is the best way to display a drop down menu?

What is the best way to display a drop down menu? for the sake of best practices. keeping in mind: -Accessabilty , Its viewable with javascript off screen readers -backwords capatabilty , viewable in IE6 -cross browser I'm asking this because I've recently been working on some site that have css only drop down menu's that do n...

Can i apply CSS based on index?

Lets say i have 50 element grid. If its wide list it is easy for readers if i color odd and even div differently. Now lets say i want to do this and color code every 5th div. Is there a way to choose which css to apply based on a number? like instead of <div class="odd">blah</div> <div class="even">blah</div> <div class="odd">blah</div>...

Add margin to 100% width element in IE7?

In IE7 I'd like to add some margin to a element that has 100% width of it's parent. But the element overflows it's parent. Somewhat logical, but what's a solution to this problem? I added a simplified example, where the yellow div overflows it's green parent. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3...

@font-face or sIFR 3?

I've to implement custom font in a website, What should be used. Client is providing custom fonts. All browser support (Including IE6 and in all A Grade Browsers) text Selectable Selection visible Accessible with screen reader Successfully degradable if JS is disabled Easy to implement and manage in less time Mobile browser compatible ...

Positioning images outside of main content

I'm having various problems with positioning divs both inside and outside of the main content area in the following example: http://unclemort.com/wp/ I've got a big letter "S" to the top left of the header, but in Firefox this pushes down the large image (with the red sorrounding box) in the main content area. Funny thing is that in I...

Javascript or CSS static bar which remains constant in terms of position

Hi there, I've seen so many times that some websites use a kind of button or a kind of bar which always float to a specific position like left edge of screen or at the bottom of the screen and whenever we scroll down a page it remains constant in terms of position.. How to apply this either by CSS or javascript or jquery. Thanks in ad...

How to use nth-child with only direct children?

I have this the html below and in my CSS I write .CommentSection :nth-child(5n) Instead of every 5th comment box being changed li .Hide is being changed an other elements. How do I make it so only the direct children (always div class="comment") are counted and applied to and not counting its children? <div class="CommentSection"> <d...

Check if Table tr has class then remove and add new class on Hover event

Hi, I'm trying to highlight table rows on mouse hover. The each row (tr) has a class either "even" or "odd" already. So, to highlight the row on mouse hover, I need to remove the CSS class "even" or"odd" from the row first. Please take a lot at my script: $('tr').hover(function() { if ($('this').hasClass('even')) { $(this).remov...

fill variable width column(s) with fixed width/height 'items' dynamically

Hi - I have a 3 col layout (fixed center, var Left & Right side cols) and want to fill the 2 side cols with adsense ads as many as I can fit. I'm thinking dynamically generate the js to fill the columns (since I don't know how wide they could be and float the ads to fill it). But how do I detect with js that the column is filled (ads ...

Position a button over another using CSS

I need some advanced CSS help here. I have a login button and a register button, I only want one to show up at a time. If the user is not logged in, the register button should appear on top of the login button. We have a complex & crazy backend which will generate the code for the register button if the server thinks the user is not logg...